Right after recovering a "find"


Sr. Member
Jul 21, 2007
Right after recovering a "find"

....what do you do? Say it's a dirty & unreadable coin, do you try & ID it on the spot, or do you put it in whatever you carry your finds in & ID it later once you get home or even back to the vehicle?

I usually just put it in my pouch & ID it at home. Most of the few tokens I've found I thought were quarters before I cleaned them up at home. Terri (Echostar61) has a good idea she brings a container of baby wipes so she can clean-off something for a better ID. They work good....I've borrowed a few from her ;D


Re: Right after recovering a "find"

Never had a coin find I couldn't identify, but as long as it's a keeper and small (Silver, a ring, etc), they go straight into my box of cigarettes. Everything else including junk goes into the pouch.

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

I have to clean anything I think is a good find right away,I never could wait ;D.

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

i keep a tic-tac box with ripped up paper towels in it,, ;D everything good gets wrapped up and stays safe... for the bigger items i keep 2 whole paper towels to wrap stuff up in.. if i was to let something get ruined i would be very upset with myself....

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

My hunt time is precious so I hardly ever examine my finds in the field, in the pouch they go to be looked at after cleaning up at home. Some exeptions would be the really great finds ($2.50 gold coin, diamond rings, etc) that take your breath away. I usually have to sit down for a few minutes after those finds ;D

Happy holidays Smitty!!


Re: Right after recovering a "find"

One piece imparticular I recall ws the "Loyal Insurance Agency" piece I'd found. I thought it was a piece of "junk", or a "tag" for a telephone pole. I didn't know what it even said until I cleaned it up at home.

I used coins as an example, but pretty much ment anything that was recovered. I'm sure if I found something "odd" (that I couldn't ID as a coin, token, ring, etc) I'd have to take a minute to try & atleast ID it. I am human after all ;D

Happy Holidays & HH to you too BDoo, and everyone else.

Terri...lol, I know you do so you can walk over & rub it in my face :P


Re: Right after recovering a "find"

I carry a water bottle and a small nylon brush to clean the real dirty stuff.
If its something good I spend a little more time hunting that area.
The rest of my finds go in my pouch to be cleaned later.
The good stuff goes in my pants pocket so I don't lose it.

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

As a kid I used to hoard my christmas presents under a chair while the others tore into theirs, so I would have the anticipation of opening them later.... same with havin kids... once I knew it was in the pocket, I wanted to wait for the suprise....

All trash goes into the big compartment of an old camera bag I wear... all cool stuff goes in the front compartment... coins and buttons go in my pockets. Most buttons I'll have to google anyway so I just wait till I get home or back to the truck....my buddy has a bad habit of chucking trash back on the ground for me to find later...

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

If it's a rusted relic caked with dirt, I'll try to remove as much crud as possible (cuts down on the weight of the finds you carry around) :D

If it's a coin and I can't read what it is after I pull it out of the ground, I just put it the side-pocket of my satchel with some tissue. Since I've started detecting, it's always been a downer for me to leave a good hunting site so I always try to have something of mystery that I can look forward to cleaning up when I get home ;)

Note to self: Make sure bathroom sink is SPOTLESS after cleaning finds. . . and, DO NOT use bathroom towels to dry finds. (Wife = >:()

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

...Funny you mention the towels, something we all go through I rekon..... this is from yesterday... needless to say, I won't make that mistake again ::)


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Re: Right after recovering a "find"

I usually spit on my towel and wipe it off enough to ID what it is.

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

I hate to say this ...but I spit on it too...wipe it on whatever hoody shirt I am wearing and spit on it again :D Then I usually call one of the girls and say " Can you read the date on here?" :D

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

I've spit on a few myself......but that kinda limits 2nd opinions ;D


Re: Right after recovering a "find"

All my Keepers go into a Pill bottle with Dish Water.
if something catches my Eye as Unusual
Or possable 18th. Century, I'll check it closer first
before slipping it in..
I do check Centuries on every coin I dig, but not full dates,
because of eye sight.

Items that Could be Damaged Easily, like
Gold Coins, delicate Jewelry,
etc. Would
go Directly to my Truck
and put in the ash tray or other place where nothing can
scratch or break it.

Re: Right after recovering a "find"

I use a Pill bottle also for my good finds like silver coins and jewelry etc . My finds pouch has two big pockets one for trash the other for clads and common finds ..... ;D

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