
Full Member
Jan 14, 2007
Northern Kentucky
Detector(s) used
Fisher 1266XB & CZ6

Now that we have filled all the seats available for the Winter Conference I started a "standby list" for anyone wanting to come but who did not get reservations made before we reached capacity. In a group this size it is almost inevitable that 2 or 3, at least will for whatever reason have to cancel at the last minute. We will fill those canceled seat reservations from the list of any who contact me from now to the conference wanting to attend. As soon a vacancy opens the first person on the list will be notified... next time it looks like we will have to plan for a bigger meeting room. NOTE: I will not be back on the computer after Friday evening until AFTER the conference ~ DC

ALSO: A reminder to all those planning to attend... be sure and indicate whether or not you want to participate in the buffet lunch the Holiday Inn is providing at a cost of $9.00 per person. This is just what the hotel is charging us for each person... no mark-up by K.A.R.R.A. We really are making this event FREE to all who attend!

THIS WAS POSTED ON 2/20: Things are continuing to look good for the event... especially in the weather department... a major warm-up is now in progress and should continue through the coming weekend. That means the ice will melt off my steep driveway so I can get my truck up the hill and load up all the things I am bringing to display at the conference! Also... we had a White's "Bullseye" pinpointer donated to our door prizes today.... that makes 95 prizes we are going to give away, including 2 new metal detectors. Not bad for an event that you don't even have to pay to attend!

IMPORTANT: For those planning to gather for "KGC and Pizza" on Saturday evening before the conference we will be meeting at the TERRACE DINING area just outside the doors of the Bit and Bridle Restaurant but INSIDE the Holiday Inn South at 7:00 to 7:30PM.

The LATEST revised schedule of activities follows in this post.

THIS WAS POSTED THURSDAY THE 15TH. We are going to have a KGC Treasure (Knights Of The Golden Circle) "round table" complete with pizza dinner for those who are planning to arrive at the hotel where the conference is being held on Saturday and stay overnight (If you are one of those planning on getting a room be sure and let the clerk know you are with the KARRA group meeting there the next day. They will give you an extra discount on your room. For us... A two bed non-smoking room goes for about $80.00 there at the Holiday Inn South where we will be meeting). IMPORTANT: I NEED TO KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO JOIN US FOR OUR GET- TOGETHER ON Sat. evening so that I can make sure we get an area with tables big enough to hold the group. There is a Pizza-Hut express right there in the Holiday Inn itself that we will get our pizzas and soft beverages from. "Adult beverages" will be available from the bar in the Inn's restaurant.
I am going to bring a lot of material from my own EXTENSIVE files on the KGC treasures including pictures, maps and info that I have NOT shown at any public gathering before. Hope a lot of you coming to the conference can join us.

Thats the latest as of Friday, the 23rd... The LATEST revised schedule follows... remember to give it time to load.



  • KARRAWinterConferenceScheduleFinalPost.jpg
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Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...

Count me in! Would this be a Saturday or a Sunday?! LOL.

Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...

Mr. C I am in bigtime! That is a great Idea. I have had the privilege to talk with anoldpro and let me tell you fellow TNers he is a wealth of information and such a wonderful gentleman to have a conversation with. He has impressed me so very much. So if your reading this and scratching your head if you want to do this or not do yourself a favor and take the time for this convention. You will not be sorry you did!

Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...

Excellent idea! If I can make it, I will and bring others in tow, if possible. Also, I'd like to invite all you detectorists to our meeting in E. KY. We have them every year, sometimes twice a year, in the spring and/or fall. We are currently in the process of planning our next one which will be in March or April. Everyone is more than welcome.


Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...

Thanks for the "thumbs up", Cavers5. Just be sure to let us know how many you would be bringing with you so we can be sure and rent the right size conferance room. Where in Eastern Kentucky do you hold your meetings? I would be interested in attending.


Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...


Sorry I'm just now getting to address your post. We have our meetings in Elkhorn City, Kentucky. We used to have them at my house until I moved and then one of my buddies picked up the slack and started hosting them in his office. Now, we have to get a room at the library or the Breaks Interstate Park because we usually have a good turnout. We have people attending from several states and we will often bring finds, have a speaker, general discussion, or some of us may even run out to a site. It's all informal, but we have great fun.

If we make it down there, there won't be more than half a dozen of us from Pike Co.

Thanks and looking forward to it,

Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...

I'm in. I don't have a lot of experience and don't really have any TH tales to tell, but I'd be glad to bring a pen and a few legal pads and make some notes. Have started to research CW sites south of Louisville, so it would be nice to find others that get excited about that kind of stuff (I think the wife stops listening when I'm talkin' 'tectin :D)

Keep us posted and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...

