First Found Cache


Jul 29, 2010
Hello to all, I'm another new guy and I thought I would tell you about my first cache of long ago.
I lived in the outskirts of a small town, me and a little friend were playing in the back yard, we must've been about 7 yrs. old at the time. Anyway we noticed the old fellow next door come out and bury something in his back yard. We just knew he had buried a bunch of money or something of value. He looked around as he was finishing and put his shovel on the back porch. We sneaked around the side of my house and watched for a little while. It wasn't too long before he came out the front door and headed towards town. We just knew he had hid his treasure so nobody would get it while he was gone.
We waited for a little while, probably every bit of two min., and headed out back and around our chicken yard. We thought we would sneak into the old fellows yard from the back side as he was a grumpy old guy and most of us kids were scared of him.
We found the spot he had buried his treasure and as the ground was loose, we started scratching the loose dirt with our hands. WOW, we had found it, you could hear us screaming and hollering for a mile. We had found it alright, where the old fellow had buried his used razor blades.
Our fingers were sliced to ribbons, I ran home screaming as did my little friend. My mom was terrified at first, I thought I was going to die. After she cleaned and bandaged my fingers, I told her what had happened and I heard those famous words " Just wait til your father comes home" you know you aren't supposed to go over there.
My dad did come home, it seemed to take forever and I got a good talking to about respecting other people's property. Then I go a sound whoopin. Dad also took me over the the old fellow's house and made me apologize. True story.

Hello to all, I'm another new guy and I thought I would tell you about my first cache of long ago.
I lived in the outskirts of a small town, me and a little friend were playing in the back yard, we must've been about 7 yrs. old at the time. Anyway we noticed the old fellow next door come out and bury something in his back yard. We just knew he had buried a bunch of money or something of value. He looked around as he was finishing and put his shovel on the back porch. We sneaked around the side of my house and watched for a little while. It wasn't too long before he came out the front door and headed towards town. We just knew he had hid his treasure so nobody would get it while he was gone.
We waited for a little while, probably every bit of two min., and headed out back and around our chicken yard. We thought we would sneak into the old fellows yard from the back side as he was a grumpy old guy and most of us kids were scared of him.
We found the spot he had buried his treasure and as the ground was loose, we started scratching the loose dirt with our hands. WOW, we had found it, you could hear us screaming and hollering for a mile. We had found it alright, where the old fellow had buried his used razor blades.
Our fingers were sliced to ribbons, I ran home screaming as did my little friend. My mom was terrified at first, I thought I was going to die. After she cleaned and bandaged my fingers, I told her what had happened and I heard those famous words " Just wait til your father comes home" you know you aren't supposed to go over there.
My dad did come home, it seemed to take forever and I got a good talking to about respecting other people's property. Then I go a sound whoopin. Dad also took me over the the old fellow's house and made me apologize. True story.
And the moral of this story cuts to the quick.

Actually, I think you were smart and observant: it is exactly behavior like this that leads to some caches being found.

Personally, I wonder if the old guy buried something deeper, and buried the razors as a warning.

And the moral of this story cuts to the quick.

Actually, I think you were smart and observant: it is exactly behavior like this that leads to some caches being found.

Personally, I wonder if the old guy buried something deeper, and buried the razors as a warning.

That could be true..Im pursing something right now and have heard stories of people buring with rocks or garbage above it then cover with was suppose to be easier to find..who really knows expect for the people who buried it.. I have found 6 mason jar lids at the place im at...but nothing yet..i have about 159.5 acres left to hunt :wink:

Personally, I wonder if the old guy buried something deeper, and buried the razors as a warning.

That would be a good idea if he was paranoid and thought people could be watching, or if he was going to leave his money there for a long time. it would keep nosy kids away too :tongue3: I would have done the same thing! how could you resist digging it up?

westerntreasurehunter said:
Personally, I wonder if the old guy buried something deeper, and buried the razors as a warning.

