Writing on the wall - Common sense reigns inside the Beltway

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O.B. "Because many suppliers depend on business from both Ford and GM, if GM had gone BK they would have been OOB, and that would have been the end of Ford."

Bull.... You really believe a company supplying Ford would have said we now can't supply you because GM isn't paying anymore and there're out of business? What do you actually know about how the auto industry is run and/or supplied by its suppliers? After 31 years of working for one and ITS SUPPLIERS you statement is NOT TRUE at all. Hell FORD didn't want any help... there business model had a LOT OF MONEY in the coffers unlike GM. Where do you come up with this stuff.... please just let it go... Brad


Hmmm...should I believe you or the CEO of Ford? Not exactly a toughie.

"...Ford’s CEO Alan Mulally said the bailouts were the right medicine for his company as well.

"'If GM and Chrysler would've gone into free-fall,' Mulally said, 'they could've taken the entire supply base into free-fall also, and taken the U.S. from a recession into a depression.'"

Did President Obama save the auto industry? | PolitiFact

The article cites several other sources backing up the contention that TARP (one more time - President George Bush's program!) and later actions by the Obama Administration saved GM, saved Chrysler, and kept Ford afloat.

I continue to be astonished people want to attack a successful effort that saved tens if not hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

O.B. "Because many suppliers depend on business from both Ford and GM, if GM had gone BK they would have been OOB, and that would have been the end of Ford."

Bull.... You really believe a company supplying Ford would have said we now can't supply you because GM isn't paying anymore and there're out of business? What do you actually know about how the auto industry is run and/or supplied by its suppliers? After 31 years of working for one and ITS SUPPLIERS you statement is NOT TRUE at all. Hell FORD didn't want any help... there business model had a LOT OF MONEY in the coffers unlike GM. Where do you come up with this stuff.... please just let it go... Brad
lol... He knows what he learns by doing Google searches. I doubt very much he has ANY real world experience with anything from what I can see.

[COLOR=#878787 !important]informal[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"a bunch of pompous blowhards trying to get on the news"[/COLOR]
    1. blowhard
    1. A very boastful and talkative person; a braggart

    2. A self-important egomaniac who likes to toot his own horn


Last edited:
[COLOR=#878787 !important]informal[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"a bunch of pompous blowhards trying to get on the news"[/COLOR]
    1. blowhard
    1. A very boastful and talkative person; a braggart

    2. A self-important egomaniac who likes to toot his own horn

LOL hahaha!!!

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