🏆 HONORABLE MENTION **UPDATE** Beach Finds and a new "MOST" Unusual Find


Sr. Member
Apr 25, 2018
Atlanta, GA
Detector(s) used
Equinox 800
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I just returned from a trip for work which took me to a beach area. I was limited on time and with all the rain, I was limited on my search time. I only got in total of about four hours.
The first image shows the usual stuff. Some junk, some coins, and some toys. However, I did find a nice pearl necklace and a small ring with a stone.

However, last night I was going in, as it was starting to rain, and I got a solid hit of 16. So I decided to dig......and I kept digging and kept digging into packed sand. Whatever this was, it had been there for while. I was down at least 24'' when I finally hit something. At first I thought it was a plastic bag full of trash someone had buried. However, it just seem strange so I kept digging. I finally had dug a hole about two feet in diameter and three feet deep to get the bag out. When I opened it, it was a plastic bucket full of "stuff" Mainly insulated thermos cups. Since it was starting to rain hard by now, I just grabbed the bag and went in. When I unpacked it, you can see in the image it was full of the cups, and had some playing cards and games and a toy to play with in the water (it has a price tag on it for $24?. Then, when I really started looking, there was a insulated drink holder in each of the cups. In addition, in each of the three smaller cups there was also a $20 bill in each one.

I would love to know the story behind this. It obviously had been there for a while. But who buried this, and forgot it, and why?
Whatever, it was a fun find. I figured with the money and everything in the basket it totaled about $100. I guess you can say any find is a fun find.

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Upvote 20
Welp... the three kids did not get their gifts it would appear.

Well, I need to update this find. It just gets better and better.

I only took the stuff out of the bag one time to photograph it. I just have not had time to go through it thoroughly.

Two nights ago, Friday evening, I was outside working in my yard when I car drove up and a man got out and asked me if I, or anyone at this address, had been to the beach last week. Needless to say I was shocked and curious at the same time. I reluctantly told him I had. Then, he asked if I had found a bag buried on the beach and he went on to describe everything that was in it. I just stood there - amazed.

I told him yes, but wanted to know how he had tracked it to my address, over 300 miles away. He said that there was an Air tag inside one of the insulated covers, in one of the cups. He said he actually was from Denver, but it just happen that he had to come to Atlanta on business and decided to try and track it down

I went and got the bag and we went through it and sure enough there was an Air tag that I had missed on my quick inspection. The man explained that he had been at the beach about two weeks ago and had buried the bag for a treasure hunt for his nephews, who are going down to the beach this coming week. He had drawn them a treasure map with the number of steps they had to make from a center point, etc. The Air Tag was just incase they could not find it. He said he never dreamed someone with a metal detector would find it, especially as deep as he had buried it.

Naturally, I gave it back to him. If nothing else, this was a cool find and a great story. The problem he has now is how to get back down to the beach so the kids can try to find it!!

So as Paul Harvey use to say, "The Rest of the Story"

So as Paul Harvey use to say, "The Rest of the Story"
That's awesome. A nice cap to the story. The good part is he can still hide it in time for his nephews treasure hunt. The bad part is, unless he wants to give them a new map, he'll have to put it back in the exact same spot. I hope nobody was watching!

Smells fishy to me. He drove 300 miles to follow an air tag? For a bunch of trinkets? Cmon man. Maybe you stumbled on something like a dead drop. Sounds like a three letter agency was involved. Creepy. Actually Denver to any coast near Atlanta is over 300 miles. Very strange.

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Smells fishy to me. He drove 300 miles to follow an air tag? For a bunch of trinkets? Cmon man. Maybe you stumbled on something like a dead drop. Sounds like a three letter agency was involved. Creepy.
I really do not think there is anything Fishy or creepy - for just for a bag full of cups and $60?

He knew exactly what it was in the bag, which beach it was on, and described exactly where I found it. He said that just by chance he was in Atlanta on business (he said he lives in Denver) and decided to try to follow up on it. Otherwise he would have just let it go. Also, I did not say he drove 300 miles. I said the beach is 300 miles from where I live and the Air Tag tracked my travels.

He showed me the Air Tag tracker path on his phone and it showed the exact path I drove home. Quite frankly, I had never given the Air Tags much thought before, but now I am sold on them and will probably get some for myself and for my luggage for when I travel.

No matter, it was a fun fine and I hope (no reason to suspect otherwise) he was honest. I think this will just be an interesting story for his nephews.

I really do not think there is anything Fishy or creepy - for just for a bag full of cups and $60?

He knew exactly what it was in the bag, which beach it was on, and described exactly where I found it. He said that just by chance he was in Atlanta on business (he said he lives in Denver) and decided to try to follow up on it. Otherwise he would have just let it go. Also, I did not say he drove 300 miles. I said the beach is 300 miles from where I live and the Air Tag tracked my travels.

