Stranger Danger Question.

I didn't post this in my last thread about police encounters mainly because of the attacks but here goes. There is a pond near me that I liked going to. I would go there early in the morning before anybody came to swim. One day it started filling up with people really early. I decided to stay and use the rest of my tank. As soon as i finished I stood up and immediately noticed three sheriff officers on shore. One motioned for me to come over. I am thinking WHAT NOW. Well a little girl told her parents I touched her! They immediately called the police I guess. I told the officer I never touch anyone and stay away from people like the plague. The other officers came over to talk and got it out of the girl that my coil MIGHT have touched her. They decided it was a BS story and never even took my information.

If ANY swimmers EVER come to an area I am in I vacate it FAST now. I sure didn't need any that CWAP. I came back to attacks on my character so I never finished my post. In other lakes while out deep, kids love to throw rocks that fall harmlessly around me while deep, hit rocks together which amplifies underwater and is tolerable but obnoxious. And sometimes get on my dive float.

I will say a lot of kids show no respect at all. But I live with it when I am at some beaches. But as I said, they are in the swim area, I am out on the drop off. Only a few have tried to swim down to me. HOWEVER, most of that was a few years ago.

I hunt with Smittyman... if the kids come around, I tell them that he is Santa in disguise, and he has candy! Works like a charm!


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I'm constantly finding can slaw and bottle caps, and I'm more than willing to regale passers-by with tales of the wonderful can slaw and bottle cap finds that I've made if they ask. I usually even have a few handy to show as examples for the curious, but they're not normally curious any more by that point in the conversation, and if they were, they aren't after that.

I hear ya ... Please tell me Why???? we hunt again.

As for kids ,I ignore them if I can , Kid,s With Fine Mom,s , Ill talk a little longer but always leave it at that .

Heck I'm Married & Ugly. lol

I taught school for over 30 years. Kids are curious and generally forget about "stranger danger". Back when I was detecting I always asked where their parents were. Then explained what I was doing. I would show my finds and whatever they showed interest in, they got to keep. I was just out for exercise and started carrying an arrowhead or two to give them. That's how I started and I was just passing it on. Sometimes a Mom would show up, thank me for watching out for their child and take them home. I almost married one of the mom's I met that way. Sort of a side bonus and although it couldn't beat a gold coin or a spanish anything, it wasn't too bad...

Can't say I'd ever had that problem :dontknow:


When I first started detecting I was friendlier to kids, but after I had a kid suddenly reach into a hole I was digging and barely miss getting hit with my digger, I do everything I can to keep them far away from me. My response to any question is "I have headphones on, I can't hear you". If that doesn't work, I will tell them to leave me alone and go play. It's just safer for them and me.

Our General rule is If w don't see the Parents we do not say any more than We do not talk to Children Unless here is a Parent with them, if the come back with an Adult or parent we will answer any question the might Have concerning metal detecting Better safe than talking to the Police yes we have had several officers over the years Come over because of Complaints Several Have Little Items We Have Found Including the Kids HH Chug And Red

I hear ya ... Please tell me Why???? we hunt again.

I'd like to say that I hunt for the fame and fortune, but you and I both know why we hunt. We hunt for the same reason that mountain climbers climb mountains. Because it's there. The crap that we put up with is part of the challenge I suppose.

I hunt construction sites and in the middle of no where so not many kids approach me. But when I did hunt schools with my dad I would try and answer questions.

I only hunt beaches and park setting occassionaly so it rarely ever comes up.I'm in the forest or desert most of the time.

I guess I'm not very good at being bothered...


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