*******s abound in this forum

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Post edited treasure_hunter_2004, I edited your Post.
Just because I took your side on this doesn't mean you have free Reign.
What you give You get. At least meet me Half Way 8-)

as far as comments.
this is a Forum.
Comments are allowed.

If you don't want Questions or opinions I'm not sure what to tell you .


If the opinion Offends Report it. don't respond.
when you respond I take it to mean you like the comment,
or want to argue.

I'm only this far but had to comment. Yes, this is a forum, and every forum in the world is made up of comments. If there are no comments, there is no forum. It's up to each of us to make certain that our "comments" are suitable for said forum. Otherwise, we end up making Jeff have to do some extra work. ...and that interferes with his....umm....hey Jeff, what's it interfere with again?? :dontknow: :laughing9:

Armchair expert ?

Hmmm... I know nothing of armchairs... Hummmpf.

this thread will be Locked after my Post.
not that anyone here is out of Line.
But just because What I'm about to say,
I Do not want Buried under a Viral thread.
which we all know happens in threads like this :(

Let me say This is TreasureNet.
it is for discussing Treasures & Treasure Hunting.
we have many members with many personalities, so of course we have believers & skeptics.
But Trust Me. as a Treasure Hunting Website.
Believers pull more weight here then those who jump in and suggests someone is wasting space posting their leads, personal processes , and "Treasure Hunting Finds"

Attacking Members in Posts, Calling Names, Sending PM's to attack Members,
Will Stop now ! if Not. You risk a Ban !

TreasureNet - Rules

TreasureNet - Real Or Fake?

If someone posts something you feel You can't believe. Move on !
it is the Moderators Job to decide if something isn't Treasure Related, and/or needs to be Moved or Removed.

Not the Members.
Yes we appreciate a heads up, Via report to Moderator or a PM.

But for one, I do not appreciate members suggesting members are wasting theirs or our time
& space here !

opinions on post subjects are ok.
But continued Harping and Arguing with O.P.'s is Not.

Occasionally when I post possible Treasure Leads , I get members suggesting I'm wasting Space.
Trust me ! It does not feel Good when you spend your time trying to share & get
that reaction. So I know how members like treasure_hunter_2004 may Feel.

This is getting too long so I'll leave it with the words

BEWARE Members who share, pull more weight with me then Members who
attack others for thinking outside the box !

thread & topic Closed
that means no new thread to respond to anything here !
apologies, excuses , arguments not needed

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