are you related to someone famous ..........

Ancestor supposably got beheaded for bonking the queen of england.
Another was a part owner of the "Mayflower".
And in the USA one was hanged for horse thief.
Have geneology back to 872.

Me - I got a speeding ticket for doing 105 in a 55 mph area.



goldencoin said:
Where to start...

The oldest know roots of my family goes back to the pilgrims...I have at least one revolutionary war soldier in my family. Perhaps the most famous person in my family is Thomas L. Hamer. He has his own wikipedia page...

Thomas Lyon Hamer (July 1800 – December 2, 1846) was a United States congressman and soldier.

Hamer was born in July, 1800 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. He was a school teacher before being admitted to the bar in 1821. He practiced law in Georgetown, Ohio and was elected as an Ohio state representative and served as Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives in 1829 and was then elected to the U.S. Congress. While serving as a congressman he nominated Hiram Ulysses Grant, the son of a constituent, to be a cadet at West Point. Hamer incorrectly put on the nomination the name "Ulysses Simpson Grant" and the name stayed with the new cadet.

When the Mexican-American War broke out Hamer volunteered as a private in the Ohio Volunteers. Popular and well respected, Hamer was appointed a brigadier general of volunteers the next day, July 1, 1846. He was placed in command of the 1st Brigade of William O. Butler's Volunteer Division of the Army of Occupation. He led his brigade with distinction into the fighting at the battle of Monterrey. When General Butler fell wounded, Hamer assumed command of the division. When Mexican General Pedro de Ampudia requested to discuss surrender terms, it was Hamer who delivered the message to General Taylor. While still serving in the army he was elected to another term in Congress but died unexpectedly while stationed with the army at Monterrey on December 2, 1846. Upon Hamer's death, General Zachary Taylor exclaimed "I have lost the balance wheel of my volunteer army" and Lt. Ulysses S. Grant also lamented that the "U.S. has lost a future president".

He was buried in his hometown of Georgetown. A few miles away the town of Hamersville, Ohio was named in his honor.

I am his direct grandson...

That is ALLLLLL kind of COOL!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

gollum said:
The Marquis de Lafayette


Sir Lord Baltimore (not the one who founded Maryland) a famous Indian Tracker. One of the people Pinkerton hired to track down Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

VERY FITTING :thumbsup:

This thread reminded me of a very dear friend who passed away some years ago— Katy Rowan, a phenomenally talented treasure hunter who wrote many articles for magazines such as Western & Eastern Treasures. She had a famous relative, too. It was her uncle, Andrew Rowan, who carried the "Message to Garcia" immortalized by Elbert Hubbard:

Katy, this one's for you.

This is a very cool thread.

I'm supposedly related to an Italian Cardinal from the 1500's, a Venetian Dogge from the 17th Cent. and an Italian movie star from the '50s. My father's family is somehow related to the Italian shoe manufacturer, Brandolini.

Gen. Lee, Eisenhower, vice president Charles Curtis. My wife is related to Mary Todd Lincoln. (yep shes kind of crazy too.) ;D

Kermit the frog, second cousin
A great guy (nice legs)
Only got to see him on holidays once he got famous
fond memories of thanksgiving sit downs, sharing family stories and smoked flies for appetizers
(the crispy wings were the best part)
I remember one time he brought Miss piggy to thanksgiving, we had pork tenderloin.
Miss piggy never accepted our invitations after that dinner, mom could never figure out why and Kermit wont say.

Well, Just Jesus. But some folks dont like him, and he holds me up higher than I hold him.

HI: sorry for the delay but have been researching. All that I could find was a casual reference to a " QUASI MOTO, French I believe. French ?? Does this make me a romanantic lover?

Don os de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa said:
HI: sorry for the delay but have been researching. All that I could find was a casual reference to a " QUASI MOTO, French I believe. French ?? Does this make me a romanantic lover?

Don os de La Mancha

Quasimodo? Just a hunch... but for some reason the name rings a bell.


HI PBK: So that is who he was, a religeous man eh? Always wanted a saint in the family, besides myself. Was he ordained?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. You are forgiven for the cute pun heheheheh, but where is the broad? err lovley lass.

mental granny said:
In tour case Jim I am sure it will be famous!

Son in law related to William deBruce somthin like that Will was the guy in Mel Gibson movie that wanted to kill Mel chacter

Hmmm... that's funny, I am kin to "Robert Wallace of the William Wallaces" according to official record in Scotland. Maybe I should be mad at you. LOL You now owe me reperations! Send my check for a zillion buck to... Hahaha

My Great Aunt is a professional Geneologist and in her spare time has worked our family tree back to 1632 here in the U.S. and back to about 1200 across the pond, mostly in Scotland, Ireland, and England... with a few others for good measure... although I will never admit to French... even though my better half says I should get in touch with my feminine side.

She explains that when the "the" was put in an official record it means the one everyone knows. Like saying The George Bush. Another example from my bloodline is George Washington, but not The George Washington... mine was a blacksmith.

Either way, it can't be confirmed, but it is the right time frame and the right part of Scotland sooooo.... who knows.

With the benefit of a professional working on my tree it stands to reason that the more people you are related to the more well known people are going to be included. My tree is up to about 3K people so here's my list of well knowns that I know of.

Starting with:
A "The William Wallace"
The Duke of Somethenother SW of London
Francois Poche of 1700's New Orleans fame
Levi Garrett... yeah, the tobacco guy
and by default about half the people in the Southeast U.S.

That's all I know about anyway.

waltripcrew said:
cousins to the racing brothers on dad's side and Clanton family on mom's side.

Hey now, you tell Mikey there's plenty of support out there for him even when things are tough. Resigning Reut was as brilliant as it gets, David is a gem and will carry the MWR banner far. :thumbsup:


p.s. That 3 Stooges poster is staring at me right now. The one with both DW and Mikey.

If any of you know someone famous enough to Produce some movies I would love to write a roll for them.... Let me know, really I'm a real creative writer/director. Just need some help ! I have had treatments that someone else produced that same thing. My ideas are real good trust me I have dozens, contact me.

Keep @ it and HH!!

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