
Jul 2, 2008
to all Thunters,

We have a farm its a 12 hectar property with a very rare tree and the only one of its kind in the vicinity, it is a century old tree and nothing has been written of this tree. There was not even an english translation for this tree, they call it BALUNO the old folks there were the one who named it. You would not find it in the book of trees and fruit bearing trees in the Philippines either.
The tree looks like a mango tree, the front leaf is similar to a mango but the back is like a guava leaf, the shape of the fruit is in oval form but the color is similar to a mango and its green. When its ripe the color does not change but it falls from the tree once it is ripe, the outer covering is hard so it does not break even when it falls to the ground. But once you peel the covering the flesh is soft and whitish in color and creamy with a very sweet taste, the seed of the fruit is has lots of fibers attach to its round shape. Size of the fruit is almost twice as big as a mango. The sap is very ichy once it makes contact with your skin so people in the vicinity are very wary of going near the tree. But the most unusual characteristic of this tree is that it only bears fruit every 5 years, now don't you think its rare?
Old folks say that it was a japanese fruit, but i have never verified its veracity.
The tree is located about 50 ft. away from a small river with a depth of less than 2 meters, across the other side would be less than 75ft. in length. The shape near the tree is like an inverted Z with the tree located at the middle side of the river. There is also a grouping of 2 yellow bamboo on its side of the tree, aproximately 75ft. away putting the BALUNO tree at the middle. But what fascinates us is the 1st branch of the tree about 15ft. high, the size of an adult thigh and around 12ft. long or more. You will notice that there was a break at the middle of the branch, and has already healed thru the years, when you talk about the law of gravity a branch once you break it would certainly fall downwards. But what happen to the other side of the branch is that it went up forming a letter V instead og it going down. Now the question is how did it form to letter V, my analysis is it was done intentionally they break the branch and pull the other side to upward position, tie the other side to the other and let it heal until it form to letter V.
About 5 0r 6 years ago a local farmer went fishing in the river just fronting this BALUNO TREE, after a few minutes he stepped on something hard and when he picked it up from the river and he saw a JAR about 2ft. high. Folks there say that its color is black and the color underneath is yellowish, they thought it was concrete and a few passersby saw it, and for almost 5 days different group of person approached him to buy it, and they are all with guns. The poor guy just sold it for 15T the price that the group wants to pay him, he sold it for fear of his life and his family.
Now my question, is there a possibility that this tree is a marker, the letter V in the branch can it be pointer? Plus the shape of the river as well as the yellow bamboo trees on the side of the BALUNO TREE, can this be markers too. I almost forgot for the last 2 years there were frequent treasure hunters who toil around detecting in our place from the bamboo to the tree, and it was only recently that the tenant tells us about this group detecting in our property.
Anyone who has any idea about this tree and could you give us an idea if we could consider this site as a candidate for a treasure site, please we will be waiting for your reply, and your knowhow will be a good source of information. / i will post some pics of the tree including the V shape. / alfonso

Old Dog

Gold Member
May 22, 2007
Western Colorado

We would still like to see pictures.
I there really is no way to determine such things without seeing it.

Certain folks will tell you "no" before you stop typing your post if they can.

There is no harm in asking.
Who knows.
You may get an honest answer.



Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
ah excuse me...

I sent a pm to Alfonso and ask him if there was an old palm near the century tree..with slash marks on the trunk fairly high up and he replied that there YES indeed there was..! These are one of the signs of Yamashiita group.



Jul 2, 2008
rangler said:
ah excuse me...

I sent a pm to Alfonso and ask him if there was an old palm near the century tree..with slash marks on the trunk fairly high up and he replied that there YES indeed there was..! These are one of the signs of Yamashiita group.

Hi rangler,

I could not remember that you sent me a pm but i can still remember a guy that i send a reply at the ming forum asking me also if there was a palm tree near the BALUNO TREE. Yes there was a coconut tree with lashes
and the group of treasure hunters who frequented the place always count the lashes. I just don't see the logic before
but now i think there is really something in that lashes in the coconut tree co'z you're the 2nd person who asked me bout the palm tree near the BALUNO TREE. Otherwise you're the asame person who asked me at ming forum, i have not receive any pm from anybody for the last 2 months, please don't get me wrong i'am not trying to deny you're pm to me, i just don't receive it. Thank you rangler for you're info now i have 2 confirmation from 2 great treasure hunter/ alfonso


Bronze Member
May 24, 2008
Nanaimo, B.C. Canada
Detector(s) used
White's 4900 DL Max, Tesoro Deleon
alfonso said:
... But once you peel the covering the flesh is soft and whitish in color and creamy with a very sweet taste

Add me to those that want to see pictures.

....unless you're talking about trees.



