Still taking "walks".


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Even if I find nothing, it's still the best, most interesting exercise.


Still an occasional "whadifind". Keeps it interesting and what keeps me coming back.

I have no clue about the silvery round thing. It's surprisingly heavy for its size. No markings, non magnetic, (except the very new chain). Pretty and shiny but... no clue. :dontknow:

Thanks for peeking!

Upvote 21

Still taking "walks".​

Even if I find nothing, it's still the best, most interesting exercise.

:icon_scratch: Are you saying that these were all plain sight surface finds?

First time I've seen a ruler used to show the size of another ruler. 🤣

:icon_scratch: Are you saying that these were all plain sight surface finds?

First time I've seen a ruler used to show the size of another ruler. 🤣
Nope, still swinging and digging as well. As I have for almost half a century now. 😏

The ruler up top actually was a find of mine, a long time ago. I still keep it there cuz it has millimeters and nostalgic value.


I have no clue about the silvery round thing. It's surprisingly heavy for its size. No markings, non magnetic, (except the very new chain). Pretty and shiny but... no clue. :dontknow:
Just guesses...
  • Some kind of fidget spinner
  • pill box

Does it open in any way?

Just guesses...
  • Some kind of fidget spinner
  • pill box

Does it open in any way? openings. The chain runs thru the middle but it's not made to allow it to come completely out. Soooooo....maybe a fancy key fob? Still seems heavy and bulky for that. openings. The chain runs thru the middle but it's not made to allow it to come completely out. Soooooo....maybe a fancy key fob? Still seems heavy and bulky for that.
Still... it looks like I see a seam around it, and that it opens somehow. Hinged, threaded, friction... :dontknow:

Maybe some more pics?

Nice little haul there, trinkets and money a good hunt make.
I don't know the name for them but the silver thing looks like one of these baubles you put a piece of essential oil soaked material into to to produce a pleasant scent or repel insects. A portable diffuser I guess. Does it have an opening on the bottom of it or am I imagining that?

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Still... it looks like I see a seam around it, and that it opens somehow. Hinged, threaded, friction... :dontknow:

Maybe some more pics?

Nice little haul there, trinkets and money a good hunt make.
I don't know the name for them but the silver thing looks like one of these baubles you put a piece of essential oil soaked material into to to produce a pleasant scent or repel insects. A portable diffuser I guess. Does it have an opening on the bottom of it or am I imagining that?
Still don't know. 🤷‍♂️

Maybe these will help?


Looks like a molded piece. 🤷‍♂️


It looks like something's going on there with the different size holes. Can you tell if it's one continuous chain or two, how attached, does it pull through?

Dang, now I want to play with that thing just to figure it out. I watch too many puzzle vids on YT, and this object reminds me of one of those (non-specifically). 😠

That last pic may have shaken something loose. Doing another lens search, I found this:

All I find is this thumbnail; it's not on the referenced page. Some kind of lamp fob.

However, I've also seen a few key fobs that also looked similar.

At any rate, it's a fob. Final Answer. 😊

It looks like something's going on there with the different size holes. Can you tell if it's one continuous chain or two, how attached, does it pull through?

Dang, now I want to play with that thing just to figure it out. I watch too many puzzle vids on YT, and this object reminds me of one of those (non-specifically). 😠

That last pic may have shaken something loose. Doing another lens search, I found this:
View attachment 2152651
All I find is this thumbnail; it's not on the referenced page. Some kind of lamp fob.

However, I've also seen a few key fobs that also looked similar.

At any rate, it's a fob. Final Answer. 😊
I'm thinking the same, key fob, lamp pull, etc.

The chain just pulls back and forth in the hole. The connectors on either end keeps it from pulling out. But, both connectors appear to connect to other chains, not to each other. 🤷‍♂️

Oh the weird, esoteric objects that get pulled out of the dirt, a lamp fob thingie. Now, ya just gotta try to figure out what lamp it might have come off of

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