Here’s the thing,
Im told this is norcal andesite <sic>? aka blue granite.. It is almost 8 mohs. The shards sound like glass/porcelain when shoveled. Sometimes the sierra bits fail in 30 seconds of use. Sometimes i can get a few holes, sometimes only 1. I baby them, rotate bits (6”, to 12, to 18, to 20) doesnt matter, they are simply not built to handle rock with this compressive strength and hardness.
I bought a 18”x 1/2” bosch made in germany SDS+ bit. I have gotten 6 holes full depth, with only slight wear- HUGE difference.If I could figure out a way to reliably stem a 1-2”x and i” hole black powder would FAR cheaper than sierra shots, albeit more dangerous- please spare me safety lectures, I’m aware.
I cant find a true 10mm made in Getmany bit. Thats all I need. 10mm is NOT equal to 3/8”.
It is not recomended to water cool sds bits unless you have ability to continuously bath them in fresh water. Dipping them in water when hot instantly destroys them from thermal shock.
i have spent over $1000 on sierra bits, all Im asking is if anyone knows how to import/buy 10mm bits from Germany.