Researched sites and who you should bring.

Make that guy take you to HIS spots.
Bring your other friends and let him know it when they find good stuff.
Put some silver in your pocket and show him some old silver finds, then tell him you found them in a specific place.
Then point to it and tell him you are going to go hunt across the way but he can try his luck at that spot.
The idiot will go right for it.
Don't take people who treat you like crap to your spots, they will use you like a wet dish towel.
I have alot of fun sending a particular friend on wild goose chases by telling him I found stuff in a certain area
when I actually found it somewhere else.
This comes from the following story.
I found a great spot for silver. My "new" friend who I met through our club was one of those guys who was always
asking where I found stuff.
I liked him, but he is just so damn nosey sometimes.
I took him to this spot and he found silver.
Since he was not working and I do, he kept going back, over and over for the month.
He asked me what my record was for silvers for one month.
I told him 12 and when the next meeting showed up, he had 13 silvers he had cleaned out of that spot.
When I asked him about it, he said it was a public place and I didn't "own it".
I was pissed, (still am). I still hunt with this guy, but I never tell him the truth
when I find that kind of an area, and I mostly hunt these areas just by myself.
I know when you hunt with someone you want to have a successful hunt, but avoid the good spots you found at all costs.
Make them the leader.
I did let him know I was pissed and every chance I get to bring up that spot, I do, just so he gets the point that if he does this again, he will suffer the consquences.
He is alot more apt to share good spots with me these days.

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I think you just need to have an understanding up front. I trust the guys I hunt with to do the right thing or I would not be hunting with them.This is especially true when hunting artifacts its either a joint site or their site or my site. I would not hit their spots with out asking but I can take whomever I wish to my sites and visa versa.

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Id have to say that sending him on wild goose chases seems like a lot of work. Plus if you send him to duds all the time he could be complaining to other people to make you look bad.
I used to be part of a club that broke apart because more than a few wanted to go on hunts after the meeting but no one wanted to contribute with places to go. They showed up for the chance to tear up someplace new they didnt have to work at finding.
If you fib about finds somewhere even to toy with him and it gets out, it's your name on the line: I have no proof- but there were a few guys there that would show up with finds that only my gut told me that there was no way they found that item in the ground- and if I was wrong, they definitely didnt find it where they said they did. (It was always a big public park that everyone goes to.) Like I said, it was only a gut feeling about some of the stuff and I NEVER told anyone my thoughts. (Although a person or two would always say what I was thinking afterwards)
I am not surprised at your mentor's reactions. I'm really not. If you think about it, there are probably other signs above the soil that shouldve tipped you off that he might not be what he seems.
Maybe Im coming at this like a female, but if you do decide to part ways, do it slowly and nonchalant, just being busy more and more often. If he thinks you're "dumping him" he could reveal an ugly side that you dont want a part of. I could be reading into this because of personal experience which doesnt need to be on here, but it sounds just a little wrong.

Thanks once again everybody for the great comments and advice. You know I've been thinking about some of the stuff he's said and it maybe is time to part ways. I have another buddy that I've hunted with and he's got a few spots he's willing to take me too. i didn't even ask him too, but he has offered. More then I can say about the guy I learnt from. He drives about 25 miles to come up to my town to hunt. The first time I met him he was working the same park every time I seen him. He doesn't know where anything is here in my town at all. I should have seen it coming. All the places I've taken him to I've found and not once has he offered to take me to any of his spots. So I guess I'm just going to have to become "BUSY" when he calls and wants to come up here to detect. I guess it's true to hear what other people thinks, to get you to realise that your being used. Thanks once again everybody. I have a ton of spots that I can detect, and I'd rather do it alone, then be used like that. I mean I've been wanting to upgrade my detector. Got a great deal on a 11"DD coil, and was thinking of getting a tesoro compadre as a backup. I mentioned that I was thinking of getting one, his comment was Don't waste your money on a kids toy! Now I've read other posts on different forums and the guys swinging their compadre's are finding nice rings and such. So I look at it this way, it's my money, and it would make a good tot lot machine. Like I stated before, it's time for me to become "Very Busy" when he calls to see if I want to go detect. Going out today and if I find something good I'll post. HH everybody.

I just wanted to say again thanks for the comments and advice. I would like to end this post, I felt the need to vent at the time. I truly love this hobby, and it's very fun and relaxing to me. I'm not going to let anybody mess it up for me. So as I stated before, the good spots I'm detecting alone, and just go to the common areas if he wants to detect. He's not a bad guy, but I do believe he does get greedy when it comes to silver,I guess it's just basic human nature. So everybody have a great yr and HH!!

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