Anyone working the 1715 fleet this year?

Ocean was pretty calm today and didn't see one boat out digging from Sebastian to Jupiter. :dontknow:


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mad4wrecks, thank you very much for taking the time. ben in n.c. :thumbsup: :notworthy: i would like to post a lot more but i have had a libation or two and know better. again :notworthy: many thanks! b

bucketofguts said:
mad4wrecks, thank you very much for taking the time. ben in n.c. :thumbsup: :notworthy: i would like to post a lot more but i have had a libation or two and know better. again :notworthy: many thanks! b

No no no. Since you have been imbibing....please by all means tell us a story....

i have one for each of ya .................... ! :laughing7:

Splash!!!!! Amelia hit's the water in Jupiter today! I'll be there this afternoon!



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Vis improving at the Cabin, but not good yet according to Park Rangers. On Sportsman Day (Wednesday), the vis at Sandy Point was zero on the bottom 1500 feet from shore.

These pictures taken last Saturday at Nieves on the C-10 boat. Vis about 8 feet in the late afternoon when the tide came in.


C-32 boat


Tommy Gore on the wheel, Jeff Pfeiffer preps Aquapulse


John Morgan and Jeff Pfeiffer


Jeff Pfeiffer and Randy Andrews

Hey everyone! I wanted to keep all you Pirates and Treasure Hunters apprised of some interesting things that are happening on the 1715 Wrecks this year off the Sebastion Coast. Captain Greg and the Goldhound crew have been filming a Promo and Pilot for a reality TV show on Treasure Hunting the 1715 Wrecks. This is a good thing! It puts all you hard working treasure salvors on the map to be recognized down there in Florida. I have updated the website with the initial Promo and the Film Crew has a blog going with their adventures with us. They just spent the past two weeks filming our every move from boats to helicopters and we will be posting a new official Promo shortly. Since we are a tight community of treasure divers down around these parts.... Im sure you'll recognize alot of familiar faces. Enjoy!

Apolla :fish:

"reality TV show"... hummm :icon_scratch:

Sure... why not. They did it with Ice Truckers , Whale Wars and Oil Rig workers. Its all entertainment. This time... its about Treasure Hunters who have been bitten by the Gold Bug. In this economy, its a great theme... everyone is looking for that chest of gold and it's all out there on the bottom of the darn ocean. We all dream about recovering it. Its about time people become more aware of our buisness and how things operate. Personally... yes, I am a member of Captain greg Bounds Goldhound Crew and I am aware of all the other hard working dive teams scouring the bottom for that 1715 treasure. This show can benefit all the operations off that coast with more people becoming aware of just what it is you all do and I'm sure they will want to become a part of it. It's a positive move in the right direction.


The ARRG group did that 2 years ago. We were going to be on the History Channel. We had a production company come out and they filmed us for a trailer. Nothing happened after that.

Apolla, i wish only good things and good karma :icon_pirat: b

Well.. it did put the Arrrg group on the map and gave them alot of credibility. Each one of the Arrg team members is well known because of that project even though it didnt air. Ya guys all get publised and I read about ya'll in the papers and hear ya on the news. As with life... nothing is for certain... but I am hoping that this may be a good time with the economy on bust and reality shows on the rise to give Treasure Hunting some excitement. Or at least some entertainment for the rest of us. And.. no they are not putting me in a Bikini.. Over my dead body! LOL! Sorry guys!


Oh yeah.. WORKING......

John Brandon on the Endeavor as usual doing it regular an 8 escudo to send chills down your spine ( if you have one)

3 others out of Riverside Marina - Perserverance (C67), Pandion - we sure know her pedigree and bringing up the rear Gold Hawg

I haven't even started >:( -- with Gold Hawg ex: Boca Chica due to boatyard time and late start but hey going to a better wetsuit and contract til Dec 31!

Royal Fifth, Lobster Man, Virigalona

Royal Eight still doing it up off Sebastian -- Gold Hound!!! - that's just the ones I know are out

1715 divers are still hitting it hard between weather and engine trouble and general stuff - I fly and it's a lot easier to fly over the site and say it looks
good .... how come no one's working..

My favorite thing is going over the Gulf Stream - it always looks calm from about 7500 feet!

This year is not over yet!!!


