American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare

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Rebel, as long as your not cheating or lying on your taxes there is no criminal record you want go to court, your not cheating as long as you pay what you owe eventually.

As I said before I didn't file 2 years in a row, on 3rd year I filed and penalties were about $200 total plus interest and back taxes I owed to begin with and IRS set me up on payment plan to boot, no record, no court, never went to IRS office. Right now interest rate is so low its nothing....

I continued to pay my payroll taxes the whole time, just claimed more dependents so I paid less, but when I filed on 3rd year I claimed proper number of dependents. It was either miss house payments or under pay taxes during the year...

I had lost my job 1 year after moving 1500 miles on company transfer and buying the home, got hurt at work and laid off 30 days later, was on workman's comp for a year healing and when i went back to work I went from $29.00 hour to $10 hour. I chose to pay house and make IRS wait.

I will not file this year til this is settled, I will file tax extension but not send any money in. I choose to pay any penalties there might be, this is my country and I believe in what our forefathers founded. Tax protest is a step before a possible civil war which cost a lot more in blood and money...

If more Americans would do this they would wake up, they do not have the personnel (IRS Agents) to handle a major tax protest. 50 million Americans not filing would be a MAJOR protest. It would take them 10 years to process that many cases, they can't keep up now with a couple million cases...

Americans have to unite and stand together... I am not advocating breaking any laws, it is a legitimate protest with no bloodshed......

Rebel, as long as your not cheating or lying on your taxes there is no criminal record you want go to court, your not cheating as long as you pay what you owe eventually.

As I said before I didn't file 2 years in a row, on 3rd year I filed and penalties were about $200 total plus interest and back taxes I owed to begin with and IRS set me up on payment plan to boot, no record, no court, never went to IRS office. Right now interest rate is so low its nothing....

I continued to pay my payroll taxes the whole time, just claimed more dependents so I paid less, but when I filed on 3rd year I claimed proper number of dependents. It was either miss house payments or under pay taxes during the year...

I had lost my job 1 year after moving 1500 miles on company transfer and buying the home, got hurt at work and laid off 30 days later, was on workman's comp for a year healing and when i went back to work I went from $29.00 hour to $10 hour. I chose to pay house and make IRS wait.

I will not file this year til this is settled, I will file tax extension but not send any money in. I choose to pay any penalties there might be, this is my country and I believe in what our forefathers founded. Tax protest is a step before a possible civil war which cost a lot more in blood and money...

If more Americans would do this they would wake up, they do not have the personnel (IRS Agents) to handle a major tax protest. 50 million Americans not filing would be a MAJOR protest. It would take them 10 years to process that many cases, they can't keep up now with a couple million cases...

Americans have to unite and stand together... I am not advocating breaking any laws, it is a legitimate protest with no bloodshed......
They are acutely aware of this, and this is why if you punch a clock for a living, they get theirs first! You can however, change your filing status. Tax returns in general are a huge ripoff! They use your money for a year, then any refund due, is refunded the NEXT year, and it is considered INCOME and added to your total for the next year! Think about it...

Also, France, Holland, Belgium etc were occupied by the Germans for 5 years...they don't speak German! - Definately no cookie!

Because it was 5 years and they were liberated. Without the US and Poland, you guys and the rest of Europe would be speaking German after 70 years of German rule.

I'm guessing that 10th place award had nothing to do with "intelligence", right?....*facepalm*

Yes Cheif Joseph had just ran the greatest and longest "running" battle that has ever been carried out on American Soil, and in fact they were just Miles from Canada when he stopped (to long) to rest his people!!!! He was/is one of the best tactical minds that ever lived!!!!! Great history in the study of the Naz' Perce!!!

Neat story. That's one of the only historical things mentioned in this thread that we actually mentioned in school.

It is all part of the equation, as well as the controlling / changing the meaning of words.....just try to speak out about this president andyour automatically racist. Or so they claim!

Yup, thats what they claim. It's scary.


I'm guessing that 10th place award had nothing to do with "intelligence", right?....*facepalm*

Go see for yourself. Watch the competition. Too bad the prelims were not filmed, but the actual competition is on youtube. Why do you have to insult every member? The people in the competition don't meet the stereotype of "American's don't know geography." You know you're walking on a tightrope, and TH or another mod is about to cut one end.

I just take exception to people who spout ridiculous and false historical information. :BangHead:

Yes i really do. Please tell me which false historical info i spout?

Dano, right off the top of my head and really not that interested in you at the moment, how about in one of your previous posts in which you stated Americans are not taught history, or the post where you said American history is propaganda and the pledge is that enough?:BangHead:

Dano can't help himself. He thinks that, no matter the subject concerning America and OUR constitution, he is somehow relevant.

Kinda reminds me of "that guy", quite the narcissistic Brit he is.
Legend in his own mind! lol:laughing9:

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