He showed me the Air Tag tracker path on his phone and it showed the exact path I drove home. Quite frankly, I had never given the Air Tags much thought before, but now I am sold on them and will probably get some for myself and for my luggage for when I travel.

No matter, it was a fun fine and I hope (no reason to suspect otherwise) he was honest. I think this will just be an interesting story for his nephews.
Ok.... you made my point. Some random dude was tracking 60 bucks and junk to your house. Nothing weird there. You wanna buy a bridge? Gotta good deal on one if you're interested.

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Ok.... you made my point. Some random dude was tracking 60 bucks and junk to your house. Nothing weird there. You wanna buy a bridge? Gotta good deal on one if you're interested.
This doesn't seem strange to me at all. If I had set up this treasure hunt for my kids (or my nephews), I would absolutely track it down if it went AWOL. I'd take the guy's story at face value. The only "odd" part is being halfway across the country on business -- but depending on your line of work, that might be common. Some of the companies I have worked for would fly people all over the country all the time for various reasons, no black ops involved.

Well, I need to update this find. It just gets better and better.

I only took the stuff out of the bag one time to photograph it. I just have not had time to go through it thoroughly.

Two nights ago, Friday evening, I was outside working in my yard when I car drove up and a man got out and asked me if I, or anyone at this address, had been to the beach last week. Needless to say I was shocked and curious at the same time. I reluctantly told him I had. Then, he asked if I had found a bag buried on the beach and he went on to describe everything that was in it. I just stood there - amazed.

I told him yes, but wanted to know how he had tracked it to my address, over 300 miles away. He said that there was an Air tag inside one of the insulated covers, in one of the cups. He said he actually was from Denver, but it just happen that he had to come to Atlanta on business and decided to try and track it down

I went and got the bag and we went through it and sure enough there was an Air tag that I had missed on my quick inspection. The man explained that he had been at the beach about two weeks ago and had buried the bag for a treasure hunt for his nephews, who are going down to the beach this coming week. He had drawn them a treasure map with the number of steps they had to make from a center point, etc. The Air Tag was just incase they could not find it. He said he never dreamed someone with a metal detector would find it, especially as deep as he had buried it.

Naturally, I gave it back to him. If nothing else, this was a cool find and a great story. The problem he has now is how to get back down to the beach so the kids can try to find it!!

So as Paul Harvey use to say, "The Rest of the Story"
Now that's a cool ending to a W5 recovery.
You should get an Honorable Mention for the return.

This doesn't seem strange to me at all. If I had set up this treasure hunt for my kids (or my nephews), I would absolutely track it down if it went AWOL. I'd take the guy's story at face value. The only "odd" part is being halfway across the country on business -- but depending on your line of work, that might be common. Some of the companies I have worked for would fly people all over the country all the time for various reasons, no black ops involved.
Ok. Totally normal.

It might have been a Geo-cache. For people to find.
Definitely not a geocache.

Geocaches are clearly labeled in the event they're found by "muggles" (non-geocachers; their choice of terms--not mine), and geocaches are never buried.

My first thought before reaching the actual resolution was party favors of some kind, whether planted or forgotten/lost.

I think what impresses me most about this story at the moment is detecting this target at 24". What size coil were you using?

Definitely not a geocache.

Geocaches are clearly labeled in the event they're found by "muggles" (non-geocachers; their choice of terms--not mine), and geocaches are never buried.

My first thought before reaching the actual resolution was party favors of some kind, whether planted or forgotten/lost.

I think what impresses me most about this story at the moment is detecting this target at 24". What size coil were you using?
Believe me I was very surprised as well. I am using my the standard 11" coil which came with my Minelab 800.

As I said, it was starting to rain and as I was going in, I got a solid 16 signal. I almost ignored it but decided to dig. So I used my scoop and dug out sand, checking in each scoop for whatever gave me the signal. However, ever time I went back over the hold, it was still down there, whatever it was. I first thought it had to be trash which some lazy people buried, but trash and empty cans usually hit about 20. So I keep digging.

I finally reached a depth that it was hard to use my scoop, so I was on my hands and knees with my had digger. Finally, at a little over 24" I felt a plastic bag and just knew it was trash. I generally try to collect and throw away trash I find, to help keep the beach clean, so I kept digging. However, when I tried to pull on it, the bag would not budge. So I was on my hands and knees digging a huge hole. It was finally about 3" deep and 3" in diameter before I was finally able to wiggle the bag enough that it started coming loose. After a few more minutes I was finally able to pull it out.

So to answer your question, it is the standard coil that came with my Nox 800. The only thing which I will say is different or new, is my control head messed up last year and I had to buy a new one from Mnelab. Maybe it is just extra "good"!

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