3rd Porcelain Sign This Week, Colonial Knee Buckle and More!


Silver Member
Sep 24, 2013
Scituate, RI
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Garrett AT Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
It was a nasty and windy 36 degrees, but I toughed it out in the woods for two hours today. Worth the effort, since I came home with three good finds.

The best find has to be a colonial knee buckle I found six inches down on the side of a steep hill. Haven't even found a stinking penny in this spot, but out pops a relic from the 1700's! It's copper alloy and measures 1 1/8" x 1 1/2". It's in nice shape and I didn't even hit it with my digger.

The next find was my third porcelain sign this week. It's the same as the other two signs (Div. of Fish & Game), but still a cool find. Not in great shape, but not the worst one I've found. I'm soaking it in citric acid and will post a pic of it when it's done in a few hours.

The last find MAY be the guts to a colonial shoe buckle. I say may be because it's made of steel! Hard to believe anything made of steel would survive 240 years in the ground. Let me know what you think. It sure looks like a tongue and chape to me. I only dug it because it was close to the knee buckle and I was digging all signals in that area.

Here's a few pics:

knee buckle.JPGbuckle.JPGbuckle 1.JPGbuckle 2.JPGshoe buckle.JPGshoe buckle 1.JPGporcelain sign.JPG

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Here's all three signs together on my wall. Today's find is on the far left. A little faded, but not bad.


I like the sign-fecta. They will look good on display. Congrats on the buckle too.
Funny how u can find new junk and something two or three hundred years old in the same spot.

Great finds. Love that knee buckle! [emoji106]

Congratualtions on the nice relic finds! :occasion14:

Thanks, guys! Wait until you see what I found today. It's the first coin I ever found at this spot and it's OLD! I'll post it later on tonight.

Cool Finds, I remember seeing those signs when I was a Kid, I grew up in Western Cranston and we'd bike ride up to the reservoir area. I left in 82. Wish I had a metal detector back then, I saw a lot of great places to detect before the suburban sprawl took over western cranston.

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