Prints in rock.

Harry Pristis said:
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' "
--- Isaac Asimov, column in Newsweek (21 January 1980)

May I use this Harry?

Use it when it seems appropriate, TnM. I, myself, don't use the Asimov quote much in conversation 'cause it seems to have the effect of a baseball bat to the intellectual knees. :o

Asimov was a huge intellect, with a prodigious IQ and an ego to match -- he did not suffer fools gladly. The rest of us usually have to be more long-suffering with foolishness. :D

I know nothing about fossils or rocks but I have read Asimov much to my enjoyment. Just my two cents but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express !!!

Let's just stop tooting our own horns and creds and help the guy out with a simple ID or guess. We all know something about something.

"ghost surf"

Check your Private Messages

The rock in the photo was found about a 20+ feet into a river bed that went almost all empty of water.
Near the shore area...the river is now back full of water again. More of the same rock (about a 10 by 5 foot slab) with smaller parts broken off around it...was found right on the shore and since has been surrounded by water. I was not able to check that rock..I do not want to get in trouble either!If I found something, the rock formations would be notified to the officers in care of the area as requested!
It is a very old area that is a well known camping area in our state. The rock was given to the office where you ask for a camping spot, so I don't know what they did with the rock. The officer and another person who worked up at the office said they could see a print also. To bad now, I have no idea what they did with the rock.
I have another interesting photo I took of another spot where looking off a bridge with binocs on to the broken wall of the river, I swear I can see zig zagging and straight lined foot prints leading along the wall for about 400 feet, It is now being grown over by brush. The wall has broken off under the questioned Prints.
You would have to hang there off the side to see them also and because the rock wall is falling in from the river. May be an old ancient trail and it's in the rock! If this was... it would be a huge finding for our state.... This area is in a completely different county! As far as this rock goes I was not sure if these where foot prints that is why I asked here!It is good to know we have a place to get an answer! :icon_thumleft:

I am not an Geologist or an Archeologist, I wish I was though!!
People just don't look deep into rocks, I however go over them with a fine tooth comb! :coffee2:

Here is the photo of the ledge. It's just a possiblity.I marked a black line where I see the odd forms in the rock. I also see it on other parts of the rocks in twined on the surfaces, so it could just very well be made by mother nature / from the wind or rain ect.
Do you notice that face like shape rock form protuding from the ledge above with the foot print looking forms on both sides? MAYBE it's a hidden entrance for lost or found gold and stuff from the indians?
I would be careful though for rattle snake could be in there too! :o
Look at that The head shape is there with the foot print forms on both sides.There is brush growing in the hollowed out part!! GOSH I have been watching to much Indiana Jones movies!It's Mine!! ALL MINE!I found it! If you don't go after it, you won't find it! By the way the same carved head forms are found on one of our states bluffs..maybe this came from the same tribe?The problem these days is everyone is taught to think the same and when someone thinks outside that box your a sin!Well I guess thats me! Oh well!

.......Concerning the ?ed rock!
That rock was under water for a long time...The officer siad it was many( Quote:MANY) years since that river was emptied..I ask that question just for that porpose...So how may I ask, something of that nature would be on there? It is a marking of some sort and it don't look fake to me!



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AAhhh yes, the old "fake dinosaur track in the river scheme". One thing about Cappy , he is always entertaining. I got some yuks out of this one. Honestly I don't see any tracks on that rock either. It's a lot like those spanish conquistador's treasure signs someone is always posting. They mostly just look like rocks to me. My degree is in psychology, so parhaps one of us is nuts. Probably me. M :help: nty

OH WOW! You can tell me how the world actually started and where we people actually came from and maybe that there is no other life out there?....HMM!That's one of my favorite back at yous! :laughing7:
Ok back to reality now folks! :icon_thumleft:
Maybe your one of the dudes who have been tailing me latley ey?

As of the red and blue circled Possible (?ed) photo of a few posts ago.. Thanks for the information!
I was talking of the circled print in blue on the photo above...That is what I was prefferring to as a possible print on the rock.

ghost surf and Cappy Z:
Wasn't it a credentialed, educated, paleontologist expert in invertebrates that developed the Nebraska Man from one molar tooth................................................that was later proved to be the tooth from a wild PIG??
Yep, educated individuals are the hardest folks to "teach". The fakers have usually been the "educated" folks who couldn't find the missing link they swear exists, so they attempted to manufacture their own. That Nebraska Man was one; the Peking Man was another. The PM's skull was pieced and glued together from human and ape skull pieces. Kinda makes one wonder just HOW those educated folks actually GOT their degrees. Wonder if THEY are fake, too. :icon_scratch: Perhaps their diplomas were cut and spiced together from other sources. Hmmmmm.

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