Bronze Member
May 22, 2006
Mesa, AZ
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
Here we go with this Yasamightiawhatthehelleverkindacrap again.2 new guys claiming to be "expert" treasure hunters going on about slash marks on a palm tree with no evidence to back it up.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::)



Jul 2, 2008
SWR said:
alfonso said:
...i have not receive any pm from anybody for the last 2 months, please don't get me wrong i'am not trying to deny you're pm to me, i just didn't receive it.
hi rangler,

I just read you're pm now and you have 3 pm's to me for the month of july, honestly i could not remember that i have read a message from you before. Is it de javu, believe me i'am trying to recall everything but i could not remember you're pm, the pm you sent was just recently so it is impossible for me to forget it, otherwise there is lapses on my thinking already really don't know. Anyway it's no big deal i'm glad you have sent those pm it would really help me.
To SWR sorry men me and rangler is communicating on a different wave length, better try djui5 i think you'll be better of together, like poles attract one another isn't it, you are like a magnet on a negative pole both of you and you are on the same wave length. If you do not have any thing good to say i would suggest do not reply. Skeptism is different from negativism, i think you're both educated and should understand what i mean.
Rangler thank you very much bro i'am not really very good on computer having a hard time posting the pictures, but will ask somebody to do it for me. / alfonso


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
Arizona Vagrant
Detector(s) used
Minelab SD2200D (Modded)/ Whites GMT 24k / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gold Bug II / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID / Falcon MD-20
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

Nobody here is going to be able to give you much information on Operation Golden Lily.

The best REAL sources of legitimate information are either Sterling and Peggy Seagrave or Lambert Dolphin. They are all three easy enough to locate if you are serious.



Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
Detector(s) used
for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
I understand, I know how hard it is to get access to a pc in the Philippines.

No need to post the pics here, since we are working off line with them,
and the ones here who are non-believers don't need more to scoff at.

IT is a shame, that on a treasure forum we have to go underground with the truth.

Normally I have no time to educate nay-sayers or those who don't take the time to do the research,
especially when any treasure hunting knows that research is King! But this is possibly the largest
unfound treasure in the world, with the possible exception to the Montezuma's or King Solomon's

"A court case with regard to a stolen gold Buddha worth millions of dollars was
settled in the PI, the person who found the Buddha , had it stolen from him
by Pres Marcos, he sued, finally years later, he was awarded a finders fee
of 10% his percentage gave him over a million dollars USD. This is a tiny
tiny drop of the scope of Yamishi.ta's treasure. The Buddha weighed One (1)
ton. Now think about the 15,000 metric tonnes still missing for the most part.
Later his family was to get a huge settlement of what was stolen from him.

Or you can dismiss it all as more "Yasamightiawhatthehelleverkindacrap"

here is a brief synopsis for you:

Peggy and Sterling Seagraves
Yamashi.ta's Gold - Eyewitness
Reveals Truth Of Fabulous
WWII Hidden Treasure
South China Morning Post

In the closing months of World War II, in the Philippines, several of Japan's highest ranking imperial princes hid tons of looted gold bullion and other stolen treasure in caves and tunnels, to recover later. This was the wealth of 12 Asian countries, accumulated over thousands of years.

Expert teams accompanying Japan's armed forces had systematically emptied treasuries, banks, factories, private homes, pawn shops, art galleries, and stripped ordinary people, while Japan's top gangsters looted Asia's underworld and its black economy.

There were 175 ''imperial'' treasure sites hidden throughout the Philippines. When American tanks were close, the chief engineers of those vaults were given a farewell party 67 metres underground in Tunnel 8 in the mountains of Luzon, stacked with row after row of gold bars. As the evening progressed, they drank great quantities of sake, sang patriotic songs and shouted banzai (long life).

At midnight, General Yamashi.ta Tomoyuki and the princes slipped out, and dynamite charges were set off in the access tunnels, entombing the engineers. Their vaults would remain secret. The princes escaped to Tokyo by submarine, and three months later General Yamashi.ta surrendered to American troops. Japan had lost the war militarily, but the princes made certain Japan did not lose financially.

This grisly event has remained unknown until now, and the hidden treasure was brushed off as a fanciful legend of ''Yamashi.ta's Gold''. But an eyewitness to the entombment has taken us there and given us his personal account. During the war, Ben Valmores was the young Filipino valet of a senior prince, who was in charge of closing all imperial treasure sites in the Philippines. A sometimes sentimental man, the prince spared Ben's life and led him out of Tunnel 8 just before the dynamite was detonated.

Japan's looting of Asia was overseen by [then-emperor] Hirohito's brother Prince Chichibu. His organisation was codenamed kin no yuri (Golden Lily), the title of one of the emperor's poems. Other princes headed different parts of Golden Lily across the conquered territories. Eventually, Japanese sources told us that Ben's wartime master was prince Takeda Tsuneyoshi, first cousin of Hirohito and grandson of emperor Meiji.

In 1998, we tested Ben with 1930s photographs of many princes, all the names removed, and he instantly identified prince Takeda, Hirohito's brother prince Chichibu and other princes.

Ben said he had spent time with each of them, bringing them food, tea and cigarettes while they inventoried each treasure site. When he saw our photo of Prince Takeda, Ben froze, then began softly crooning the Japanese folk song Sakura, Sakura (Cherry Blossoms), which he said Takeda often sang to himself.

In the final stages of work on a biography of Japan's imperial family titled The Yamato Dynasty, we were told that in October 1945, American intelligence agents learned where some of the Japanese loot was hidden in the Philippines, and quietly recovered billions of dollars worth of gold bullion, platinum, and loose diamonds. This information, if true, revealed the existence of an extraordinary state secret, something the United States Government kept from its own citizens for more than half a century. There was no time to include this in the biography. It had to be investigated separately. Here is some of what we have since learned:

After surrendering on September 2, 1945, General Yamashi.ta was charged with war crimes over gruesome atrocities committed in Manila under the order of an admiral, while Yama[prohibited word deleted - violation of terms of use - attempts to circumvent this word filter may result in member banning]a had ordered withdrawing troops to leave the city unharmed. During his trial, there was no mention of plundered treasure, or of looting during the war.

