Bounty Hunters???


Jr. Member
Jan 31, 2010
Couch, M0
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I currently use a bounty hunter sharp shooter 2 with a 10 and 8 inch coil. Well this year I'm really hitting it hard in hopes of finally finding my first silver. I have searched several promising spots, even some dating back to the mid 1800s. I have found lots of clad, 1 ring and various other items including a few 20's wheats. Nothing has been majorly deep other than large items. Now I only use notch and auto notch when I detect cause with all metal mode, my detector will only make one tone and there is just much trash to use. I was wondering if I will need to just upgrade to a higher grade detector to start scoring old coins like everyone else on here or do you think its just cause i haven't swung over any goodies yet? Open to any suggestions.

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ivan salis said:
those with both high dollar gear and skills * normally have "class" and "style" as welll something you can not "buy" at the store, you gotta learn it and earn it..
You say that those with high dollar gear have class & skill........ DO YOU LIVE IN A DREAM WORLD I have met a lot with high dollar gear that do not know what class or skill is....

read it right the way I wrote it ---- those THAT HAVE BOTH * SKILL AND HIGH DOLLAR gear -- in other words "old hands" with good gear -- tend to have class and style -- I said zippo about wanna be "expert" newbies with high dollar gear-- matter of fact these tend to to be the smug my gears better than yours types.

ivan salis said:
read it right the way I wrote it ---- those THAT HAVE BOTH * SKILL AND HIGH DOLLAR gear -- in other words "old hands" with good gear -- tend to have class and style -- I said zippo about wanna be "expert" newbies with high dollar gear-- matter of fact these tend to to be the smug my gears better than yours types.
It does not matter if they are new or older hunters with high dollar gear . You will find them with out class or skill. Not all of them IF YOU THINK THAT All LONG TIME HUNTER'S WITH HIGH PRICE GEAR HAVE CLASS & SKILL.............................. LIKE I SAID YOU LIVE IN A DREAM WORLD.........Haveing a high price detector does not give you class or skill.. Then what you are saying is that ones that use a low price detector have no class or skill . Boy that sure is new to me. BUT THEN I DO NOT LIVE IN A DREAM WORLD>

Ivan, I understand completely what you wrote and what you meant. I agree 100%.

I am abstaining from the rest of this thread as I do not want to compound existing misconceptions.


no I'm saying that most older hunters than have good gear tend to have "class and style" gained from years worth of experance as detectorist and have learned not to be so judgemential of other folks gear -----while its not allways the case ( their are jerks of all types --both young and old -- newbie and experanced --with high and low dollar gear ) --that is what I mean.

no where did I say --only experanced high dollar gear toting folks have "style and class" which is what you think I said -- because that my freind is simplely not true.

bscofield6 said:
If you are hunting parks, just be intelligent and upgrade to a better machine. Sure, you might get lucky from time to time. But it just can't compete on a consistent level with the higher end machines.

You just don't see posts of BH users saying they went to a park and found 10 silver and 30 wheat pennies. You see that with higher end machines.

Costume party's are fun

I would recommend the clown suit.

The red nose that honks are a hit with the kids at the park.


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Jeep said:
bscofield6 said:
If you are hunting parks, just be intelligent and upgrade to a better machine. Sure, you might get lucky from time to time. But it just can't compete on a consistent level with the higher end machines.

You just don't see posts of BH users saying they went to a park and found 10 silver and 30 wheat pennies. You see that with higher end machines.

Costume party's are fun

I would recommend the clown suit.

The red nose that honks are a hit with the kids at the park.

Prove me wrong.

Jeep said:
bscofield6 said:
Jeep said:
Costume party's are fun

So is getting an education.

It's the internet, get a real life.

Your posts remind me of the old computers.

We had a name for it then and it applies now, GIGO

You still have no facts for your argument. You bring on the insults with nothing to back them.

bscofield6 said:
Jeep said:
bscofield6 said:
Jeep said:
Costume party's are fun

So is getting an education.

It's the internet, get a real life.

Your posts remind me of the old computers.

We had a name for it then and it applies now, GIGO

You still have no facts for your argument. You bring on the insults with nothing to back them.


Exactly my point. Glad you finally got it :icon_thumright:

Go to the Bounty Hunter website and do some reading.

Also see who won this years Shootout.

I can give you a hint (BH)

Jeep said:
bscofield6 said:
Jeep said:
bscofield6 said:
Jeep said:
Costume party's are fun

So is getting an education.

It's the internet, get a real life.

Your posts remind me of the old computers.

We had a name for it then and it applies now, GIGO

You still have no facts for your argument. You bring on the insults with nothing to back them.


Exactly my point. Glad you finally got it :icon_thumright:

Go to the Bounty Hunter website and do some reading.

Also see who won this years Shootout.

I can give you a hint (BH)

Why would I care who won a shootout? What does that have to do with finding old coins in a park? I have never even seen a bounty hunter pull a wheat penny out of a park around here.