Great, absalon... "welcome aboard"! Don't worry... we old timers in the group will "loan" you some TH tales. ;>)
I think I have accumulated enough in my 35 years of hunting to supply about a dozen TH'ers with as many as they can handle.

I am pleased to report to everyone who has responded both here and by PMs that we have enough people interested in doing the conferance to start some serious planning. Since no one seems to be volunteering to head this thing up or objecting to me doing the basic leg-work to get this together I will put together a tentative schedule for the conferance and present for all you prospective attendees approval.

REQUEST: Would all wanting to attend please PM me with which of these four dates (all Sundays) Feb. 4, 18, 11 & 25 that would work best for you and we will go with the date most popular with the group.

Also... to avoid getting a last minute surge of those who would "crash the party" without letting us know they were coming and possibly cause us problems with space for everyone in the room I rent, the actual location in Lexington, KY that is chosen will only be given to those who "pre-register" with me by PM.

I personally plan to bring more of my finds for "show-and-tell" than you will ever see me post on the TNET. Also.. a number of books and research materials many of you probably will have never seen. And... I hope to have video and pictures of a most incredible "treasure site" I was on three months ago in the middle east with displaying some of the INCREDIBLE Biblical artifacts that we found there and were allowed to keep.

And... I have MUCH material on the Knights of the Golden Circle and John Swift Silver mines that I doubt any of you out there have seen (I have personally found 2 and maybe 3 of Swifts mines in Jackson County, KY and have Swift cache info that I can now share from my personal files) (All right, you skeptics... don't scoff til you see what I have to present... a real pro hunter ALWAYS keeps an open mind). Would you like me to do an hour presentation on one of these subjects? if so let me know.

In addition I could do a "How-To" presentation on Civil War Relic Hunting and share some of what I have learned in over 400 relic hunts on 130 CW sites in 19 states.

Now... all that being said... how about YOU? What are your areas of expertise that you could give presentations on... I'm counting on plenty of support from my fellow Kaintuck TH'ers, here... I am not wanting this to turn into a "one man show". You have skills and know things that I can learn from too. Nothing more pathetic than an old treasure hunter who thinks he's done learned it all and done it all. Surely everyone can at least bring some finds for show-and-tell and maybe some good books to recommend from their research libraries.

Since I am more of a cache and CW relic hunter than coin hunter someone who has been very successful at finding good coins could give us a talk on how to say... find good coins on extremely trashy sites... for example.

Also... should we plan for a group meal together for lunch or does everyone want to do their own thing as far as eating?

Please take the time to give me some input on the above so we can try to shape this thing into something that will leave us all with great memories of a good time and... send us back out in the field armed with new info, new TH'ing buddies and techniques to increase our treasure FINDING this year.

Thanks to all who have responded enthusiastically to this "Call to arms". :>)


PS~ When you pre-register by PM I will identify myself and tell you where on the net to find many of the columns and articles I have written for the treasure magazines.

Re: Winter "Mini-Kentucky Treasure Hunting Conferance"...

Had a chance to talk relic hunting with DC for about an hour or so this evening and I can already feel my brain swelling with new information. I've got to buy a case of legal pads and a box of pens! :o :o :o

It looks like the "2007 Kaintuck Conference" in lining up pretty good. I look forward to attending and hope that anyone from the area that's thinking about it gets their hat in the ring pretty soon. I think it will be a lot of fun and there will lots of interesting topics.

Hope you will seriously put this on your calendar.

Thanks again DC for the help and encouragement.


Re: IT'S A GO... UPDATED DETAILS - Winter "Mini-Kentucky T H'ing Conferance"...

Thanks to the enthusiastic response of a group of you Kentucky Detectorists the one-day "MINI-TREASURE HUNTING CONFERENCE" has moved from the "idea" stage" to the "It's gonna happen!" stage.

The date is firm: FEBRUARY 18TH, 2007

The location will be in LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY.
The meeting site will be at a major conference center in Lexington. The exact name and address of that site will be given to those who pre-register by PM with me a week before the event. NO "WALK-INS" will be admitted... we need to know in advance if you plan to attend in order to make sure that we don't get more attendees than we have room for.

Space is filling up fast... we only have room for about 15 more people.... if you want to attend then you had better let us know right away to get your place reserved. Since this first get together is specifically to promote TH'ing in Kentucky those residing in Kentucky will be given first consideration in attending. Out-of-staters will be admitted only if we have unfilled spaces with a week remaining before the event. If this one goes well we will expand the next one to include extra space for any TH'ers who would like to come.

A "first draft" schedule of events has been completed and will be mailed to all who have already pre-registered for the event this evening. This schedule will change some before we get to the final version but you can see from this one the kind of things we are planning for your education and entertainment. :>)

I REALLY appreciate the enthusiasm and the many offers of help in putting together a great event! This is really shaping up as a team effort and when TH'ers work together great things can happen!

