The Pondering of KirkPAs Soul

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Kirk, I don't know what caused you to "ponder your soul" but apparently it has done you some good. Word of advice, don't stop being yourself just because a few people say that you offend them, always stay true to yourself and if you want to change your attitude because YOU want to, I applaud that. I find your posts mildly amusing but you do come off as a bit full of yourself sometimes.
Myself, I had one of those soul pondering moments 7 years ago. I almost died, I didn't just miss getting hit by a car or anything, my heart stopped and I was brought back and given a 4% chance of living through the first few days after my accident, I was 26. Obviously I made it, my folks and my wife say it was because of my will to live but whatever. I pondered on death and every person I had ever wronged and it made me feel bad. I couldn't stand the thought of someone saying "I'm glad he's dead" if I had died. I contacted everyone I could think of that I had made feel bad at one time or another (old girlfriends, old room mates, relatives etc...) and apologized for my past actions. It made me feel 100% better, but I also changed my attitude about life. No more putting down other people or being selfish, it has made me a better person.
Good luck to you friend and I look forward to your next great find. HH

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul


I've always enjoyed reading your posts and would miss them if they were to change in nature or content. I think a lot of us get a chuckle out of what you've posted and, speaking for myself, the day just wouldn't be complete without a "Kirkism" or 2. Maybe I'm a little naive (or a lot, for that matter), but I just don't see anything wrong with letting your personality shine through in your posts. You've obviously done a lot of research, and have made some incredible finds. You seem to enjoy this hobby with a passion. There's no reason to get all serious, dude. Don't stop now!!

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

borninok said:
As you probably know, if you read Danimal's thread, I was very...and still am...adamant against your obnoxious attitude and postings. IF, however, you are truly sincere about metal detecting and turning over a new leaf....then lose the punk attitude, lose the "dude', lose the "single fist pump", and most of all...lose the "just joking" because bullying people around like you did just lost you a lot of respect from TNET members. I know all of this sounds harsh, but I think deep down you have some good qualities...but you're not letting them gain you any respect with us. You know...if you used your talents for the furtherance of metal detecting.........teaching kids your age how great of a hobby that MDng can be...maybe you...yes YOU...could save some kid from getting in a gang, doing drugs. Wouldn't that be a better legacy to leave...rather than "..with a double fist pump" or "dude"? I know you have received either email or PMs from some people who have told you they don't appreciate your sick humor. Listen to them, because those are the sentiments of TNET members....the very ones you are apologizing to at this time.

As for your motto that Life is too short. I urge you to read mine at the bottom of my signature. To conquer your flaws, you must first accept them. Made a heck of a difference in my Life. I have survived 4 heart attacks and a quadruple bypass....and died once during the last heart attack. I've walked the walk, my friend. Sad part is..I'm only 56 years old. That may sound old to you, but time passes way too fast. You are right, Life is short....why not live it with respect?

Clean up your act, Kirk, and show us that you really care about metal detecting, not about trying to be a jerk and a bully. As I said, deep down, I think you have some good qualities...they're just a tad misdirected right now. Ok? I'm not saying any of this to be down on you. I respect Jeff's belief in you, and hope you can see that he is going out on the limb for you. Good luck and Happy Hunting.


Bud, I want to thank you for your sincere reply. If you read my previous reply on this thread, I am not changing the way I post my OWN topics. I will continue with my humorous posts. It adds some levity to this site at times. I have a lot of fans who, if I quit posting with my "Kirkisms," would be upset, so I won't break their hearts (Bdoo, Sent., Grubby, CarolinaDigs, etc.)

My goal is to not post on anyone elses threads...I sometimes can get caught up in some of the b.s. going on, so I aim to not even respond.

By the way, you misunderstood my intention for the "Fist Pumps." When I allude to the fact that I performed a "Single fist pump," I am not insinuating sexual innuendo. I don't know what made you think that way. So, Tiger Woods is an explicit dude? It was all in celebration!

I am only staying true to myself, not because any other dudes want me to change. I don't work that way, so like I have stated, I will calm down and continue to post some more KirkPA threads in the future.

I wish you luck, borninok, on your hunts!


Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Kirk i knew what you meant by fist pump sports thing but dont start the pat on the rear thing (football) good game. :D AA

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

I can honestly say that Kirk and I traded a few PMs back and forth during this entire mess.

He is what he is an excellent MDer, a young guy in the prime of his life, and someone with a passion for the hobby.

I can see where his posts were obnoxious at times and I said as much to Baldingboy and other members of the forum. I did read a post or two that bordered on being down right mean. But I don't think that was his honest intention. Sadly Kirk you have learned a hard lesson in life. Society dictates what is the "norm" not the individual. While some here on this forum would like to quash any opinion or view that does not agree with theirs totally, I am not one of those people.

