Building a 2.5" over/under dredge


Full Member
Mar 14, 2014
Dadeville, Alabama
Detector(s) used
Whites MX5
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All Treasure Hunting
Going to start building a 2.5" over/under dredge in the next week or so. Just waiting for the flair I ordered from Keene to arrive before I start bending metal. I got a good deal on aluminum sheets, 1/8x24x48, 1/8x12x48 and 1/8x12x48 perforated (1/4 holes) all for 35 bucks. Oh and the guy threw in two sheets 24x48 1/2" expanded aluminum. He was cleaning all the "scrap metal" out of his shop.

I will be using Reed Lukens Over/under build thread as a guide.

I will post pics once I get started.

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Can't wait to see a 2.5" over under, thought about doing it to my 3". Keep us posted! Good luck

I called Keene today to check on my order. Bad news is, my order got dropped, good news is they will get it out to me right away. Probably will not get it before the weekend so I will not be able to bend the box this weekend.

I called Keene today to check on my order. Bad news is, my order got dropped, good news is they will get it out to me right away. Probably will not get it before the weekend so I will not be able to bend the box this weekend.

Hmmmmm wonder how many phone calls they have been getting??

Hmmmmm wonder how many phone calls they have been getting??

My original order was put in the Monday before Christmas, So I'm sure the holidays screwed that up. Oh well, what can you do? I'm not at all upset with Keene, when you call and talk to them they bend over backwards to help, so all you can say is sometimes crap happens.

On the bright side, I have been watching a lot of Doc's video's and am pretty much sold on the Gold Hog UR mat with 1/2" expanded metal to run the full length of the sluice on bottom. That's another $100 bill, wonder if he would throw in free shipping ? LOL

Since I haven't been able to start building the box yet, I decided to start building the floats today. I'm building the forms out of 2" thick foam.
They are 6' long, 12" wide and 8-1/2" tall.
Here are a couple of picks.
Floats 011.jpgFloats 009.jpg
Please ignore my messy shop!

I like them floats... how are you going to finish them off? I was thinking rhino spray or similar if it doesnt eat them up.

Going to fiberglass them.... The foam acts as a mold, after the glass cures I'll pour acetone in and melt the foam.

I'm going to leave the foam after all... They only weigh 2 lbs each so why not.
I scored a great deal on 16 gauge steel 1/2" square tube to make the frame out of, four 20' lengths for 30 bucks!

Well my jet flare finally arrived today,. woo hoo. So I brought everything in to work tonight to bend the box.... Turns out the sheet metal brake is so worn out that all it's able to bend is the 28 gauge stuff they use here for insulation shielding. Bummer. Soooo we go to plan "B", I'll cut the sheet to the deminsion I want and then weld the sides on, problem solved. I should have planed on doing it that way to begin with.

The other good news is my Hog Mat arrived today and even got a cool Gold Hog sticker with it ! Fast shipping, thanks Doc ! Now if I just had a dang box to put it in! Hopefully that issue will be taken care of this weekend.

I've still got a little work to do on the foam forms for the floats before I can start fiberglassing so I hope to get that done this weekend also.

Of course all of these plans for the weekend are subject to change depending on the wife's mood. If she's mad at me I'll be in the shop all day eerr I mean week. But at least I'll get some work done!!!


Now would be the time to put in some support for your sluice frame and cut in pockets for tools and a drink holder. unless you already started glassing the foam

I (once) was going to have my Keene pontoons filled with closed cell foam but found out that that particular foam weighed 2 LBS. per foot . that foam was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy to heavy for me after making my dredge as light as I could while still keeping it workable.

Yep closed cell is to heavy for a lot of things. When I was younger a lot younger used to build small hydro plains boats we would lay up 4oz woven class cloth with polyester resin instead of epoxy resin it gave longer working times before it started to gel and put over 1/4" underlayment for floors lite and strong. till the hydro plain caught some wind and flip had one the last 3" stearn and prop where the only things in the water. I was late to this thread I hope I could give some good info on glass work

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One possible solution to using closed cell foam is to tape 2lt soda bottles together and place them in the center of your mold.
You will have to figure a way to tie them off so they stay perfectly in place when adding the foam.

Really you can use any large plastic bottle that you can find.
If you like Shasta Cola then you have 3lt bottles available to you, but I don't like Shasta cola much anymore. lol

This will help keep weight and costs down. :)

Yep closed cell is to heavy for a lot of things. When I was younger a lot younger used to build small hydro plains boats we would lay up 4oz woven class cloth with polyester resin instead of epoxy resin it gave longer working times before it started to gel and put over 1/4" underlayment for floors lite and strong. till the hydro plain caught some wind and flip had one the last 3" stearn and prop where the only things in the water. I was late to this thread I hope I could give some good info on glass work

I've never used the Polyester resin. I'll look in to that.


you can mix it with less cat and it takes longer to gel if your going to lay up more then one layer don'
t put in wax just cat on second layer add wax. the biggest difference is the wax with out i it stays sticky in air. to cure i cant have air that's what the wax is for. when done just wash with soap and water wax is gone and its just as strong if no stronger.
here's some places you can get from
hope it helps

Fiberglass , Epoxy , Composites, Carbon Fiber - U.S. Composites, Inc.

Got a little more done on the floats today. They will be ready for glass soon.dredge floats 006.jpgdredge floats 003.jpg

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