American exceptionalism

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I will agree that it can still be saved, we must stop this march to socialism. Just one reason the second amendment is so important.
I am actually a huge supporter of the founding father's principles.. Especially Thomas Jefferson ..Well besides the slavery part.. but if you think America is still the utopia it once was, you are living in the past... It might still be able to be saved, but it will be a long road ahead..


Thanks for getting things back on track....did you ever work for the

OK here's one for the pot.....The US national pastime baseball....invented by Alexander Cartwright and not Abner Doubleday which was incorrect.

A bit of trivia for of your other national was the inventor...a little hint not US born.

Regards + HH


Threads gone way offline! So...anyone with an actual clue of the term got any REAL stand alone "exceptionalisms"?

Phil Jackson invented basketball. Everything before him was just passing a ball around and throwing it in a bucket.

Crispin, that is good and great but how come the same people that cry for tolerance and individual gay rights, minority rights (affirmative action) and so on are so quick to take ALL our rights away like the second amendment? By the way I am not directing this directly at you.
Yes. What is exceptional about America is our ethnic and religious diversity. we truley r a melting pot and religious haven.

I refuse to take the family to mcdonalds after the whole apple dipper thing.
AND! Tax on groceries, eating food OUT, (McDonalds, Red Lobsters...), gas...

Like going to the moon first? Stopping the war with two bombs. Or do you mean a bunch of American farmers through your british butts out of here!:laughing9::laughing7::occasion14: yes time for a beer and not some tea!
Threads gone way offline! So...anyone with an actual clue of the term got any REAL stand alone "exceptionalisms"?

Question directed at Crispin, sorry Diesel. Some cries seem off, but pink blue or green we are still in the same boat. Minority status is evolving and will affect any majority rules out comes differently than in the past. While i or we may not applaud neighbors life style choices they are still neighbors and should they become a majority what of our cries?.

I am not commenting on their lifestyle choices, just pointing out these are the same people who want to take our rights...therefore they are affecting my/our lifestyle choices. Seems kind of hypocritical to me!
Question directed at Crispin, sorry Diesel. Some cries seem off, but pink blue or green we are still in the same boat. Minority status is evolving and will affect any majority rules out comes differently than in the past. While i or we may not applaud neighbors life style choices they are still neighbors and should they become a majority what of our cries?.

Dano, again I ask have you ever been to America? Were does all your hate for America come from? My guess is your own state run media.

DieselRam: I think the answer to your question lies embedded in all of these threads on the 2nd amendment. Everybody interprets the constitution slightly differently. I don't want to get into marriage. marriage is a basic example of an essential liberty. I think things get muddled when religion and government cross paths. Something exceptional about America but not limited to it is our separation of church and state. Minority groups have been discriminated against in the past. What we are seeing now is a rebound effect where a lot of them are going overboard in the other direction. Hopefully, given time, things will turn back towards the middle. When I was in medical school there were scholarships for women and minorities. There were clubs and special dinners for them as well. My med school class was 52% female. White people made up only 35% of ethnicities. We were discriminated against and became the minority. This is a silly example but it portrays what I am trying to express.

Most people who live in cities don't place a lot of value on guns. They see other liberties as being more important. It is all relative.

RelevantChair: I am not sure what you are asking. Can you expound on that?

Phil Jackson invented basketball. Everything before him was just passing a ball around and throwing it in a bucket.

And he so gracelessly stole that from the Mayans who played a somewhat similar game in 1300 BC, or longer :tongue3:

To a point yes they affect ,but those who want their votes make it more possible than they could alone?.
The questions /concerns addressed to me personally,though i,m not surveying people so am missing input of demographics have been from hmmm, more traditional lines. And definitely non media or hollywood also.

Crispin my question would be when those who become minorities who were not before would they not want to have as much a voice as possible?
That said i meant diesel's post question was directed at you and i did not mean to answer for you.
Did not work ehh?.

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this might be exceptional: the moving figure for the cost of two wars as of 7:00 am Eastern time was $1,410,157,000,000.00 and that was looking out for U.S. interests.

you can find out what it cost you/your city/or state by checking out

In the end all our liberties are important and must be protected at all costs. just ask all those who gave all for these rights.

In the end it may be dogmatism that costs us the freedom we Americans could have enjoyed by being moderate, respectful, and inclusive.

It is one thing to say, "I'm proud to be an American, just as you should be proud to be __________." It is another thing entirely to say, "I'm proud to be better than you [American Exceptionalism]."

Creating the kind of strong, cohesive society required to maximize individual and social opportunities (read: freedom) also demands that we not alienate our fellow world citizens. Conflict will ultimately diminish opportunity.

In the end it may be dogmatism that costs us the freedom we Americans could have enjoyed by being moderate, respectful, and inclusive.

It is one thing to say, "I'm proud to be an American, just as you should be proud to be __________." It is another thing entirely to say, "I'm proud to be better than you [American Exceptionalism]."

Creating the kind of strong, cohesive society required to maximize individual and social opportunities (read: freedom) also demands that we not alienate our fellow world citizens. Conflict will ultimately diminish opportunity.
But! It is important to KNOW WHY AMERICA IS BETTER than any other country! Our country is better, not just different!

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