But I think you are just trying to be Kirk, and not anyone else, and while I would personally like to stomp on your toe for coining the word Wilver, I wouldn't want you to stop using the word. :D

So Kirk, I say to you right now on this forum for anyone to read, you can respond to any post I place on the forum any way you see fit as long as you don't cross the lines the Mods set up. I just take it as a joke unless you tell me otherwise. Besides I have never and probably will never find the kind of stuff you have, and I love looking at your finds. Dude. :)

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul


Don,t be in too much of a hurry to define yourself. People become what they experience. Don,t try to fit in with the flavor of the day "Cool Kids". Just experience life and become who you will. You are young and that can be an advantage as you are not yet set in your ways. Good luck. By the way "Wilver" used to get me upset. Why I don,t know, it was not anything to do with you. After I gave it a little thought, I was able to let it go. Now I just pass on by it when I see it written on TNet. Don,t over analyze your thoughts, just keep detecting and enjoy the times you have with your great bunch of detecting friends(on line and in person).

Ed D.

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Personally, I don't know you, but you don't come across to me as a bad person. I've read your replies and can read between their lines. I see positive things from you. But I don't blame them either. Writing and reading is very different from talking and listening. The same fine thing said in person and understood through tone and gesture can be misinterpreted here. With that said, we all need to be responsible with what we write and not leave anything so open to interpretation that it is wrongfully looked at on numerous occassions. That would be irresponsible and we cannot justify it with a two or three word sentence. I commend you on this post.

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Read.. don't sweat the small stuff.
There are far to many other cards in life, that is delt to worry about.

Happy hunting is the name of the game.That is.. why we are here and,(fellowship) whether you are using two coat hangers or a top of the line whites!!!

Life would be too boring.... if we, did not have differences, beliefs and thinking.


Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Kirk, as far as you and me go we`re cool. i admit, there have been times in the past that i thought you were trying to be a smart ass, but as time has gone by ive actually kind of grown to like you. i no longer think you are trying to disrespect people. you are just one of those guys that you have to get to know a while. ;)..............and by the way, feel free to post on my threads. i kind of enjoy your input.

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Nice to see the mature young man that you are. There is nothing wrong with your sense of humor as long as those around you truly understand that it is just your style of humor...obviously many of us didn't. Thank you for the PM.

Georgiaflutterby :)

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Hey Kirk,

Now go find us something to drool over... ;D

Maybe a nice colonial.

In 31 years hunting I've only found one and it was worn out so bad that I could not see a date on it. It was so bad that I believe someone had been carrying it as a good luck charm. Where I found it was at an elementary school site that was torn down around 1900. Best of luck to you!


Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Boobydoo said:
Hiya Kirk

I don't really play in the "brand wars game" so for me you have been one of the most entertaining reads here at TNet. Glad you put yourself out there here for this cleansing, very honorable dude!!

You should write more, maybe an article to W&E Treasures or a book as you definitely have alot to share and frair for the way you share it.

Rock on my friend. Keep swinging, diggin, and sharing! All the best!


Thanks, Bdoo, for supporting me the entire way. You always knew I never meant any harm to some members. You are an awesome person and an awesome detectorist!

I would like to write an article to the W&E Treasures magazine, but I don't think the "head honcho" dudes would poo-blish it. hahaha

Keep on finding that gooold stuff! You rock!


Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Kirk there's a handful of traights I admire in a man, and you've shown me a couple of the big ones. Be humble, sincere, giving, FORGIVING, are some big ones. There's somebody out there watching and listening who left some good examples, seek him out. He won't let you down. Life may have beat you down, it sure tried to whip me. But here I am, stronger thenever.
God bless

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Kirk,I agree with Muleskinner

Don't stop the replies Buddy,
Those replies to others posts and threads are what make reading them so interesting.
It also gives us all a way to get to know and understand you as a person.

There are others out there who do the bullying thing too and believe me they are by far worse than you ever were.
I'm sure we will all enjoy the new Kirk just as we did the old.
Maybe more now.

Most of us go hunting
The Kirk we know goes finding!
Keep it up brother,
I want more!


Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Please do not conform. I really enjoy your posts. Some of the threads say you are a bully but I say they are the real bullies, telling you what to say and how to say it. You owe no one an apology. Stay true to yourself and don't change to make a few stick in the muds happy. It makes me sick seeing these posts saying they are happy you are making a change. These are the hypocrites. I am screaming at the top of my lungs as I read all this. Do not CHANGE.

