Swamp Fox camp/Battle site


Nov 13, 2018
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All Treasure Hunting
I'm hunting a property that was gone over by archaeologists in 2008 and was deemed to be a camp and battle site of Francis Marion.
It's a cornfield now and I've found a few relics they left behind.


Upvote 5
Nice recoveries. He was a true American patriot who may well have influenced the outcome of the Revolution by forcing Cornwallis to leave British troops in SC instead of heading north to take on George Washington.

Cool old relics but no real way to connect them to any one person or event. Swamp Fox has been way over rated by film. Like many people I had thought that Marion was responsible for winning the battle of Cowpens since that was in a movie and TV series. I went to the Cowpens National Battlefield site and he is barely mentioned there and had no real impact on that battle. History can really be misleading if one follows movies and TV, they were made for entertainment rather than fact. Sure, he was a patriot, but he was a relatively minor player in real life and true history.

I agree about movies being misleading but I'm relying on the archaeologists from here in S.C.

Here's some more find's from the cornfield...
Notice the musket ball on the bottom right,a .75 caliber and the one above it is .69 caliber. The three remaining balls are from the buck & ball shot. I've hunted maybe 25% of the field so far,can't wait to see what else I find.

BTW- The 2 balls bottom left are fired .69cal balls.


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While hunting this small harvested corn field Wednesday at apprx.12 noon I was shot by a hunter claiming he thought that I was a hog.
He rushed me to the ER saying he was so sorry for shooting me while on the way. I was shot with a bolt action rifle chambered in .223.
I was hit in the back of my right arm breaking the humorous bone(the big bone between the shoulder and the elbow).
The bullet fragmented on impact,my arm & shoulder were swelled to much for them to dig out the fragments at the time so I have to go back this Friday to have it cleaned out. METAL DETECTING AIN'T FOR SISSY'S!! LOLDSC03387.webpDSC03386.webp

Nice finds, hope you recover quickly , gald Hunter helped after a bad shoot , hope he learns to verify his quarry next time

Get well soon.

I don’t know what to say.

54bogger, so sorry to hear about your wound while relic hunting. 3 Things: 1) I wish you a Speedy and Full recovery so you can return to swinging the coil. 2) I hope the hunter has insurance and does right by you regarding this accident, and 3) I hope in the future that this hunter has a full view and ID of his target in his sights before he pulls the trigger. This could have been much worse, but I'm glad it wasn't.

Holy Cr4p! You are lucky to be alive! At least you can joke with the surgeon and offer the use of your MDr to find bullet fragments. I hope you recover quickly and this is a chilling reminder to all MDrs that during hunting season that it's best to wear flourescent yellow or orange clothing. Too many people out there who are too quick on the trigger. I'm glad it wasn't a little lower to the left.

Cool old relics but no real way to connect them to any one person or event. Swamp Fox has been way over rated by film. Like many people I had thought that Marion was responsible for winning the battle of Cowpens since that was in a movie and TV series. I went to the Cowpens National Battlefield site and he is barely mentioned there and had no real impact on that battle. History can really be misleading if one follows movies and TV, they were made for entertainment rather than fact. Sure, he was a patriot, but he was a relatively minor player in real life and true history.

I respectfully disagree with your assesment of Marion. His tactics effectively bogged down the British plan to move their army northward to meet and destroy Washington's forces. He was also not as politically connected as some others in that theater of the war and, as usual, the laurels go to those with the most influence (and the most imaginative after-action reports). I agree that the movies and TV have embellished his personna to a large extent but the documented accounts clearly reflect his contributions to the cause.
Here is a great reference source and a very enjoyable read as well:

The Swamp Fox John Oller - Da Capo Press 2016


hunter should have to go back to hunters safety course. You never shoot something you can't 100 percent verify what it is! Glad he was a crappy shot.

DAMN!! You are one lucky dude! I have to say a Gun Shot wound beats any of the cuts, blisters, bug stings and snake bites that normally get posted here! You found some really nice relics, I hope you can get back to that site soon and welcome to the forum:icon_thumleft:

Thanks for all the well wishes, I was in the process of digging out a burn pile in which I had just found 4 pieces of a broken pipe stem when POW!!
I want to go back and try and find the pipe bowl but that appears to be on hold for a bit.

Here's wishing you a quick turn around hunt to the site and hopefully find that pipe bowl bogger.

If I’m ever shot by a hunter, they better hope they kill me

Went to the dr. Monday and they want to give the bone in my arm another 3wks to heal before going in to try and remove the bullet fragments. Man this getting shot stuff SUCKS!! It looks like it will be next year before I get back out detecting.

Hang in there dude , invest in a orange hat. the shooter should lose his license and I hope he is paying your doc bills

I'm not sure if a orange hat or vest would have helped, apparently me wearing bluejeans and a baseball cap is what the hogs wear in that area.
He will be paying for more than just the dr. bills.

Man...I had chills after seeing the pictures. So happy to read you are recovering. Good luck! I'm gun shy and only hunt in town during deer season. I would have never thought about being mistaken for a hog..though I probably grunt like one when I'm digging. I get the part about wearing orange, but I really don't want to be seen. Sites are too hard to come by....... I know safety first.

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