I don't post much here anymore, but I have plenty of finds posts to back my argument from a few years ago. Find me 5 posts of finds from a single days hunt in a public park where a bounty hunter found 10 or more silver coins.

ivan salis said:
no I'm saying that most older hunters than have good gear tend to have "class and style" gained from years worth of experance as detectorist and have learned not to be so judgemential of other folks gear -----while its not allways the case ( their are jerks of all types --both young and old -- newbie and experanced --with high and low dollar gear ) --that is what I mean.

no where did I say --only experanced high dollar gear toting folks have "style and class" which is what you think I said -- because that my freind is simplely not true.
That's more like it .. I'm Sorry ... i got your statement a little mixed up. You have my Apology.

Jeep said:
It's not for me to do your research.

Go find the posts on your own.

And if you have never seen a BH pull a wheat or silver you need to get out more and quit banging on
that keyboard.

Again, what does that have to do with finding old coins in a park?

Why am I so negative against BHs? Simple. I've hunted with guys using them. I've found deep old coin signals and let them listen. No matter what combination of settings they try with their machine, they cannot hear it. And to me, it's an obvious signal.

You talk, but you have nothing to back it up.

Oh well, I don't care. I'm thankful for BHs. They have left thousands of old coins in the parks I hunt for me to find.

bscofield6 said:
Jeep said:
It's not for me to do your research.

Go find the posts on your own.

And if you have never seen a BH pull a wheat or silver you need to get out more and quit banging on
that keyboard.

Again, what does that have to do with finding old coins in a park?

Why am I so negative against BHs? Simple. I've hunted with guys using them. I've found deep old coin signals and let them listen. No matter what combination of settings they try with their machine, they cannot hear it. And to me, it's an obvious signal.

You talk, but you have nothing to back it up.

Oh well, I don't care. I'm thankful for BHs. They have left thousands of old coins in the parks I hunt for me to find.

Nice story but I have the same one.

I have hunted with people with high end machines and could not hear what my BH was telling me.

They blew it. Man or Machine? BH run's deep.

Like I said you should get out more.

Or visit the Bounty Hunter Website Forum.

Ok man, you win.

Bounty Hunters are the best machines ever and go super deep. They just cannot be beat.

bscofield6 said:
Ok man, you win.

Bounty Hunters are the best machines ever and go super deep. They just cannot be beat.

I'm not saying that.

What I am saying is give people a break.

I use a BH by choice. Some people are just starting in this hobby and due to economic reasons
Just need a good detector that can fit the budget. BH does that.

Most people will upgrade sooner or later. I upgraded to a higher priced BH.

It's a hobby, for fun with benefits.

I been detecting for about 35 years, Started with a U.S. Army mine detector & got my First BH in the 70's & still have it.

BH has been good to me, very good.

I'm just saying, encourage the new folks to this hobby, don't rag them about a brand name.

Been good talking with ya.

I've avoided posts where Scofield is also posting because Spooky-da-mod thinks we're the same person. It's foreign to him that there just might be more than one detectorist in a city the size of Indianapolis (and OMG, we might actually know each other!) ;D. I normally post on the other forum, but I've been lurking around here a bit more lately. I had to chime in on this one.

I used to tell people, when warranted, they should upgrade to a better machine. Depth and accurate TID make or break these units. I've given up on those recommendations especially on-line because folks get all silly and call people names. Generally, it's not because they've hunted side by side with other detectors, but it's because they're defending the one hanging in the garage. Folks get attached to their detector like a pet - I don't get it. It stops being about finds and starts being about the unit they bought.

I think if you have a lot of money, you should buy a V3 and if you're on a budget, a bounty hunter. I use neither but would be elated if everyone else did.

If a zinc penny rings on your system the same as a silver dime (even once!), your machine stinks. If a guy calls you over and says, "I have silver right here," and you can't hear a peep, and out pops a barber dime, your machine is inferior - regardless of how you "feel" about it. There is a difference.

Good luck with your machine - whichever you choose. :icon_thumright:

Shambler said:
I've avoided posts where Scofield is also posting because Spooky-da-mod thinks we're the same person. It's foreign to him that there just might be more than one detectorist in a city the size of Indianapolis (and OMG, we might actually know each other!) ;D. I normally post on the other forum, but I've been lurking around here a bit more lately. I had to chime in on this one.

I used to tell people, when warranted, they should upgrade to a better machine. Depth and accurate TID make or break these units. I've given up on those recommendations especially on-line because folks get all silly and call people names. Generally, it's not because they've hunted side by side with other detectors, but it's because they're defending the one hanging in the garage. Folks get attached to their detector like a pet - I don't get it. It stops being about finds and starts being about the unit they bought.

I think if you have a lot of money, you should buy a V3 and if you're on a budget, a bounty hunter. I use neither but would be elated if everyone else did.

If a zinc penny rings on your system the same as a silver dime (even once!), your machine stinks. If a guy calls you over and says, "I have silver right here," and you can't hear a peep, and out pops a barber dime, your machine is inferior - regardless of how you "feel" about it. There is a difference.

Good luck with your machine - whichever you choose. :icon_thumright:
Then what you are saying if a detector only has one tone it is junk .... that is a new one to me also. To many detector snoobs out there.......

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