But we now know there was a hidden agenda. Because it was not possible to torture General Yamashi.ta physically without this becoming evident to his lawyers, members of his staff were tortured. His driver, Major Kojima Kashii, was given special attention. In charge of the torture of Major Kojima was a Filipino-American intelligence officer named Severino Garcia Santa Romana, whose friends called him Santy. He wanted the major to reveal each place where he had taken Yama[prohibited word deleted - violation of terms of use - attempts to circumvent this word filter may result in member banning]a, where bullion and other treasure was hidden for recovery after the war. Supervising Santy during the torture was Captain Edward Lansdale, later one of America's best known ''Cold Warriors''.

Early that October, Kojima broke and led Lansdale and Santy to more than a dozen Golden Lily treasure vaults in the rugged country north of Manila. What they found astounded everyone from General Douglas MacArthur all the way up to the White House. After discussions with his cabinet, President Harry Truman decided to keep the recovery a state secret.

Santy's ensuing recoveries greatly altered America's leverage during the Cold War. According to senior US government officials and high-ranking US Army officers, the Truman administration set this treasure aside along with Axis loot recovered in Europe, as a secret political action fund to fight communism in the Cold War.

Crudely put, it would be used to bribe statesmen and military officers, and to buy elections for anti-communist political parties. The idea for a global political action fund based on war loot had originated with US secretary of war, Henry Stimson. During the war, Stimson had a brain-trust thinking hard about recovered Axis plunder, and how it should be handled after the war. Their solution was to set up what is informally called the ''Black Eagle Trust'', after the black eagle emblem of Hitler's Reichsbank in Berlin.

The Black Eagle Trust was first discussed in secret during July 1944, when 44 nations met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to plan the post-war economy. This was confirmed to us by a number of high-level sources, including former CIA deputy director Ray Cline, who knew about Santy's recoveries in 1945, and continued to be involved in attempts in the 1980s and 1990s to hide blocks of Japanese war loot still said to be in the vaults of banks in New York.

In November 1945, General MacArthur strolled down row after row of gold bars stacked two metres tall during a tour of vaults opened by Santy. >From what was seen in these vaults alone, it was evident that over a period of years Japan had looted billions of dollars in treasure from all over Asia.Much of this plunder had reached Japan overland earlier, from China through Korea, but the rest was hidden in the Philippines, unable to be shipped to Japan by sea because of the successful US submarine blockade.

According to Ray Cline and others, between 1945 and 1947 the gold bullion recovered by Santy and Lansdale was moved discreetly to 172 accounts at banks in 42 countries.

There were important reasons for all this secrecy. If the recovery of this huge mass of stolen gold was known only to a trusted few, the countries and individuals that had been plundered could not lay claim to it. Truman recognised that the very existence of so much black gold, if it became public knowledge, would cause the metal's fixed price to collapse. But as long as the gold was kept hidden, prices could be maintained and currencies pegged to gold would be stable. Meanwhile, the black gold would serve as a reserve asset, bolstering the prime banks in each country, and strengthening the anti-communist governments of those nations.

To hide the existence of all this treasure, Washington had to tell a number of lies. Especially lies about Japan, which had stolen most of the gold. America wanted Japan to become its anti-communist bastion in Asia, where the mainland was being overrun by communists. If American conservatives and Japanese conservatives were to ally effectively against communism, they had to begin by enlarging their financial resources for the Cold War.

Above all, the source of much of this hidden wealth must never be acknowledged. Washington had to insist, starting in 1945, that Japan never stole anything, and was flat broke and bankrupt when the war ended. Here was the beginning of many terrible secrets.

Because they remained ''off the books'', these enormous political action funds got into the wrong hands, where they remain to this day. We can reveal that in 1960, then vice-president Richard Nixon ''gave'' one of the biggest of these political action funds, the US$35-billion (about HK$272 billion) M-Fund, to leading members of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). In return, he is believed to have sought their support for his presidential campaign that year.

The M-Fund, now said to be worth more than US$500 billion, is still controlled by members of the LDP.

Officially, we are told that Japan's wartime elite the imperial family, the zaibatsu (large industrial business conglomerates), the yakuza (Japanese mafia) and the ''good'' bureaucrats ended the war as impoverished victims of a handful of ''bad'' military zealots. We are told that Japan was badly damaged and impoverished, barely able to feed itself at war's end.

In fact, Japan emerged from the war far richer than before, and with remarkably little damage, except to the homes of millions of ordinary Japanese who did not count, at least in the view of their overlords.

Evidence of Golden Lily loot comes also from straightforward legal actions in America. Such simple things as the probating of the will of Santa Romana (Santy), verification of his tax records, and legal evidence of his fortune deposited in the US, Switzerland, Hong Kong and elsewhere, provide hard proof that the world is awash with clandestine bank accounts growing out of Golden Lily.

Other lawsuits in the US prove that Golden Lily war loot was indeed hidden in the Philippines. Rogelio Roxas, a Filipino locksmith, found a one-tonne solid-gold Buddha and thousands of gold bars hidden in a cave near Baguio only to have it stolen from him by President Ferdinand Marcos. Roxas was subsequently tortured and died in suspicious circumstances. Some believe he was murdered. In 1996, a US Federal Court awarded his heirs a judgment of US$22 billion against the Marcos estate.

