
Bronze Member
Sep 9, 2007
Long Beach, California
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XP Deus, White's Surfmaster Dual Field, Tesoro Sand Shark, Garrett ATX
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Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Last year discovered a "Baker's Cyst" in my right knee joint. BUMMER...caused by arthritis and limits mobility.

Doctor put me on Celebrex for a few months and it was AMAZINGLY good. BUT the side effects can be really serious if taken for extended periods of time.

I discovered the "Golden raisin soaked in gin" Folkcure and over the past two months I first gave up the Celebrex. Within 2 days the arthritis was so severe that I really considered going back on it. I wanted to really give the folkcure a try. Within 2 weeks the pain was reduced to a manageable level. After about a month the pain was 95% reduced with mobility improved about 75%.

Now after about 2 months, pain has been reduced 98% and mobility improved about 85%.

[I'm an ex-engineer and try for accuracy with my percentages. ;D]

I soak the golden raisin's in a shallow bowl (just covered in gin) for about 5 to 7 days. Then place the raisins in a baggie in the fridge. Each breakfast I take 9 raisins with my meal.

This has "appeared" to work for me and shouldn't have any negative consequences and I offer it as a try at your own risk basis. To me it has worked as GOOD as Celebrex (if not better!) but it took longer to work...AND so far so good.

And BTW I don't drink.. (well..unless I'm forced to).

HH Joe

I have degenerative arthiritis, tried celebrex as well as many others......nothing works. I may try your method for relief......but ommit the raisins ;)

Seriously, I hope it continues to help you, many of the side-effects of medications nowadays are worse than the actual problem. ???


HOSSNV said:
I don ,t drink anymore , BUT I DON,T DRINK ANY LESS EITHER ! Hoss

I cut mine down to those days that begin with the letter "T"......Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow, Taturday, and Tunday ;)



I've been doing the gin + raisins for several years now. I just fill a mason jar with the golden raisins, cover with the gin, and refridgerate. Take a spoonful every day. The only time it doesn't help me is when I forget to take them for weeks at a time ::)

Thanks for the reminder! I had forgotten about this "cure". The caregiver who took care of my father-in-law highly believed in this. She had him taking this everyday...I remember him even saying "That Gail is trying to get me drunk". ;D I do remember it has to be the golden raisins and gin. Refrigerated, but I don't remember if with the liquid in a spoon, or just the raisins by themselves ???

Celebrix tears my stomach up, I've given that stuff up. Long hot soaks in tubs, and heat pads works & taking Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM daily seems to relieve my pains. I may start eating raisins daily now.

;) RR

The Gin basically evaporates (in my version) and you wind up with plumper (but happy) raisins.

I also have been taking the Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM daily for the last few years.

The gin I used was the cheapest they had at Sam's Club...about $12 a bottle

Ok...........gotta tell this story....true as can be

My parents were "tea totallers"............not a sip of alcohol.............of course, growing up in Oklahoma kind of "warped" the brain....ha/ha

If you can imagine my surprise when I went back to Oklahoma to see my parents in 1999, and in the refrigerator was a plastic container of "gin and raisins". I didn't say anything to my parents. And then the next day I was in the car with my dad, and he stopped at the LIQUOR STORE..............OMG....I literally had to restart my heart. Anyway......without a word, my dad stopped the car, asked if I wanted to go into the....gulp....the LIQUOR STORE with him. Sure...........and I was trying desperately to take stock of my "inventory" hidden in my suitcase....gee, did I need some more scotch...or more bourbon? Maybe some more tequilla? So, I accompanied my dad in the ....gulp....LIQUOR STORE....and saw Dad buy some gin. Whooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa. All the way home, I was silent about his LIQUOR STORE purchase. Finally, when we got home, Dad took the gin into the kitchen...fixed the gin and raisins..........................while I stood in absolute shock. I mean.....this is the man that literally tore me a "new one" when I came home drunk after my divorce. Suddenly....Dad called Mom into the kitchen and they proceeded to take their "prescription" of gin and raisins!!!!!!!

Afterwards..............I had a great laugh............and.............a great cry...................because I finally realized that my parents were humans also. Dad told me that the gin and raisins were to help their arthritis..............................Dang, I sure wish I could have used that story back in college....LOL

Take care and HH,


borninok said:
Ok...........gotta tell this story....true as can be

My parents were "tea totallers"............not a sip of alcohol.............of course, growing up in Oklahoma kind of "warped" the brain....ha/ha

If you can imagine my surprise when I went back to Oklahoma to see my parents in 1999, and in the refrigerator was a plastic container of "gin and raisins". I didn't say anything to my parents. And then the next day I was in the car with my dad, and he stopped at the LIQUOR STORE..............OMG....I literally had to restart my heart. Anyway......without a word, my dad stopped the car, asked if I wanted to go into the....gulp....the LIQUOR STORE with him. Sure...........and I was trying desperately to take stock of my "inventory" hidden in my suitcase....gee, did I need some more scotch...or more bourbon? Maybe some more tequilla? So, I accompanied my dad in the ....gulp....LIQUOR STORE....and saw Dad buy some gin. Whooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa. All the way home, I was silent about his LIQUOR STORE purchase. Finally, when we got home, Dad took the gin into the kitchen...fixed the gin and raisins..........................while I stood in absolute shock. I mean.....this is the man that literally tore me a "new one" when I came home drunk after my divorce. Suddenly....Dad called Mom into the kitchen and they proceeded to take their "prescription" of gin and raisins!!!!!!!