That would be a good idea if he was paranoid and thought people could be watching, or if he was going to leave his money there for a long time. it would keep nosy kids away too :tongue3: I would have done the same thing! how could you resist digging it up?

Now that's an idea I hadn't thought of. That's a very good idea. MCK

Certainly better than a Claymore. Keep the warning in mind if returning, though. He may have buried other not nice things there, too.

Hey guys, I never thought of this, it does sound logical. It's been over fifty yrs. since this happened and I moved away from there over forty yrs. ago. The last time I went back was some ten or twelve yrs. ago and boy, have things changed. The streets look a lot smaller than I remember, I can see how someone buried something long ago and can't find it again. The next time I'm down that way, I think I will venture by the old place just for funnies.

It's interesting that no one has thought to point out that if that old man HAD buried any money and you had dug it up, you would have been guilty of STEALING his money. No treasure cache recovery; just plain old theft. And that goes for anyone of any age. If you see someone burying anything of value in their yard or other property and you sneak in and dig it are a stinking thief. Now, if that old man buried something and later died with no family, then, it's conceivable you could recover the cache and go about your business.

A whupping was what you got; and deserved.

How right you are Short Stack, just goes to show you what greed can do, even to a seven yr. old kid. I can truthfully say I learned my lesson. To this day I will not cross a fence or get on private property without permission.
If I remember right, I think apologizing hurt my feelings the most, even if it was the right thing to do. I feel lucky that my parents at least tried to do their best and teach me right from wrong. Life wasn't as complicated in the early 50's as it is nowdays.

It just occurred to me, since nothing was stolen and no thieft was involved I wasn't stealing. Can't condem one's actions on intent. Trespassing, yes. Like I said earlier this was a lesson learned that has stuck with me. Thanks to all comments.

I thought it was a great story and shortstack should
cast the first stone only if he is pure and without sin.

Okay, who buries their old razor blades??? I mean
really. He either knew you were watching or that
actually was his way of protecting something. I
think even when you were 7 throwing razors in the
garbage was what ordinary people did.

pronghorn said:
I thought it was a great story and shortstack should
cast the first stone only if he is pure and without sin.

Okay, who buries their old razor blades??? I mean
really. He either knew you were watching or that
actually was his way of protecting something. I
think even when you were 7 throwing razors in the
garbage was what ordinary people did.

This story had nothing to do with sinning. It is about out and out THEFT, stealing, lifting someone else's property. That's breaking CIVIL law. As far as that old man burying old razor blades; so WHAT? He was in his own yard at the time and it wasn't anybody's else's business as to what he was long as it wasn't a human body. MAYBE the wall in his bathroom under the medicine cabinet was full. Or MAYBE he threw his used blades into a coffee can and it was time to empty it. Again, nobody's damned business. Perhaps you weren't taught to respect other people's property, but I was. And, I expect the same respect from others.

thanks for sharing Gunnhild.
weird stuff and lessons learned. :wink:

Like pronghorn said "who buries razor blades". Could be you were not as unobserved as you thought yourself to be and he set you up to keep you away. Whatever the reason, the place deserves an afternoon of detecting..Good luck and keep us posted on any finds

On the other hand who would bury valuables in the back yard in plain sight
of neighbors/kids. He would at least wait for dark if he did it. Even then it's
a dumb idea. But you know what? People who don't trust safety deposit boxes
and want to know exactly where their stash is, maybe in sight of a window, do
bury caches outside. I think it's weird but it happens.

You did say the old man looked around as he was finishing. It does make you wonder. One thing is sure, you blew his cover when you went and apologised. Do you think that would have caused him to rebury valuables (if), or would it have given him satisfaction that his trap was effective?

Concerning burying razor blade. Here in Connecticut there is still a law on the books that states you can not throw away razor blades. Perhaps other states had similar laws but have been smart enough to remove them from the books. :laughing9:

#18..... Where in Connecticut do you live? I live in Bridgeport and looking for friends to seach parks and beaches. I have a detector, but no car. [email protected]

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