As the 1951 Peace Treaty was skewed by secret deals, thousands of Japan's victims have been deprived of any compensation for their suffering. According to Article 14 of the Treaty: ''It is recognised that Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. Nevertheless it is also recognised that the resources of Japan are not presently sufficient.'' To reinforce the claim that Japan was broke, Article 14 noted that ''the Allied Powers waive all reparations claims of the Allied Powers and their nationals arising out of any actions taken by Japan...'' By signing the Treaty, Allied countries concurred that Japan's plunder had vanished down a rabbit hole, and all Japan's victims were out of luck. In return for going along with the Treaty, the Allies received portions of the gold bullion recovered by Santy.

We have evidence from former CIA deputy director Cline that the gold bullion Santy and Lansdale recovered was secretly moved to national treasuries and prime banks in more than 42 countries, including Great Britain. We also have evidence from British archives confirming this.

More than half a century later, the last battle of the Pacific War is being waged in courts in the US and Japan where surviving prisoners of war, slave labourers, comfort women and civilian victims of Japan have filed billion-dollar lawsuits to win compensation so mysteriously denied them after the war. In 1995, it was estimated that there were 700,000 victims of the war who had still received no compensation.

Today, their numbers are dwindling rapidly because of age and illness. Backing them is an extraordinary coalition, including international law firms with years of experience, fighting for compensation from German industries and Swiss banks, for crimes committed and money looted during the Nazi Holocaust.


I rest my case..this is only a snippet, a tip of the iceberg, a 15,000 ton golden iceberg.

PS the slash marks, a very favorite trick of the Japanese during the burials, the slash marks look like some one was just hacking the tree, but the truth is most of the slash marks are Ancient Japanese characters .

But I am sure that if you search for hours and find these scripts and then pour over the ancient Japanese characters for days , weeks, or even months, maybe even hire an interpreter, they will decode to say:


just like you said,without lifting a finger orwithout ever leaving your chair!
Looks like you are the winner after all..and you didn't even break a sweat. Nice.



Bronze Member
May 22, 2006
Mesa, AZ
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
So do you have a copy of this "court case"?

I have yet to see any legit information about this "treasure". Just more reports of people loosing money here and loosing money there. It's why I get so upset when guys like you show up here without a shred of evidence and start talking about it.

I'm sure your intelligent enough to understand that.


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
Arizona Vagrant
Detector(s) used
Minelab SD2200D (Modded)/ Whites GMT 24k / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gold Bug II / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID / Falcon MD-20
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
rangler said:
I understand, I know how hard it is to get access to a pc in the Philippines.

No need to post the pics here, since we are working off line with them,
and the ones here who are non-believers don't need more to scoff at.

IT is a shame, that on a treasure forum we have to go underground with the truth.

Normally I have no time to educate nay-sayers or those who don't take the time to do the research,
especially when any treasure hunting knows that research is King! But this is possibly the largest
unfound treasure in the world, with the possible exception to the Montezuma's or King Solomon's

"A court case with regard to a stolen gold Buddha worth millions of dollars was
settled in the PI, the person who found the Buddha , had it stolen from him
by Pres Marcos, he sued, finally years later, he was awarded a finders fee
of 10% his percentage gave him over a million dollars USD. This is a tiny
tiny drop of the scope of Yamishi.ta's treasure. The Buddha weighed One (1)
ton. Now think about the 15,000 metric tonnes still missing for the most part.
Later his family was to get a huge settlement of what was stolen from him.

Other lawsuits in the US prove that Golden Lily war loot was indeed hidden in the Philippines. Rogelio Roxas, a Filipino locksmith, found a one-tonne solid-gold Buddha and thousands of gold bars hidden in a cave near Baguio only to have it stolen from him by President Ferdinand Marcos. Roxas was subsequently tortured and died in suspicious circumstances. Some believe he was murdered. In 1996, a US Federal Court awarded his heirs a judgment of US$22 billion against the Marcos estate.

I rest my case..this is only a snippet, a tip of the iceberg, a 15,000 ton golden iceberg.

PS the slash marks, a very favorite trick of the Japanese during the burials, the slash marks look like some one was just hacking the tree, but the truth is most of the slash marks are Ancient Japanese characters .

But I am sure that if you search for hours and find these scripts and then pour over the ancient Japanese characters for days , weeks, or even months, maybe even hire an interpreter, they will decode to say:


just like you said,without lifting a finger orwithout ever leaving your chair!
Looks like you are the winner after all..and you didn't even break a sweat. Nice.


Where to start rangler/goldiver/stildign,

At least you used rense.com as a source, but your post shows that you have very little knowledge of the actual treasure or story of the treasure.

You talk about how "A court case with regards to a stolen gold Buddha" and then you don't realize that the synopsis you cut and pasted talks about the same thing...............only with a little different outcome. Even your synopsis source left something VERY IMPORTANT out.

You say:
he sued, finally years later, he was awarded a finders fee
of 10% his percentage gave him over a million dollars USD.

Your source says:
In 1996, a US Federal Court awarded his heirs a judgment of US$22 billion against the Marcos estate.