Afterwards..............I had a great laugh............and.............a great cry...................because I finally realized that my parents were humans also. Dad told me that the gin and raisins were to help their arthritis..............................Dang, I sure wish I could have used that story back in college....LOL

Take care and HH,


Hey! Great Story.

I never realized how widespread this "remedy" was! I heard it for the first time a few months ago on infomercial TV. I Googled the terms and researched all the positive testimonials and decided I might as well try..AND I'm pretty happy I did.

My Dad (age 88 and NO arthritis) lives in Roanoke.. I see you are in Manassas..neat.

HH Joe

Gonna give that Gin and Raisin method a try. The pain of Arthritis can be a bummer. Will use "Gordons" gin though, thats thought to be the best here in the UK. Not sure if you can get it in the US, would have thought so.

I once went on a trip which included going round the Gordons Gin distilerry, it was very interesting. The main ingrediant is "Juniper Berries", maybe that could be the secret

I'm going to have to try this!

Actually, for a while, even with Celebrex (later it was Bextra) I had friends that figured I was on a fast track to a wheelchair. But I found one other thing that helped me enormously - called "CMO" - it's one of those fatty acid things (not the omega-3 fish oil - but still..) I took that and glucosamine/chondroitin with the collagen and MSM. IF I have a "bad day" now, it's so much better than the best of my good days while taking the Celebrex etc.

Thing is, I think the golden raisins thing is going to be a lot cheaper (and just maybe a lot more fun - ha!). ;D

Really glad you posted it - thanks!

Nan :D

A secretary was visiting an Aunt in the desert and had told her that she suffered from piles...the Aunt mixed her a drink of Vodka and Sour kraut juice...its called a pile driver...

After literally sitting on the porcelain throne for two days, she never had a recurrence of the roids after that...


Like I said, my dad swore by it. I tried it a couple of times....problem was, I kept eating the raisins and drinking the gin....LOL ;D ;D



Treasure Trails......My osteoarthritis has already caused me permanent damage, and have already had 2 knee replacements. But I am going to give this a "go". I can't see it doing alot of harm......raisins are good for you........and being soaked in gin.... dont think they will do much harm either, after all how much gin would it take to soak a few raisins. Either way, it may help to start the day off.

Regards "hic" Unicorn :)

Treasure Tales.......I am not going to stop my antinflamitory meds while I try this out, The amount of gin needed to soak up the raisins will be small enought not to cause any side effects, well at least I don't think so. I have just put my first lot in the fridge, and I didn't have to add that much gin. Might be worth a try eh!!!

regards Unicorn

I am going to try this because I have Lymes Disease . My knees hurt like heck in the mornings and I have been taking iprobufrin and Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM because there is nothing they can do for Lymes .If I rub the MSM cream on them it works fast .....but maybe gin and raisens will help.

Unicorn said:
The main ingrediant is "Juniper Berries", maybe that could be the secret

It is my understanding that the juniper berries are a natural anti inflammatory.
To all who are going to try the gin+raisins....
I DO NOT recommend that you stop taking your Rx's.
I take the gin+raisins AND all my Rxs. It took 5 days for me to feel the difference. Took my mother 2 weeks, and my neighbor 3 weeks. But they now swear by it.
My problem is............I get to feeling REAL good. And stop taking them :( dur
Then I can't stand up, so I start 'em again. I honestly believe they help me more than all the Rxs. However, I have had to stop taking anti inflam Rxs a couple of times prior to dental work, and I felt that Big time, too.
So>>>>> do 'em both.


Dad never told me what ratio he used...i.e., how many raisins to how much gin. What is your recipe? How much/many raisins do you take per day?

It is uncanny how relevant this thread turned out to be for me. For the past 3 weeks my right knee has been hurting real bad. Can't kneel on it, can't bend it too much....and going up/down stairs, there is a squishy clicking sound. Went to the doctor today to have it checked out. His diagnosis: bursitus of the knee. So, I had to get a hinged knee brace, and I'm on Relafen/Nabumotone for 6-8 weeks. He said absolutely NO metal detecting that involved bending down/kneeling down. I had planned to hit the ocean front in a couple of days, maybe I might still attempt it since I have my long handle scoop.

So...looks as if I may have to be my father's son and try the "recipe"....although my standard recipe would be Scotch on the Rocks. :D



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