Stay tuned to this topic for additional updates!

Keep warm, all!


Re: "TREASURES UNMEASURED" - Winter "Mini-Kentucky T H'ing Conferance"...


It may be a one-day "mini-conference" but it will be VERY BIG on TREASURES FOUND to lay your eyeballs on. As the event planning continues to come together I can now tell everyone that there will be THOUSANDS OF COINS along with HUNDREDS OF CIVIL WAR AND COLONIAL PERIOD ARTIFACTS... the vast majority of which were found right here in Kentucky... on display! There will also be some ONE-OF-A-KIND RARE TREASURES FOUND for your viewing pleasure. :o

CAUTION: No one wearing a ski mask and carrying an assault rifle or pistol along with a burlap sack will be admitted to the event. ;D And remember... in the event of attempted theft... THIS IS KENTUCKY... WE DON'T CALL 911!

There are still some seats left so all you "lurkers" and "last minute" hunters out there better grab you one before space runs out! >:(

And the price is right... NO admission charge! :D

Stay-tuned... this thing is growing like the weeds in spring on your favorite hunt site!


Re: "TREASURES UNMEASURED" - Winter "Mini-Kentucky T H'ing Conferance"...

This sounds like a fantastic meeting u all are gonna have, hope everyone has a blast.

Re: "TREASURES UNMEASURED" - Winter "Mini-Kentucky T H'ing Conferance"...


I am really getting excited about this event - I think it will be fantastic.

Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work in putting this together.


Re: "TREASURES UNMEASURED" - Winter "Mini-Kentucky T H'ing Conferance"...

Thanks for the good wishes, Sleeper!

I am greatly encouraged by the huge amount of enthusiasm being exhibited by the volunteers that are helping me pull this thing together! Been a good while since I have seen fellow TH'ers this excited about a TH'ing event.

We could make you an Honorary Kaintuck for a day and put your name on one of those remaining seats at the conference, if you could make it. ;)

NOTE TO EVERYONE: I think I will be able to post the latest updated event schedule tomorrow... not sure as I am still learning the ropes on how to cut and paste and attach things here on TNET. Thought when I learned to do it on my PC that the worst was over but discover that I am still "TECHNOLOGICALLY CHALLENGED" by these dang devices. :-\



Wow... This upcoming "Mini-Conference" is really turning into quite an event, fellow Kaintucks!

WE OBTAINED A BIGGER AND BETTER ROOM TODAY FOR LESS MONEY, thanks to the efforts of 1320 (WAY TO GO, JAMIE!! You get a "SILVER ATTABOY" ;D for your good work!). This means we will now be able to open the conference to an extra 20 attendees. I think if any of you from Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee or West Virginia who read this would like to attend we can find you a spot if you contact me right away. First come... first served.

NEWSFLASH: In addition to all we have planned, THERE WILL BE A TREASURE CHEST WITH SPANISH SILVER IN IT GIVEN AWAY AS ONE OF THE DOOR PRIZES. There will be a large number of door prizes... enough for 2 or 3 per attendee... that will be given away during the event by drawings. New additions to the door prizes include 5 copies of the Official Records of the Civil War on CD, American silver coins of larger denominations, 100 year old + scarce or rare antique fruit jars worth quite a bit as collectibles, Civil War artifacts, A scarce Relic Hunting bullet ID book valued at $100.00, at least one old fruit jar FULL of coins, and more... yet to be announced.

And... as mentioned in another post... there REALLY will be THOUSANDS of coins and hundreds of civil war artifacts found with a detector as well as rings and some special one-of-a-kind treasures on display at the conference. If all goes as planned it will be one of the biggest little conferences in the history of metal detecting. Hope we won't have an empty seat in the house!

I'm telling you folks, this conference is going to prove to be one of Kentucky's premier treasure hunting events of all times... even if it is for only one day (Sunday, February 18th from 9:AM to 7PM)!!

Enough said for the moment. I am going to go see if I can figure out how to post the conference schedule of events as an image that contains graphics on this thread.

Keep that enthusiasm, ya'll and let me know if you come up with any donations for the door prizes.



NOTE: I removed the old version of the conference schedule from this post and put the NEW UPDATED VERSION of the CONFERENCE SCHEDULE in the very first post at the top of this thread. Check it out!



Does anyone other than kindafoundalefthandturn and I think that the Daytona 500 might hinder turnout? I've been thinking about it.....I sure hate to miss that. Sure hate to miss what I might learn as well....

For what it's worth, the proposed date is a sacred day to many.

Anyone have odds on rain in Daytona for that weekend?!


I'm not into the Daytona 500 , but if UK were playing basketball that day then I'd know how you feel... ;D

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