The REAL story is that Roxelio Roxas (funny how rangler is such an authority and didn't even know his name), SUPPOSEDLY found an approximately 1 metric tonne Golden Buddha with a detachable head that hid about two handfuls of uncut diamonds. President Marcos' Personal Bodyguards (we know this because they had red ribbons tied around the muzzles of their rifles) stole the Buddha from Roxas. When he originally tried to get it back, he was arrested and severely tortured. He was eventually released and fled to the country. After Marcos was deposed, he came out and formed the Golden Buddha Company, that sued the Marcos Estate. In 1993, before the trial was over, Rogelio Roxas was murdered by poison. In 1996, a court in Hawaii awarded the Golden Buddha Company $22 BILLION Dollars US. In 1998, the Hawaiian State Supreme Court overturned that award.

So, rangler in all his wisdom didn't know the name of the person. He got the amount of the award COMPLETELY WRONG! He didn't know that the award was overturned. Why don't you stick to whatever it is that you ACTUALLY know something about, because it sure isn't treasure hunting.


YES. There was an Operation Golden Lily. YES. General Yama$hita did rape all the countries the Japanese conquered of their wealth. YES. General Yama$hita did hide the greatest majority of the wealth in the Philippine Jungles.

Here is the part that most Yama Hunters don't want to hear. If rangler would have taken the time to actually read Sterling and Peggy Seagraves' Book, he would have found that General Yama's Staff were tortured after the war into revealing the hiding places of the loot from Operation Golden Lily. Special attention was given to Major Kojima Koshii, who was Yama's driver, and would have known all the locations of the caches. The American who oversaw all the tortures was Capt. Edward Lansdale. One of Americas original Cold Warriors. Also, Prince Takeda Tsuneyoshi's Wartime driver, a Filipino named Ben, was interviewed. He served the Princes while they were inventorying the treasure sites.

So, with the exception of some smaller caches, the greatest bulk of the Yama$hita Hoard is LONG GONE!




Jul 2, 2008
hi rangler,
I went to the site yesterday and try to look at the coconut tree and its slashes, it has something like 15 to 17 slashes going up and sometimes it looks like gun a was fired on its side. Those treasure hunters who went here before were counting those slashes as what the tenant told me. Actually i have an old site of mine which i started last January 1st week and it is in the confines of my backyard, my place is a commercial area so my neighbors are mostly restaurant on my right and a Pension haus on my left. I'am the only existing residential haus in this vicinity so it ias really very hard keeping my digs a secret. I have recovered so many signs and markers from stones to glass, steel metal and woods, i also have plastics. From the stones i have a heart shape with a flower at the middle, a sleeping turtle, stone with 7X, a face with 1 ear, a left and right foot,and a lot more. With the glass i have tancho pomade bottles about 7 pcs. bottles of perfumes in small different sizes, top covering of a soup bowl in oblong shape with peacock design,plates, cups, drinking glass, bottled softdinks with unknown brand to us like the zimba cola, a third of the size of a jarwith its light maroon color and a small trnsparent jar with a marble inside and we found it on top of a log about the size of an adult thigh at 14 to 15 ft long on X position with another log at 15ft. I show the marble to a british
i know here who is also into diggings with a new zealander with him as partner and he told me that it is really a very old marble and not made of glass as the marbles of today are made of. For the steel i recoverd letter J in steel form, flat bar or leaf spring about 18inches long, roundtubular 4 inch diameter, a cone shape black iron steel, and barbed wire almost circling the whole site which we cannot pull out and a lot more. Now for the woods there are 3 woods about the size of an adult thigh below 2 of them in X position and another one on the other side but all of them are pointing in one direction, then we recovered a mother bird and a baby bird with its beak wide open as if being fed by the mother bird, but we find them on different days 1st the mother then the baby, we als have a striking snake at exactly 12 inches long, we also recoverd a funny looking gun its about 2ft. long but the end of the wooden gun is round with a beak and an eye, we also have this 3 wood curvings that i could not identify, don't know if its bird of prehistoric
time but with out wings, one that looks like a goat but its not a goat. And amazingly we recovered an egg it must be native since it is small and has no crack and still whole, it has a pin hole and nothing inside the egg. And on the 15ft we go horizontal but the soil barred down so we try to approach it on top again and we close the old pit, so we are still on letter L shape in our dig. and on the 23ft. we recovered another baby bird but this time it is made of stone with cement already, i believe it was made out of cement. We are now on the 27ft. and we temporarily stop due to bad whether and there are now 4 source of water coming out under the pit. But our submersibles can take the load especially if its low tide. Actually rangler iam fronting the sea about 200meters away and there is a hill at my back.
So this is my site that keeps me busy this days i have 4 diggers with me, and this guys are very positive with our site. Maybe you can give us some inputs regarding my dig. Don't worry rangler i have a lap top given by my son i just don't know how to send pictures, but tonight a friend is coming and il send it this site for them to see my signs and markers. Thank you very much for the time you have shared with us also old dog and a few TH who believe in the Yamashita Treasures.
Sometimes i was wondering what this british, new zealander, australian, japanese, singaporean, swiss, germans, and a lot of AMERICANS are digging here, maybe rubbish , or maybe those gangs of negative TH should ask these guys what are they digging there. Gollum have said that most of the Yamashita treasures has been recovered already by the biggest thief of all, or maybe he was one of the guys that was digging and they recover all of the 172 or more major sites. Does this people know that the war exercises done in the Philippines was merely treasure hunting, the government call it Balikatan which translates to helping one another, but TH here calls it balik kawatan or the thief is back.
Ok rangler no need to answer those negative poles will wait for your reply sir / alfonso


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
Arizona Vagrant
Detector(s) used
Minelab SD2200D (Modded)/ Whites GMT 24k / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gold Bug II / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID / Falcon MD-20
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

Where in the PI do you live?

