Things we said on the Chisolm Trail Hunt II

There might be a little bit of trash in the field over where we were throwing the cow chips. (NO REALLY???)

Has anyone found my vibraprobe 570? Oh wait here it is.

This badge makes it official and you're next.

I'll bet my machine can go deeper than yours.

1.21 Gigawatts now it only needs a flux capacitor, oh wait never mind, it's got one.

Screammmmmmmmmmmmm there is a snke under her chair!

Hey Burdie where is Hunter? and Its OK! IT IS OK ! REALLY!

Watch the penny curl!

You gotta a really good voice!

Did you get a shot of that with my camera?

Hold it do that again Im taking pics with more that one camera!

let me get this straight...we are suppose to pick up cowpoop without gloves.......sissy

Who's dog is that

I just dug a schlitz half dollar....oh I got one of those too

Man this BBQ is good

His gatehouse is bigger than my house...of course I live in a trailer

You throw like a wait,the girl throws better

How embarissing to GET beat by a girl!

Jeff, you hit Gypsy with that cowpatty....not on purpose it bounced!

i wished i could have been there but thanks to the tight wads in iowa and the inept lawyer i have i didnt get my mediation date and settlement check like i was told i would they put it off for another month i cant wait to see some pics from the hunt and when will there be another one and is anyone going to the gold thing in arizona after christmas or to the texas and fla huntthis year it sounds awsome i wished i could have been there sounds like a vast bucket of knowledge was there for a new tnet member to learn from.and i will be there for cth3 i will reserve a room a year in advance if need be.

Oh gracious, you guys got me laughin again!! I may never stop! ROFL



hmmmm can I fit you and the girls in my suitcase? Wait, I will put the girls in there then you will have to follow to get them! ;D

stoney56 said:
It turned out to be a computer monitor.

Sorry Gypsy, I was aiming at Burdie.

Oh my gosh Stoney....I thought I was getting the dig of the century....LOL....I dug and scooped water until I was freezing and just couldnt get it out of that dang creek...then I thought I could hook a cable and pull it out with my truck.....I thought I had a cash register for sure......full of silver coins.....hahahahaa......daang it

Stan at the bonfire...

Only 9 Hot Dogs left.

10 minutes later... Only 8 Hot Dogs left.

voice from the dark... Will there be a Raffle?

"Can you open this jar?" (Lil Gyp)

"What are those..... pickled string beans?" (Bobby)

I don't know but they must go well with PBJ sandwiches......." (me) :icon_pirat:


"Bingo" (most everyone during the prize drawings)


"You just did that so I couldn't buy you breakfast!" (Burdie)

(carrying the big deluxe platter with chocolate milk) "I'm too embarrassed to order what I really want if someone else is paying......"


You messing with me (finding gold coin in everyone's trash thrown away)

Wow and folks were hunting right there before you. (Cyn finding token)

Man a walmart with only 5 registers this is a historical site itself (Blackwell's walmart)

did you remember to bring the sea shells :violent1: (Evy)

Mom.....where did the porta potties go?.......

What is RiverRat,Gypsy TC and Bran digging out there at Night???

Wheres MOM?

Seashells .... ;D

Puppy ..... whistle!

Oh come on we'll go WalMart. He'll figure out where we went!

Your brother and sister right! I can always tell!

Sorry Honey I had to move the jeep so they could get porta pottys out .... oops!

"Whata ya mean, this isn't Kansas Toto?"

How far you reckon you can chunk that!

Since I just got out of prison, these folks make me want to be here next year!

Pull that rig over, I need to poo!

RR sure looks like she knows what to do with a whip! Yeah, she uses one to go out in her back yard at home in Louisiana to move the skeeters out of her way

You mean THIS ain't free???

Yeah, thats another Viking artifact for sure!!!

When does a hole become a Pit?

now if I time this just right, everyone will have to use it, as I'm leaving with it.
sorry, I can't hear you, the radio is too loud LOL

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