Continuation of JDs Encampment Hunt


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2005
Sand Springs, OK
Detector(s) used
ACE 250, Garrett
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

I got back home yesterday afternoon and had time to loll about and reflect on the hunt in Missouri. It was such a great pleasure to meet and interact with so many fine people from T-net, ones that I formerly just knew as a name or a number but now I have a face to go with it and now I can see them in my mind as I read their posts.
I would like to apologize to any of the members who did not recognize my usual jovial self as I did not get to mingle as much as I wanted to. I posted last week that I had been having a flare up with my back and to my chagrin it got worse from the drive to the hunt. I was in great pain and was taking mass quantities of pain killers just to remain upright so I could visit with everyone. I'm sure some of you could tell something was wrong so I think I owe you an explanation. So, that aside, I did very much enjoy the occasion.
On the day of the hunt I was able to make through about half the day before I had to take a seat and dose up! I found mass quantities of pieces of rusted barbed wire using my GTI 2500. I'm sure this was the remains of barbed wire used to keep the wild critters out of the encampment area. You never know when a wild badger, rabid skunk or ill tempered field mouse might attack them in their sleep as a Union soldier slept in his tent! Ineffective as it may have been, I'm sure it had some historical significance. Before lunch I did manage to recover a 3 ring minnie ball of about 58 caliber. It had obviously struck something as it was deformed from impact. Nana has already posted a picture of me holding it up for all to see. It left me wondering if it was fired in anger by some rebel trouper into the Union camp, or if it was simple used for target practice, or if anyone was injured or disabled by it before it went into the ground. It was mind bogling to think that some unknown soldier of that period in history had actually handled and fired that bullet and it lay there in the ground all those years. Perhaps it was a distant relative who fired it, or maybe a distant relative had been injured or killed by it...., or not, and finding it starts the mind to forming scenarios that of course will never be proved, but significant in my mind none the less. To me that is the epitomy of finding and holding relics of the Civil War. It is the catalyst that starts the mind to forming pictures of an era gone by yet so vivid that one can almost smell the smoke from the gunpowder and hear the boom of the cannon and the report of the many rifles as a skirmish is fought on that very piece of ground on which one is standing. Amazing! Monty

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Good post Monty.

Hope that back of yours gets better.

The feelings you mentioned are what this
hobby is all about for me. Just wondering
about something you found.

have a good un............

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

take care of your back monty. i know first hand how much back trouble can trip you up. im glad you were able to participate in the hunt and find that bullet. i agree, finding something like that is as close as we can come to meeting the guy that fired it (or was hit by it). the hunt looked like a lot of fun and it was killing me not to have been able to come. maybe next year.

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Monty, first let me say what a pleasure it was to finally meet you. I have always read and enjoyed your posts, and to get to meet the author was indeed a pleasure.

I, too, feel a sense of awe when I pull a dropped or fired ball from the ground. Was this fired in anger? What of it's target? Was this dropped by some 17 year old kid, scared out of his mind, while trying to reload his weapon?????????

The sacrifices made by countless men and women, just to give us the freedoms we (take for granted) enjoy today are absolutely staggering, if you only pause to think about it........

Sorry to get on my soapbox.

Monty, the pleasure was all mine. Looking forward to your future posts, and seeing you again.


Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Sorry to hear about your back and hope you feel better soon.
I cant tell you what heart paplpations you gave me when you mentioned rusty iron. I figured if I had been there,it would have been my job to dig and recover it all, so glad someone filled my shoes.......

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Cool post, and sorry to hear about the back. It was a pleasure meeting you and everyone here. I recovered a flat .69 roundball and wonder what type of story is behind it.

Once again, great meeting you. Take care,


Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Hey Jim...I am so sorry that your back is dealing you fits. :-\ I do hope you recover quickly. It was such a pleasure to finally meet you, and I do hope that we can meet up again soon. :)
And the thoughts that you and Roger shared....I share also. Isn't it an humbling experience to hold those relics in your hand and wonder? And just to get to stand there, on the very same ground that those other great men once stood on.....just sends my thoughts drifting away.

Nana :)

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

No one has mentioned the B2 bomber flyover that JD arranged.I understand that Nana's ASS got a great pic of it.Awaiting the post,please!

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Hope you recover soon. I have not really had any back problems but did have a couple days of a backache. Not much fun.

Sorry didn't make the hunt. Would have loved to have met you and the other folks.


Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

I knew he was hurting Friday night and felt helpless not being able to help him. Jim you are a trooper for hanging in there for the weekend. I hope it settles back down for you. I can't wait for us to hunt again. Congrats on your bullet it was a nice one.


Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Thanks for sharing your emotions, I know that is how I feel and am sure many others when a piece of history is in your hands. I found piece of a pocket watch in my yard, I wonder with a tear in my eye if it was my Grand Fathers? I believe in my mind it is. Wish I was there, I would of helped you dig to save your back some. Get well please!

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

- -sorry about your back. Mine has gone out at
the most awkward times. Hope yours improves soon.
Congrats to all on the hunt- wished I could have
been there!!!!

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

monty me and you were in the same boat back wise :-\
beleive it or not all the walking i did
by the end of the day i was tired and in no pain(had streatched it out)

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Great post. Hope to someday meet you an other's as well. Very much appreciate those who are aware of sacrifices made by those chosen or volunteered to serve and protect our rights.

Take it easy with that back Monty, that way I can get in some good huntin with you someday. If I ever get to meet you and others.


Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Nice post and detail of the hunt Monty! Hope your back gets better and by the way, I see where you get your user name, LOL! HH, Mike

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

It was really a pleasure to meet the man behind *that* avatar!

I admit, I haven't wondered much of anything about the lost nails I've found, but I betcha I will with the first "personal" thing (and every one after) I find.

Take care of yourself, willya? Gotta be rested up for the next hunt!

hugs and HH,
Nan (ros)

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Glad to see you made your way down there and were still able to hunt.......!!! Hope your doing better .......


Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt


It truly was a pleasure getting to meet you. I too think back on relics I'm holding in my hand & try to visualize the scenes of yesteryears. It's just an awesome feeling.

Hope you are feeling better...take care of yourself!!

Again, it was a pleasure.

;) RR

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

I's so glad you were able to attend the hunt! Sorry about your back, tho. Hope it's beter now. Has Kay been hitching your suspenders lately? Maybe THAT could throw your back out :)
I'm hoping to make next years hunt, hope to see you there!
Be well

Re: Continuation of JD's Encampment Hunt

Yes the history..all of those mini's have a history even the dropped ones.imagine 2 soldeirs on opposite sides of a field,maybe the fumbled and dropped bullet meant death for one ,life to another:there are no Good stories only two sides of a history that may never be told.
How can anyone not feel a sense of awe?
Sorry I missed the hunt but will surely be there for the next one.

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