Once again, READ MY POST. The Philippine Government (with the US watching) tortured all of Yamas Staff after the war. The people they interrogated knew the locations of the caches. Do you REALLY think there is still a huge hoard out there? Sorry. I advise you to do like I said in my first post: Contact Sterling Seagrave, Peggy Seagrave, or Lambert Dolphin. They have all spent much time and money in the PI researching that treasure.

If all you are looking for here, is someone to tell you what you want to hear, then by all means listen to rangler, and forget what anybody else says.

Best of luck in wasting your life-Mike


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
Detector(s) used
for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
The Philippine Government (with the US watching) tortured all of Yamas Staff after the war. The people they interrogated knew the locations of the caches. Do you REALLY think there is still a huge hoard out there?
The key was your statement knew THE locations...truth is they know 12 (a dozen) twelve!!!
But the remember the 12 vaults revealed hundreds and hundreds of TONS!

Early that October, Kojima broke and led Lansdale and Santy to more than a dozen Golden Lily
treasure vaults in the rugged country north of Manila

Here it actually says a dozen (12) twelve --NOT 175!

Just curious why you missed that very tiny but very important detail.? Never mind it was a rhetorical question, no reply is necessary!

There are still 163 sites from Luzon on the north , south to Cebu and on to Mindanao- several were recovered my then President Marcos..including the one stolen from Rog Roxas and some recovered by Japanese relatives who served in the war and were in the Philippines. One recovered by Japanese film crew who under the cover of digging up dead Japanese soldiers bones to rebury back in Japan,,they dug the hole, recovered tons of gold, some bones, filled the hole and placed a large cement memorial on the spot, loaded the airplane with the gold,,and the only reason anyone knew what they were doing, was the fact that the plane was overloaded and it could not take off when it hit the end of the runway.

Since the area covering he rest of the 150 or so sites is over 1,000 miles long spanning over 7,000
islands that make up the Republic of the Philippines,(RP) (not PI) it is easy to understand the possibility of more stashes.
When consider the horrific rain forest jungles of steep inclines, tangled undergrowth, with only a few feet of visibility,razorback ridges, high humidity,monsoons, typhoons,hurricanes, and tornadoes.
poison snakes,Islamic Nationals, fierce Moro fighters, Communists, Abu Sayaff, an Al Queda group, of kidnappers and terrorists, Operative Fighters who what to secede from the RP, Tribesman, Igarots former Headhunters,Pres Marcos reign of Martial Law, corrupt officials, and just the overall malaise the average income of the Filipino's is only $6.00 per day! and you can see why it is not a walk in the park to go pick up some of Yama's sweet potatoes.

Now try to understand that the 175 original sites of Yama, were what was called "Battalion" sized caches, with this many men, they dug holes 80-140-200 feet deep, carved out and created cemented hallways and vertical chambers, in a labyrinth, with death traps all along the way.. used the water table as a trap..knew exactly the depth of the water table in the dry season, and knew that if the attempt to dig up the goods happened at any other time it would flood the tunnel.
Consider now that their are hundreds or even thousands of smaller caches all the way down to company sized caches, down to 20-40-60 feet, down to personal stashes of higher ranking officers and top non-com's - that trusted no one and buried their private stashes by themselves from 5-10 feet.

All left carved stones,markers on Century Trees, slash marks on old Palm trees. Additional makers in the hole itself to give confirmation that the dig was on the right spot..Most left items of everyday use, from rifle rounds,carved stones in the form of mushrooms,spikes,hearts,ect.and of course death trap indications. Which for the Japanese, one of them was the 'Flower' symbol.If you see this symbol use
extreme caution! Look for live ordinance, bombs, land mines, poison powder mixed with sand,thin
glass vials filled with deadly poison, that break if you step on them. Many severe dangers are encountered in digging after the Japanese..they took that page from the Jesuits also,BEWARE.Ask for ADVICE!

Towards the end of the war when the Americans were closing in, there was no time for deep elaborate tunnels, the simply used natural caves that were in the remote areas..miles back and up steep mountain ranges..behind water falls, in underwater caves, cemented in vaults, about he size of refrigerators and dumped in bays, buried in the sand or left in dense jungle.

I have been to the RP twice and have seen many Jesuit style symbols and signs used by the Japanese.
So unless you have been there, with boots on the ground, hold your mud. While you consider that the
RP Government, investigated the entire story, legend,rumors, what ever you want to call it,..and decided
that not only were there hundreds, even thousands of these caches all of the Islands they had to do
something to level the playing field..and they get a piece of the pie as well , like any government!!


The Philippine Government enacted laws to protect treasure hunters by legislating for profit sharing schemes, relating to recovered Yamashita Treasure Gold. The laws set out the treasure hunter's obligations and methods of sharing the income.

