Shark attacks hit record high in 2015, global tally shows... Florida with the most..

Everything lives here...
And I mean everything...
Bears... panthers... cougars...

Anything that comes form some other place...either legally or illegally and let go in the back yard or local woods will survive here...

Even species of fish... LIKE Piranah... Heh.

They are thinking of changing "snake laws" here after a recent "cage break" of some of the worlds deadliest snakes.

Recently an 8 foot King Cobra got loose from some fruit loop.

I think they should ban them... period.

There is no other reason to privately own a highly venomous snake other than the obvious reason... stupidity.

Beings I am on private property at times trumpsing through thick brush...
And have run up on ALL kinds of snakes...

The worst being Diamond back rattlesnakes... one of which once was so damn big it stretched across a park road.
When they coil back... LOOK THE HELL OUT.
Man when the strike... sheesh.

During the rattlesnake mating season ...
Try the nature trail on honeymoon island.
They do controlled burns there from time to time... which seems to keep the pop at "bay"... heh

We have had a monkey go through the trees once in neighbors yard...
That monkey was famous here...
Was always on the news...
Reward for lead to capture...

Took them like 2 years to catch it I think.

IN RESIDENTIAL neighborhoods mind you.

Back to "pythons...

Yep... they are "taking over"...
Eating everything in thei paths if they think the can or not.



They are trying to kill em befoe they strt reaching sizes like they do in their own "hood"...



Don't forget lightning strikes.... We own that too.

Way back in the olden days of dial up internet, I was chatting with a friend that lived in PA. He said he had to get off the computer because they were having a terrible thunderstorm. 60 lightning strikes an hour he said. He didn't believe me when I told him we got that in a minute or two during some storms.

The "more people in the water" reason is a joke. heh.

Yea right.

Guess they fear a tourism hit if they said anything else.

OK, so I did the research... 8 bites last year in NC, two with loss of limbs (which I agree, is NOT funny). Explained with the fact that it's the highest # of attacks due to the fact it's been the hottest summer on record in a long time, resulting in MORE PEOPLE IN THE WATER.

I strongly suspect that the "odds of a shark attack" didn't go up... simply the number of people running against the odds.

Sad, yes... but again, I say it's NOT cause for alarm. More people in the water will translate to more attacks. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

I looked up the two loss of limb incidents, and they occurred in the same place on the same day.
Both incidents occurred at high tide in the vicinity of Ocean Crest Pier, a popular destination among beachgoers.

"At the pier this time of year, I'm sure the beach was packed," said Wallace.

The pier is also a popular spot to fish from, meaning there was likely bait in the water that could have attracted sharks.

I stand by my statements... More people in the water playing the same odds means more people will be attacked. The news likes to HYPE this stuff as though there's some other cause for it (because it's sensational, and drives business to news sites).

Calculate the number of people in the water last year with summer temps over 104... and compare to years with 85 being the norm... and is it any real surprise that the number of attacks in NC went from 5-6 (average) to 8?

Not in my book.

Anyone can stand by a statement even if it is wrong. First of all there have always been people fishing for sharks and people swimming in the area. You need to check your facts on your temps. This summer was far from the hottest summer on record. This summer was very mild. We did not have any temp over 90 for most of the summer. A couple of years ago we did have a very hot summer but no attacks. Just curious where are you from skippy. Take a look a this video. I have never seen anything like this before concerning sharks. I guess this is just media hype. Purhaps the lack of commercial fishing for sharks now a days is a leading cause for shark over population.

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Oh and we had a great white come into our sound this year. Now that is a bit scary.

I had a 15 foot White within 10 feet of me...
My girl swears it was not that far away.
She says 5-6 feet.
Of course she is not as good with measurement :)...
at first I thought it was a Bull shark... which is bad enough...
She sufaced behind me while I was climbing the dive ladder into the boat...

Never even knew she was there.
I was not diving...
I was swimming with my dog... Which I had just pushed up on deck.
And this happened off the face of Shell Key which is the barrier off the face of Mullet Key.

When I saw my girls face as I was climbing up I knew something was wrong...
So I turned and look and she is surfacing ...
Her eyes met mine...
We locked eyes...
And she just rolled over right and slowly slinked under... real quiet.
It was eerie...
I was in shock...stunned... because it caught me totally off guard.

Then I realized... the eyes...
Black as coal...
The nose...
I was like no F'n way that was a White I thought... that had to be a bull... I could not believe it...
Got home and compared hundreds of pics.
Only people I tell that story to who KNOW me... believe it.

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Yikes!I was stalked by a big barracuda a long time ago,that was scary enough.The first thing saw was his teeth and his beedy eyes staring at me.It followed me all the way to the beach.Everyone was wondering why I was swimming to shore doing the back stroke,lol.

I grew up watching them and Gar in fresh water.

In the keys there are whole schools of em that will watch and follow ya.

Yeah I am not use to stuff like that,felt a little helpless in the water with something following me that looked like it had teeth that could tare me a new *******.It was on a family vacation a long time ago.Took a plane to Florida,from there took a little prop plane to a little Island in the Bahamas called Eluthra.So beautiful,I like to think I might make it back there one day.If I was a rich man I would for sure.Not sure if I was supposed to do it,but I couldn't resists taking a few souvenier's.I can't believe they kept their color after all these years.005.JPG

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Yeah I am not use to stuff like that,felt a little helpless in the water with something following me that looked like it had teeth that could tare me a new *******.It was on a family vacation a long time ago.Took a plane to Florida,from there took a little prop plane to a little Island in the Bahamas called Eluthra.So beautiful,I like to think I might make it back there one day.If I was a rich man I would for sure.Not sure if I was supposed to do it,but I couldn't resists taking a few souvenier's.I can't believe they kept their color after all these years.View attachment 1273647

Heh... yeah and they like to show you those teeth as well.

Every year there are a few isolated "attacks" from barracuda...
do a Google search on barracuda attacks... then click images.

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