Annual vacation to Arkansas and some evidence!!


Bronze Member
Sep 1, 2006
Lone Star State
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Went on my annual to Arkansas this year. Finally got to hunt the spring where we go to get water to take home. This place is many miles into the mountains via dirt road and then several more down another road.

I'll refrain from using the name of the spring in light of there being people from Arkansas visiting this forum. I only searched it for an hour and got a few goodies. Next trip I will spend the whole day there.

The first picture is of plow points and a steering wheel from sort sort of machinery. We have our guesses as to why there was a tractor wheel up there, but, no tractor yet. An old clock and I also dug up a mason jar lid with the liner in it. I told my buddy that it was a mason jar lid when it pinpointed like a dollar and rang like a dirty pull tab. It was my first guess and I was dead on!! Alas there was no jar with it.....Better luck next year I guess.

I also found these saws. Just under the leaf litter. There are too many large rocks in the soil for anything of real size to sink. It is such a bonus. The top one is a 6' two man and the bottom is a single man 3'.

Here is a view of one of the mountains from a distance.

Jogged over to another friend's house over in Oklahoma. We grabbed some beer and guns and headed out the the lease to shoot AT things ;D I found some stuff to shoot at, but, I had to use my camera lens this time. We saw some baby quail and tried to chase them. They can't be caught. They look like mice running around. We looked like a couple of buffoons!! My buddy is 6'4" and around 260 lbs. What a knucklehead.
My buddy found this bird point. It's beautiful and a half inch long. Made from some sort of white quartz-like material. He kicked my butt that day. He found several. The best was a fully intact Dalton point.

My overnight stay in Oklahoma ended and I said good-bye to my boy and headed back to the other Oklahoma. I had to take the long cut back to camp cause the short cut was covered in water. Didn't fish any because the water was too high and swift. It was a foot higher, when we got there, than when I actually took this picture.

OH YEAH!! I almost forgot the best find of the weekend!! Over at the spring I got a copper hit!! Most exciting for me. We thought the old guy ran a still out there in the woods. I figured it to be a piece of copper pipe as evidence, but nope, it was a part of a lighter. The good part!!! Has the initials of the presenter and the recipient!!!! I was completely stoked. We have talked for years about who this old place was inhabited by. No one knew. My father-in-law heard of this place all his life, but, was never able to find it until about seven or eight years ago. Lots of scuttlebut about the place. Now I have some sort of a lead!!!!! For obvious reasons, as stated before, the name of the spring is not given and I have smudged the middle initial in both sets. I don't know if there is anything to find up there, but, I won't leave much to chance.

Thanks for looking!!

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Arkansas is full of history. Anywhere you can find a spring you can bet that there was human activity. Especially if the spring is isolated like you suggest it would be a great spot for bushwhackers to have hung out during the Civil War. Keep us posted....Steve

Sounds like you had a grand ol' time....congrats on your finds. If you need help in locating information on the "initials"...PM me...I do alot of genealogy work (free of the history of people!) and might be able to give you a hand on old census records or even newspapers articles that I am able to access online. Like I said, PM me, be happy to help and you have MY WORD as a MOM and Retired Sailor...information passed will be only between YOU AND I!!!!! Scouts Honor!

Anyways, August 26th, we are leaving town and heading for a family vacation in Arkansas. We are going to be staying at Lake Greeson (Army Corps of Engineers Land) and we received permission that we can metal detect. Only thing we have to turn in is Native American Artifacts (after I take pics of them, if we find any)...but we can keep everything else....hope it turns out productive for hubby and I and the boys.

We will be digging for diamonds at the Crator of Diamonds as well...we plan to dig for 4 days...wish us luck...I'd be happy to find a CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK!!!...anything to say my 4 days of digging paid off :)

For those not familiar with the Crator of Diamonds, it's just outside Murfreesboro. And this Army Corps of Engineers land was the former home of a Mr. Greeson, hence the Lake Greeson name. I am going to do a bit of family history on him and see what I can find out before heading out.

I hope you have many more wonderful adventures and hope you will share them with us. I'll post when we get back about ours!

Happy Hunting Everyone!

Sounds like a great trip.

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