
  1. Ideas for recovering flour gold?

    I have a homemade sluice box but where I prospect, there is a lot of flour gold and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to make a flour gold recoverer?
  2. Panning in Indiana

    I was wondering if anyone has tried panning in the white river, Indiana. If you have, have you had success?
  3. Help with Wooden Artifact?

    Hi all. A Newbie jumping right in here with a question. I'm not having much luck identifying an item, nor even where to look for help. This Wooden Stick has got me baffled. But I'm not a Historian either. Wooden items don't seem to survive long periods of time. So here we go with my first post...
  4. Radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan - Nukes?

    Palisade Nuke Plant - S.Bend Ind Meltdown Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone | Pakalert Press Update 06/09/2012 4:52 PM. PALISADE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT EXPLOSION South Bend Indiana. Eyewitness reports are not allowed so far. But worldwide...
  5. 1920 House and a shootout??

    Hi all. I'm new here and have been reading a lot and learning a lot from all of you. I recently purchased a property in DeKalb County, Indiana that has a house on it that was built in 1920. I took a break from renovations on the property and took my MD out to see what I might find. The dang...
  6. Early Indiana Site 1800 - 1850

    Some recent finds from an early site I've been hunting for nearly a year. HH, ~Indiana Digger~