I held that 8 - in each hand - and it sent shivers down me spine!!
No one I know has been out from Riverside in the last few weeks due to foul weather with no vis.
"If todays not the day then maybe tomorrow will be"
JimiDPirate (Pandion crew)

Afternoon to all,just got off the big bird from Florida bout an hour ago.Here's the scoop from the past week.Started everyday at Turtle trail,then up to Seagrape,then Wabasso,Golden Sands,Treasure Shores & Ambersands.DIRTY,DIRTY,DIRTY.Went over inlet to Bonsteele,clear,clean,4-5 waves.Detected twice up to 8 real beach & back.No one's been out due to water conditions/funds.Had breakfast everday with Rex.Guess everyone knows about the Polly L bringing up the Civil War era anchor yesterday at Jupiter inlet.It had been found years ago,they loaded on a state vehicle & away it went.The program was filmed by Channel 12 out of Miami.Aired late last night.Stopped by the MFC to visit with Bill for a few yesterday.Got to see & examine Brandon's bronze pistol barrel & a pair of dividers I didn't know he had found.Jimmy,the 8 Escudo wasn't there yet.Thanks for letting us know about it.Hope the year gets better(has too)starting to look worse than last.Have a great evening everyone.Tom

This is what was in the paper about the anchor

Lifeguard finds aging anchor, possibly from the Civil War-era, off Jupiter


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

JUPITER — Fearing pirates, Peter Leo had to act fast.

Tipped by a snorkeler about a barnacle-encrusted anchor 100 yards off Coral Cove Park, the 53-year-old Palm Beach County lifeguard checked it out the following day, then spent the night in his sailboat above it to protect his booty from potential thieves.

A wooden rudder found near Coral Cove Park is displayed at the historic Tyndell House. An anchor that could be from the same wreck was found and recovered in July.

The next day, he and other divers gingerly used inflatable equipment to haul the 10-foot-long wood and possibly iron artifact north to the federally protected waters next to Jupiter Lighthouse.

"If we left that anchor where it was, somebody would have stolen it," Leo said Monday, standing on his lifeguard perch at Coral Cove.

Leo was one of several divers who 22 years ago discovered the wreck of a 1660 Spanish courier ship near Jupiter Inlet, and he figured this new find was an anchor from a Civil War-era schooner.

Leo heard about the anchor from Jim Jorden, who found it July 2 while snorkeling in 20-foot water for lobsters.

"I saw the whole anchor as plain as day. I just happened upon it," said Jorden, a marine electronics salesman who lives in Palm Beach Gardens.

Leo should not have touched the anchor, said Vincent Birdsong, a supervisor in the Florida Division of Historical Resources. The law requires divers to report all potentially historical underwater discoveries to state or local authorities.

But Birdsong said, "I don't think anyone is going to prosecute (Leo). His intent was not to steal the anchor. And he did report the anchor to the Coast Guard."

The anchor is the property of Florida. State Division of Historical Research officials plan to pick it up Aug. 26 and take it to Tallahassee, where they will use an electrical process to stop it from rusting.

Leo says he is "feverishly" exploring the site, looking for more artifacts. Before finding the anchor, he spotted a rudder he thinks might be a part of the same ship. It's on display at the Tyndall House, next to the Jupiter Lighthouse.

State law allows Leo to look, not dig. "I hope to find a whole boat out there. That's the wonderful mystery," he said.

If he finds treasure, he hopes to work out the same agreement with the state that he did regarding the San Miguel de Archangel, a Spanish wreck he and two other lifeguards discovered off Jupiter Inlet in 1987. A U.S. District Court called for Leo and his salvaging partner to employ proper techniques for excavation, conservation and recording of artifacts. In exchange, Florida was granted the right to any unique artifact and a 20 percent share of the value of the finds.

Thousands of silver coins were discovered, with mint marks from Peru, Mexico and Columbia. No coins were dated after 1659, which is how archeologists determined the date of the sinking. Two 900-pound cannons and a 1,000-pound anchor from the ship are at Jupiter Lighthouse Park.

Leo, who has been a Palm Beach County lifeguard for about 30 years, said he "broke even" with his share from the San Miguel.

He says money isn't the reason he searches for treasure. "But it would be great to find treasure," he said


Those darn lobster divers. If they would see that anchor, they would put it in their goody bag! I'm glad Peter Leo saved it!

The obvious is that ships wreck on the devils teeth. I find it interesting geologically speaking the 'why' of where Sebastian Inlet eventually and permanently was created. I am certain it had a lot to do with the underlying rock etc. I would think there lies a clue helpful perhaps of the whereabouts of a sunken vessel.

My two cents.

Cap Z.

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