Profit Sharing Laws of the Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 2004 – 33, Amendments to Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 2002-04, Otherwise Known as the “Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance of Permits for Treasure Hunting, Shipwreck/Sunken Vessel Recovery and Disposition of Recovered Treasures/Valuable Cargoes, Including Hoarded Hidden Treasures”. Section 14 (Sharing) offers the following protection and benefits, for treasure recovery. After an audited report of expenses has been evaluated and approved by the Oversight Committee, the sharing of the net proceeds shall be as follows:

1. For Treasure Hunting within Public Lands – Seventy-five percent (75%) to the Government and twenty-five (25%) to the Permit Holder;

2. For Treasure Hunting in Private Lands – Thirty Percent (30%) to the Government and Seventy Percent (70%) to be shared by the Permit Holder and the landowner; and

3. For Shipwreck/Sunken Vessel Recovery – Fifty percent (50%) to the Government and Fifty percent (50%) to the Permit Holder.”

The recovery of stolen treasure gold was not beyond the potential of adequately equipped treasure hunters. It was a legitimate business venture because the Philippine Government enacted laws protecting its interests in recovered Yamashi.ta Treasure gold.

The RP believes not only was the Yama Stories true, they knew that the thousands of caches sites in Islands were a potential income for the badly needed and underfunded government!

If all you are looking for here, is someone to tell you what you want to hear, then by all means listen to rangler, and forget what anybody else says.
The government of the Philippines is telling him what he wants to hear.!! They know it is true,,and that their is many more yet to be uncovered. He also knows the ring of truth that is in the advice I have given him, his discernment is better than yours. His boots are on his ground. 'nuff said.

What you are telling him ,,that he is wasting his life,,is a joke..your wasting your time telling a treasure hunter , who's government sanctions this effort, sets the percentages, he is "knee deep" in the marked hole, uncovering a whole host of typical items left by the Japanese - as he digs deeper into the hole,,what could your reasons be that would discourage such a person,who is an adult, is on his own property, is asking for advise, is working very hard at his business AND his TH hobby,

It called FREEDOM as our allies in WW2 the Filipino's fought bravely and drove the Japanese back to Japan. This mans father or grandfather fought for his rights.
He has the right to do what he wants on his land.!! He knows the dangers as we all do who deal with trying to recover the goods from who ever left them there

Alfonso..you stated:

From the stones i have a heart shape with a flower at the middle, a sleeping turtle,
Please be advised that the flower IS the Japanese death symbol! Use EXTREME caution!. Are your partners in the dig experienced? Do they know the type of land mines and other ordinance that the Japanese used? IF not I suggest you stop the dig long enough to find out what is going on, you need to answer the following:

1 How deep was the heart with the flower on it?
2.Do you have a pic of the stone?
3.Can you list the items in the hole
4.in the order of the way you found them?
5.Are you finding any metal wire IN the hole?
6.Do not pull or try to remove this WIRE!
7.It may be tied to the detonator! This was usuall
8.How deep are you now?
9.How deep is the water table?
10.You need experienced help before you continue!

I am not trying to scare you, but you must be aware of what you face.
Then you can make the correct decisions. You can relpy to my email if
you don't want to reveal anymore here, I understand your decision either
way, Alfonso.
I will continue to give you any help I can with symbols
since most are Jesuit orientated -ex: sleeping turtle means 'it is here'

It was a chance decision on my part to follow up on your dismissal by SWR
I had a feeling that something wasn't right... about that..first I thought it was
his arrogance in putting you down and saying NO to any idea of treasure ,
Yama or otherwise, NOW I see that it was - you might be in danger!

I think SWR might think twice about dismissing things out of hand with no
experience on what he is talking about..his 'academic' orientation could have
had severe ramifications.

Beware SWR, this is the Real World not an IvoryTower of Academia..
where everything is cataloged and footnoted or it isn't real.


"Wisdom is accessible only to those who seek it in earnest."


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
Arizona Vagrant
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Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
First off, let me say that the information I will include here is not for SWR's benefit. As I have learned through many go rounds with him, he will not read or accept ANY PROOFS that don't fit with whatever negative stand he has taken on any subject. The information I provide here is for anybody who wishes to learn more on the subject. Enjoy-Mike


GOD! As much as I hate to take rangler's side on something, I am forced to here.

You obviously didn't read the entire court transcription of the GBC

Funny how you reply only to the mentioning of the Seagraves. Maybe you would like to try and cast aspersions on the character of Lambert Dolphin? Physicist and one of the founding members and director of the Stanford Research Institute. He is known as the Father of Ground Penetrating Radar. He is also one of the most beatific men I have ever met. He lives for God and the Bible (literally).

I don't give out every scrap of information I possess, but when Mr. Negativity rears his ugly head with more of his BS, I will share more of what I know of this subject (since its' not on my To Do List).

Maybe you could denigrate a man named Bob Curtis. He has passed away now, but was the biggest Yama Hunter ever. He spent untold amounts of time and money researching where the gold from Operation Golden Lily went. Did I mention he was personally acquainted with Ferdinand Marcos? In his years of research, he uncovered MASSIVE international sales and transfers of gold bullion, that were traced to Marcos directly, and sometimes to some of his subordinates.

First, is the court record of the Rogelio Roxas Lawsuit from Hawaii. SWR should read this in its entirety (I have). There is much legalistic mumbo jumbo, but there are many details you should know before you dismiss this:


Bob Curtis with Ferdinand Marcos in 1975:


Photo taken February 1975 at Ferdinand Marcos's summer palace in Marivales, Bataan.This photo was taken minutes after the Curtis saw and examined the Roger Roxas golden buddha and was taken to the vault under the palace and shown a room full of gold stacked floor to ceiling with mostly 75 kilo gold bars.


