Do I have a new HOT SPOT?

Montana Jim

Gold Member
Sep 18, 2006
No pictures... just a story.

My detecting buddy and wingman Tony and I headed out recently for a day of detecting, as always it’s out of town… everyplace we go is a long drive so we have to plan ahead, work with the wives’ schedules, and make sure we get home on time or the “kitchen passes” will dry up fast!

This particular day we had a nice early start, several hours of good western Indian War era relic detecting and with 30 minutes left before having to leave decided to drive a few miles to one of our “bullet honey holes”. This is a spot where we know we can each pick up thirty .45-70 rounds in a half hour. It was going to be a nice way to round out the day, and the bullets were all fired about 130 years ago!.

Tony and I got right at it - one, two… five, fifteen rounds into the hunt I was approached by an old-timer who asked what I was finding. He had been watching us from a distance along with two other guys who were operating a backhoe and doing some minor roadwork in the sparsely populated area.

Montana Jim: “Just some ole’ .45-70 bullets, the place is littered with them.”

Old Timer: “Yeap, I pick ‘em up right off the ground… they are all over the place out here” he said matter-of-factly. After a short pause and looking up into sun he says; “Pat wants to talk to you” and gestures to where the other two guys are working with the backhoe.

Montana Jim: “Is he gonna’ yell at me?” I ask smiling widely.

Old Timer: Snickering he says; “Nope… he owns most this land around here (I was currently on public property) and probably wants to ask about what your doing.”

So I called Tony over to where I was and we all three walked over to see this stranger Pat. We introduced ourselves and we all started talking… Then Pat dropped a bombshell.

Stranger Pat: “I own a lot of land out here boys… I own that horse pasture over there and the corrals that run up the green house over there. I’ve found more bullets than you can count, I even found a cannonball in my [stone] driveway one spring. If you guys want to - you can go over on my property and dig all you want and come back anytime.”

He turned his attention to the third fella operating the backhoe who looked kinda old to be operating heavy equipment, but seemed to be doing a great job.

“He’s over 80 years old… but he has only had a few accidents” says Pat while gesturing towards the tractor.”

Wingman Tony: “Any of your land have tee-pee rings on it?” asks Tony always ready to ask the right questions at the right time.

Montana Jim: “Yea… would love to get into some arrowheads and such…”

Old Timer: “Tell ‘em about the Buffalo Jump Pat”

Stranger Pat: Turning his attention back to Tony and I he offers something even more unbelievable! “Guys, I own over 7,000 acres, a mile of that river, some homesteads, and a Buffalo Jump over by ***** .”

Tony and I felt like we hit the mother-load of relics… And we started wondering just how late we were both willing to be getting back home! The wives were going to be pissed… but we stayed and chatted with these guys, hunted his property a little bit and filled our pockets with more lead, then made plans with the Old Timer to get back when the snow is gone and get us some prehistoric relics at the privately owned Buffalo Jump. Tony was great at warming these guys up and soon we were all like long-lost brothers.

We got home 2 hours late, but the time invested with these guys was invaluable!!! It’s still hard to believe that we were invited by a complete stranger to hunt 7000+ acres of Montana wilderness… with a rich prehistoric (Buffalo Jump) and historic presence by Native Americans from a dozen tribes, mountain men and trappers, and early Montana settlers and pioneers.

I know it’s really nothing compared to any place on the East Coast… but in the West, it freakin’ priceless!

I’ll update this when we can get out there and get some pictures…

Jim: All I can say is, WOW, WOW, & WOW! Once in a lifetime opportunity! Take it easy & make sure you don't pizz him off! I'm Jealous as heck! Pics Please!

HH Joe

Jim sounds great my phone # is (559) come and get me ;D

Very cool! I know someone who knows where some of the rendez-vous sites are and knows the property owners...need to get up to Wyo and do it. Keep us informed!


If you get a chance it would be really cool to see pics of the jump site.


That is totally awesome. Digging on all that area would definitley be better than anything on the East Coast. The finds out there will be fantastic. It will take some time to cover all that area. Wow. You definitely hit the relic mother lode. Good luck and we all look forward to pics when you can get them.

Thanks all... we'll see how it goes. I'll take pics for sure! The Buffalo Jump sites are awesome, and getting access to one is unheard of... recently anyway. They were picked over pretty good for many years, but they were also used for thousands of years! Should be some cool Native American tools... prehistoric, and probably found for up to 15 feet deep. 

The modern relics (white man) will be tough to come by out in the prairies, but there is rummored a U.S. Calvery camp someplace in the area, and if we find that it's gonna be ridiculous cool, nobody knows where it was exactly!  Either way I'll report the findings and hopefully make you all want to move to Montana!  :D 

Outstanding! I'm green with envy and hunting out east ain't all that easy anymore. enjoy.

You have a excellent NEW spot, and congrats.

I hope you find some great relics!!! ;D

That is so awesome!!!
I may live in a historic area (Jamestown/Williamsburg) - but I never find anything super good!

Indian relics are really incredible. You are set for many years to come!

Hope to move to Montana?? I am leaving for laramie as we speak, just to wait for you.

Montana Jim said:
I know it’s really nothing compared to any place on the East Coast… but in the West, it freakin’ priceless!

SAY WHAT!!!!! I'm loading the car up right now. Got a spare bedroom? I'll call when I hit the Montana state line. ;)


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