Ugh folks, all critters have a purpose in nature. Around the house is fine but not out in nature if they aren't bothering you.
Parker was infested with them. Back then they got in the house and the kids played all along that area so they were open game for us as well.

Cool Tarantula man! Looks like an aphonopelma species, Wifey and I have been keeping tarantulas for years but we are down to one for now. Big one though, Salmon pink goliath bird eater from South America. Damn near the diameter of a dinner plate, we got her when she was the size of a quarter.

We used to throw bugs into the garden spider whp lived in our bush. That spider was fast!

I remember being 10 and having a gigantic yellow orb weaver spider living in the apple tree. So many bugs were sacrificed to that guy :laughing7:.

I saw a spider with a diameter of around 4 or 5 inches in my yard next to the river recently. That kind of scared me!

Luckily, I've never seen a spider that big in the wild. The biggest I've seen in the wild were Black and in the woods of North Western AL. area, No clue what they were, usually around logs when I've seen them.

I originally lived in Ohio, The spiders I see running around at night are huge here compared to Ohio. We've killed Black widows those are common here, and we still get scorpions in the house all the time(just little things here). We probably kill at least 3 a week or more in the house. Usually after a rain, they seem to come in more.

But nothing like you guys have west!!:laughing7:

Luckily, I've never seen a spider that big in the wild. The biggest I've seen in the wild were Black and in the woods of North Western AL. area, No clue what they were, usually around logs when I've seen them.

I originally lived in Ohio, The spiders I see running around at night are huge here compared to Ohio. We've killed Black widows those are common here, and we still get scorpions in the house all the time(just little things here). We probably kill at least 3 a week or more in the house. Usually after a rain, they seem to come in more.

But nothing like you guys have west!!:laughing7:
I learned. Shake out your boots before you put them on. Scorpions love to hide in them. We used to get an all Orange tarantula in Phoenix AZ 30 plus years ago. They would run out on the highway to get the heat and would get run over by the cars by the thousands. The highway sections would be all orange from the masses. i believe that the highways got most of them to near extinction because I do not see that anymore for many years. I think tarantulas are the most beautiful spiders. I had two orange knees that lived for over a decade.

I learned. Shake out your boots before you put them on. Scorpions love to hide in them. We used to get an all Orange tarantula in Phoenix AZ 30 plus years ago. They would run out on the highway to get the heat and would get run over by the cars by the thousands. The highway sections would be all orange from the masses. i believe that the highways got most of them to near extinction because I do not see that anymore for many years. I think tarantulas are the most beautiful spiders. I had two orange knees that lived for over a decade.

I keep trying to figure out where they are coming in at. But they are small so I guess they could come in about anywhere. Usually they follow the edge of the carpets around the walls, every once in a while they will be out in the middle of the floor, usually, but not always on our first floor. I got use to shaking the shoes out, along with turning on a light at night so I don't step on one. I guess it's nothing more than like a bee sting.

Just fairly new to me. :laughing7: So are the wolf spiders running all over the place at night. Those get pretty big, but nothing like what you guys have out that way.

We were camping, I shined a LED light down through the woods....All you see are spider eyes!:laughing7:

I keep trying to figure out where they are coming in at. But they are small so I guess they could come in about anywhere. Usually they follow the edge of the carpets around the walls, every once in a while they will be out in the middle of the floor, usually, but not always on our first floor. I got use to shaking the shoes out, along with turning on a light at night so I don't step on one. I guess it's nothing more than like a bee sting.

Just fairly new to me. :laughing7: So are the wolf spiders running all over the place at night. Those get pretty big, but nothing like what you guys have out that way.

We were camping, I shined a LED light down through the woods....All you see are spider eyes!:laughing7:
Some one has been watching too much Bilbo Baggins

Some one has been watching too much Bilbo Baggins

I had to look that up...Wasn't sure who that was..:laughing7:

I guess your meaning my last sentence? No...It's true..Northern western AL..... Shining the light around at night I couldn't figure out what all the reflections were down through the woods. Looked like little fireflies....Then we figured out it was spider eyes, and I'm sure other things, maybe toads and other bugs,....not sure. Try it....Even my cell flash lights up their eyes. They glow a greenish color. Do it in a woods? you will see a lot of them. I've never noticed it with the old flashlights....We jsut started noticing with the new LED lights, maybe because they are stronger. She cl;aimed some glow red...I haven't seen that. I think maybe she saw a distant owl, can't say for sure that was a spider.:laughing7:

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Here's a vid...It's just one of many.....Just to show I didn't drink too much... :laughing7: Well? that night anyhow! If you go in a real dark woods and try it? They are all over the place and easier to see than in a neighborhood or other area with a lot of background light... We found out by just shining a light around when camping. I've never seen it before this summer until we started using the brighter LED lights. It doesn't even have to be eye level like they are explaining in the video, just shine it around, You'll see them.


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you should try it around a pond, you will see eyes everywhere of every kind from spiders to frogs etc.

IMG_0069.JPGon mexico trip - problem was my wet boots were behind it and I could not get them - luckily I had spare pair in room
but later when it was gone - had to worry he might be in my boot

Do not eat spiders because they are not good for your health.

Good to know! I'll try to keep that in mind the next time I'm looking at a spider thinking...."Hey? I'm gonna eat that!!" :laughing7:

There was a show on That's incredible..years ago. (I think that's what show it was maybe it was Believe it or Not) A guy would eat a certain spider on crackers or something.....Until......One day one wasn't dead and it bit back killing him. All I remember from the show was"he said they tasted like strawberries".

I now live in the Pennsylvania Wilds. Lots of Spiders out here. I'm getting quite an education from people who cut down trees and people who have lived here all their lives.
Spiders and wasps like to be around pine trees.
Spiders don't like peppermint. You can spray peppermint oil around your windows and doors. When seasons permit,, plant peppermint around your house.

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