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

KirkPA said:
I want to thank all of you who has posted a reply. It truly means a lot to me to take this step on "cleansing" myself. My goal, from here on out, is to keep posting my "humorous" threads, but to not respond to anybody elses. I will only respond to Paco's and Zoy's. If I accidently say something sarcastic to them, it is all in good fun. They understand my personality type and won't take it personally.

To the dudes I may have "irritated," here is my motto: Life is too short to worry on trivial pursuits.

Danimal: Get back to posting your great finds. You add a lot to this forum! Peace out, dude!

So, forum dudes, stay tuned-in for some more KirkPA adventures in the near future.


I agree 100%, brotha! I, too, will only be posting on your posts and Paco's.

This Fall, "Bone Dry Detecting" will be hitting some great sites that Kirk and I have researched. Thus, as Kirkie already stated, "Stay tuned in for some great finds in our ever-lasting quest for Colonials and other coppas!"

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

anyone who can look back upon thereself and use that experience to reshape thereself for the future is a growing and learning person trying to better thereself, even at my age i to keep looking back and then change myself for tommorow, 30 years ago i to thought that i knew it all just to finally realize i was just a raindrop in a storm , KirkPa your a good dude just reshapeing yourself. (PS, i liked your post and humor ;D and feel free to post on any of my post also :)

Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

I found the younger and more excited approach to finding things with a metal detector as another asset to this website. Didn't know how to take it at first but was happy to hear the excitement in the posts along with the fact that you seem to have a few other hunting buddies or hommies in your general area. I think we could park next to you and not worry about the hubcaps. You're writting in the same way you would be speaking with your hunting pals. I enjoyed the excitement you all shared whenever you found those nice older coins. I thought that was what the forum was about. Keep the loop down and see what you've found. Maybe the weather is too hot for all of us. I'd hunt a field with you anytime.


Re: The Pondering of KirkPA's Soul

Old Dog said:
Kirk,I agree with Muleskinner

Don't stop the replies Buddy,
Those replies to others posts and threads are what make reading them so interesting.
It also gives us all a way to get to know and understand you as a person.

There are others out there who do the bullying thing too and believe me they are by far worse than you ever were.
I'm sure we will all enjoy the new Kirk just as we did the old.
Maybe more now.

Most of us go hunting
The Kirk we know goes finding!
Keep it up brother,
I want more!


The reason why I felt I needed to stop "replying" was due to one dude on here who pointed the finger at me for ruining his forum experience. It makes me sick to think that my sarcastic humor made someone think I meant any harm. I do want this forum member to re-join the forum and keep let him know, I won't respond to his threads.

Thanks, Old Dog, for being supportive. I am glad you don't want me to change, but I am going to "calm" down a bit, since I have already been banned once and the 2nd time is permanent. But, I will continue to reply on certain threads to make some members of the forum "happy." I just won't get into those dumb arguments again. hahaha Peace out, bud!

Dman said:
Please do not conform. I really enjoy your posts. Some of the threads say you are a bully but I say they are the real bullies, telling you what to say and how to say it. You owe no one an apology. Stay true to yourself and don't change to make a few stick in the muds happy. It makes me sick seeing these posts saying they are happy you are making a change. These are the hypocrites. I am screaming at the top of my lungs as I read all this. Do not CHANGE.

Amen to that, brotha! Like I stated above, I will only respond to certain threads, but will not start the "Detector Wars." lol I will continue to be ME --- posting my usual threads with coppas --- so, stay tuned-in, dude! I won't disappoint anyone!

Kirk the Dude

JRich98150 said:
I found the younger and more excited approach to finding things with a metal detector as another asset to this website. Didn't know how to take it at first but was happy to hear the excitement in the posts along with the fact that you seem to have a few other hunting buddies or hommies in your general area. I think we could park next to you and not worry about the hubcaps. You're writting in the same way you would be speaking with your hunting pals. I enjoyed the excitement you all shared whenever you found those nice older coins. I thought that was what the forum was about. Keep the loop down and see what you've found. Maybe the weather is too hot for all of us. I'd hunt a field with you anytime.


JR, I do believe that my youthful passion and personality-type can "irritate" some who don't have that same energy and drive for this hobby. I just never thought it proper to post my threads with the usual: "I got out and found this Colonial it is." That just isn't me, so I had to add some of my own excitement to my threads. It just gave essence to who I really am in REAL life. What you see on the forum is what you would get in reality with me.

I just graduated from nursing school...I just need to pass my boards to become an RN. In reality, I have a kind heart and would never intend to "hurt" anyone. I just like to be totally blunt at times, which could rub off the wrong way.

Stay tuned-in for some more coppas in the future! HH!


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