Save that fools gold?????


Hero Member
Oct 28, 2008
Northern California
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Lithium will be harder to pan out with the following:

Lithium (Li) is the lightest of all the metals, having an atomic weight of 6.939 and a specific gravity of 0.534.

A centrifuge at slower speed or a super pan should help recover the light Lithium.

A company near me has been developing a use for pyrite im battery technology

Not sure these discoveries will take off anytime soon, being EV sales are dropping off.

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Not sure these discoveries will take off anytime soon, being EV sales are dropping off.
There's still tons of uses for batteries even aside from EV's. Solar power banks for one (charge the batteries while the sun shines, run off batteries when it doesn't). Higher capacity and lighter weight are a plus no matter what the usage.

Lithium will be harder to pan out with the following:

Lithium (Li) is the lightest of all the metals, having an atomic weight of 6.939 and a specific gravity of 0.534.
Would be a chemical process, not anything hydro kinematic. I see the slightly later thread start on this as well, already posted there. Does TN merge threads?


A company near me has been developing a use for pyrite im battery technology

Not sure these discoveries will take off anytime soon, being EV sales are dropping off.
Solid Power Awarded Up To $12.5 Million to Develop Nickel- and Cobalt-Free All-Solid-State Battery Cells

The Lithium needs to be combined with nickel and cobalt. Oregon has one of the largest deposit or deposits in the U.S.A. near the town of Nickel Oregon. Not in operation due to in large part regs.

The tesla model (3) I believe uses the Nickel and Cobalt free battery?
Still there is millions of early tesla's that require the Lithium, Nickel and Cobalt batteries. The same is true with bus, trucks, and other equipment.

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Would be a chemical process, not anything hydro kinematic. I see the slightly later thread start on this as well, already posted there. Does TN merge threads?

Depends on the type of deposit.

A company near me has been developing a use for pyrite im battery technology

Not sure these discoveries will take off anytime soon, being EV sales are dropping off.
As per industry sources, the cost of recycling a lithium-ion battery in India is about Rs 90-100/ kg. A Lithium-ion battery facility requires high investments in technology for collection, transportation and management of resources while the profile margins are low.

It would be interesting to try a dry process on the lighter materials to see what the results are.
Then take the first dropout materials and wet process just the heavies that drop out first to see what is there.

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The current decline in lithium prices can be primarily attributed to the slowing growth of electric vehicle sales in China. This is coupled with the broader slowdown in the Chinese economy.

In the past year, the global lithium market has been characterized by a significant shift in dynamics, with prices falling precipitously. Despite spot prices reaching over $80,000 per ton in December 2022, they sit at just over $13,000 per ton as of Jan. 30, a decline of over 80%. Oversupply and softening demand leading to falling prices for the critical mineral raise concerns about the potential impact on various industries, particularly those reliant on lithium-ion batteries, such as electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy storage, and consumer electronics. As a slump continues for the much-touted energy of the future, risks threaten to accumulate for U.S. businesses in the years ahead. the past year, the,per ton as of Jan.

Well if Lithium goes back up to say around $40,000 to $50,000 per ton I think I know a place where there is a fair amount that just flows out of the pan or any wet equipment process. A quarter to half ton is possible if one is willing to crush a lot.

The potential gain from holding lithium stocks is well warranted, especially since experts such as Statista are forecasting global lithium demand will surpass 2.4 million metric tons, doubling the 2025 forecast. Bloomberg also predicts a nearly fivefold increase in lithium demand by the end of the decade.

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In 2021, Tesla said that for its standard-range vehicles it would be changing to lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) cathodes, which are cobalt- and nickel-free.

Prices have bottomed out but have struggled to meaningfully rebound, partly because miners, refiners and carmakers are still working through a mound of surplus stock clogging up the supply chain. Apr 9, 2024

At the end of 2021, Tesla inked a fresh three year lithium supply deal with top lithium producer Ganfeng Lithium

Sodium-ion battery charges faster than lithium-ion variants and have a three times higher lifecycle.

Salt. Lithium's close chemical cousin, sodium, has been the basis for research into new batteries for years now. One half of sodium chloride, or table salt, it sits in the square below lithium on the periodic table, also in group 1, but weightier.

The battery replacement cost varies depending on the model year and size. Estimates suggest that the batteries for the Model S cost between $12,000 and $15,000. After labor charges, the total repair cost is about $20,000 to $22,000. Feb 9, 2024

According to the study, electric vehicles require two and a half times as much copper as an internal combustion engine vehicle. The report states that copper demand will double to 50,000,000 metric tons annually by 2035, more than all the copper consumed in the world between 1900 and 2021.

It is not to hard to research different rock flows and who knows you could find a good vein that will yield you around a ton or more in a regular season.

This leads me to call upon the saying 'There's a fool born every minute'...........:laughing7: :whip2: :hello2: :cat:

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It is not to hard to research different rock flows and who knows you could find a good vein that will yield you around a ton or more in a regular season.

This leads me to call upon the saying 'There's a fool born every minute'...........:laughing7: :whip2: :hello2: :cat:
The real test is making the set up to catch the light metal mineral.
Still as a mineral that most people just flush out the end as a waste product has real potential.

There is likely few people even set up to catch a mineral like this in much of the U.S.A. however this can change with every new 'Fool out there'..............:dontknow::tongue3:

I never really thought about saving pyrite. I save this though! Found in.. Del Norte county!

newest pan of gold.jpg

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