Here is the bank record of a rollover of 1000 75 kilogram bars of gold from January of 1989:




The first page of the buy/sell agreement dated February 4, 1983, between The Mercantile Insurance Co.Inc, and the Engineering Construction Company, Ltd. Nassau, Bahamas. Daniel Swihart for the buyers and John Ramsingh for the sellers. This Agreement and 35 more pages spell out the four traunches being offered by Marcos. The first Traunch was for 716,045 bars each weighing 12.5 kgs. (approximately 25 US pounds) all 24 carats. The second traunch was for 239,400 bars of the same weight and finess. These two tranches were concluded. The third traunch was for 1,809,508 bars of the same weight and finess, and the fourth traunch was for 2,167,230 bars. The first two totalling 946,445 bars was transfered. Had the entire deal gone down, it would have represented 4,923,183 bars each weighing 25 pounds, or 123,079,575 total pounds, or 1,476,954,900 troy ounces. At the listed purchase price per troy ounce, this transaction was worth over $552 million US dollars, or over a half a billion.


A letter from the Office of the President, dated April 28, 1983, signed by Konesehala/Candalaria V. Santiago for President Marcos


Letter on Presidential stationary dated May 3, 1983, authorizing the first traunch and designating Candalaria V. Santiago as his most trusted woman. Actually she was one of three trustees and the main trustee on this sale.


What does all this prove (to anybody but SWR)? It proves that Ferdinand Marcos was in possession of MASSIVE amounts of gold bullion. So much bullion, in fact, that what he possessed was more than the National Treasury of the Philippines!

SWR, once again (what is it? Three or four times now?), you jump on the wrong side of an issue, before doing any real research on the subject.


Old Dog

Gold Member
May 22, 2007
Western Colorado
What I can't figure out is why someone (politely) comes here and asks a question ...
The next thing you know He sunk the titanic murdered Kenedy, and slapped the Queen mother.
all because SWR wants to be the star of the show he wants to argue that's all he does.
and this guy still wants his answer.

I have to say SWR you sure make these pages a turmoil. and for no reason other than to try to satisfy your need to debate.

This isn't the middleschool debate team.
Grow out of it and go out and find something to post.


If I had the answer I would sure send it to you.
Best to look somewhere else.
This SWR character jumps on anyone from the PI without excepting and thinks he is the authority on everything right down to water temp.
Sorry my friend
I tried.


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2006
Arizona Vagrant
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Minelab SD2200D (Modded)/ Whites GMT 24k / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gold Bug II / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID / Falcon MD-20
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Actually, since SWR thinks that the Superior Court Transcript is not viewable, here is a link to the entire transcript:


If SWR took the time to read my posts, he would see that in the very beginning of this thread, I stated to rangler and Alfonso that the $22 Billion Award was overturned on Cross Appeal by the Hawaii State Supreme Court.

A thorough reading of the transcript, shows that there was a little more to it than not having sufficient evidence to prove that a treasure existed.

Bob Curtis testified at the trial and again at the appeal case. He testified about seeing the bullion and Marcos' attempts to have him refine it.

There are also witnesses to the soldiers stationed around the Baguio General Hospital, and the excavations they were doing, as well as statements made to them by the soldiers that they were taking out Yamas Treasure. They also testified to the fact that they personally witnessed men carrying out crates that took five to six men each to carry.

There is also testimony that Imelda Marcos paid off Roxas' Son to get him to disavow everything he did and saw.



Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
GOD! As much as I hate to take rangler's side on something, I am forced to here.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"... old Arab saying.

Got to hand it to you too Mike, that was some fantastic research there..I tried to find documents
like that for years and never got close.. (as much as I hate to admit it myself)

The documents showing the actual sales of Yamashi.tas Gold IS the smoking gun.. that we all were
looking for! The amounts and the size of the gold bars is staggering! But the more I research the original estimate of 15,000 metric tons has grown to be 600,000 tons! But remember one ton of gold would fit in
a small box appox 14"x14"x14" about the size of a box that would ship a basketball!!!!

And consider the Gold stolen from South Asia, Burma,Thailand,Vietnam,China and Hong Kong had been collecting and buying this gold for over 1000 years.. an area that adorns everything important and religious with gold.

The status of the Legend is now moved into FACT!..only the mentally challenged could deny that!

The only question now is. Is that it? Was it the total amount of the all the burials? My idea is that
according to the testimony. the US Govt opened and recovered 12 of these vaults. Marcos and Roxas
together a few more at the outside maybe 12 more together. Thats maybe 24.. lets double that and say
50 of the 172 odd burials-counting what the modern day Filipino's and Japanese recovered. That still leaves over 75% of the goods still in the ground.

The nice thing is with photos of the Roxas Gold Buddha we know it existed fore sure.. and the first court case awarded Roxas the finders fee. So that court was convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that IT existed.

Now if the nay sayers continue, then we know they have an agenda, what that agenda is beyond personal
masochistic delight in causing disruption on the forum , I couldn't say.

Great Job Mike, really appreciate you stuffing those docs in the trap of the constant negative nay sayers!


"Never argue with an (uneducated-able person)<--insert colloquialism -They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience." ~ Ronald Reagan

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really
great make you feel that you, too, can become great. ~Mark Twain


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May 24, 2008
Nanaimo, B.C. Canada
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"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really
great make you feel that you, too, can become great. ~Mark Twain

Mark Twain is the man. My favorite is his definition of Faith.

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