Ghost of Christmas Cat?


Bronze Member
Jan 22, 2005
Tampa, Florida
I have always considered myself to be level headed. I don't believe in ghosts, flying saucers, or LRLs. That being said..Monty is not the only one now with a creepy cat story......

Thursday, I took my family up to St. Augustine Florida to visit the in-laws. All was fine and normal up until Saturday when after watching my beloved Tampa Bay Buccaneers get romped mercilessly by the New England Patriots, there was a knock at the door. The fact that there was a knock at the door wouldn't seem to be a strange thing except that my father-in-law lives way out in the sticks and there aren't neighbors to speak of. When we opened the door, there was no one there except for a cat.
The cat strolled in the house like it owned the place and made itself at home by the roaring fire. It was uninterested in food or warm milk it was just lay like a sphinx staring into the fire..

After what seemed to be about an hour the fire still roared in the massive fireplace and the cat hadn't moved..All of a sudden, the cat rose and strolled casually into the fireplace, walked calmly up the burning logs and dissapeared into the raging fire!
After a stunned moment we jumped up and attempted to rescue the cat from the flames eventually dousing the fire...but no cat! No cat body! NOTHING!!! Just half-burned and now soggy logs!

The cat vanished into the fire without a sound and without a trace!

Afterward, we sat around stunned...none of us could find words..eventually we went to bed but none of us slept....

This morning, my father-in-law simply said he would not use the fireplace again and left it at was a long ride home and we didn't talk about what we had seen...

any thoughts?

-- omnicognic

Looks like omni had TOOOO much egg nog at that party! :o


1) Did your father-in-law build the fireplace himself? 2)If not, you might check for a hidden compartment in the fireplace ie. loose bricks, etc. 3) you might scan the fireplace and hearth for a signal w/your detector the next time you go.
If no other explanation is available, then contact 1-GHO-STB-USTR.

NO WAY,NOOOOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYYY!!!!.I never would've let that %$# of a @*$&% in!!! nice kitty my #%$


your story reminded me.

When I was young, just a child, I had a aunt that lived just outside of the town I came from. She was a
bit strange but not a crazy.

Her husband had died and she sold the land, kept the house, and just a small garden for herself.
Lived by herself for years and years.

She was a cat person. Always had three or four cats around. One of the strange things she said to do
prior to letting a cat into your house for the first time, was to flash a crucifix before you let it in.

Something about if you invite it in, it is your fault, an evil cat (or whatever it is) would not come in
after seeing the crucifix.

Like I said, she was a bit strange, but.................

We dug out all the logs and ash looking for the cat..nothing! there was a cast iron door in the back of the fireplace for cleanout but it had to be hammered open with a log...there was no sign at all of the cat.. there is the chance it went up the chimney..but there is a big gap between the top of the logs and anywhere for it to get any grip..and we saw it go to the back not up...

Strange...maybe it vaporized instantly from the heat ::) Reminds me of my cat, When we first found it it kept disapearing from the house and we would find it outside when no doors or windows or anything were left open...also I used to close the door to my room and lay down in bed then five minutes later the cat would jump up on my bed and stare at me but the door was still closed....never could figure out what happened there lol. Cats are creepy...once mine was missing for a day and later that night i was eating some icecream on the floor in front of the fire and all of a sudden i hear a licking noise and the things eating my ice cream >:( :D I think i have heard similar stories as yours online...maybe theres a trend...Google "cat disapearing in fireplace" and maybe something will come up ;D


That is sooooooooo creepy!
What kind of cat,,,black one?
When he stepped on the burning logs, was he 'ablaze'?
Would be hard to miss the smell of burning fur.
Did he meow at all when he came in?

Ashleen said:

That is sooooooooo creepy!
What kind of cat,,,black one?
When he stepped on the burning logs, was he 'ablaze'?
Would be hard to miss the smell of burning fur.
Did he meow at all when he came in?

He/She was kind of a grey and black persian/ tiger mix long smell of burning hair and didn't seem to burn and it made no sound as it strolled into the fire..

animals dont commit suicide! there is no way a cat would casually stroll into a raging fire...........not even a sick one. this story is wwwwiiieeerrrddd!!!!!!! and both of you saw it at the same time! that rules out some kind of hallucination. that is just too freaky.

hollowpointred said:
animals dont commit suicide! there is no way a cat would casually stroll into a raging fire...........not even a sick one. this story is wwwwiiieeerrrddd!!!!!!! and both of you saw it at the same time! that rules out some kind of hallucination. that is just too freaky.

? My thoughts Exactly.

Anyone New come on here & post that, They Would be Attacked for Posting it. or Ignored? ;D

? ? Comming from Omni,? Not on April Fools , and This Statement

"After a stunned moment we jumped up"

? ? ?It's Just too Freaky.

? ? P.S.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "It was uninterested in food or warm milk it was offered"
? ? ? ? ?I'v never Known anyone Have Enough time to Offer Food & drink
? ? ? ?to an Hallucination Either

i got goose bumps and the chills and its not cause it -15 windchill outside,agreed with what jef fSAYS. very odd even from a level headed guy like yourself maybe take this as an omen, not sure what kind the guru that u are reasearch cat omens maybe....not sure if you want to find out the answer :o

jeff of pa said:
hollowpointred said:
animals dont commit suicide! there is no way a cat would casually stroll into a raging fire...........not even a sick one. this story is wwwwiiieeerrrddd!!!!!!! and both of you saw it at the same time! that rules out some kind of hallucination. that is just too freaky.

? My thoughts Exactly.

Anyone New come on here & post that, They Would be Attacked for Posting it. or Ignored? ;D

? ? Comming from Omni,? Not on April Fools , and This Statement

"After a stunned moment we jumped up"

? ? ?It's Just too Freaky.

? ? P.S.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "It was uninterested in food or warm milk it was offered"
? ? ? ? ?I'v never Known anyone Have Enough time to Offer Food & drink
? ? ? ?to an Hallucination Either
I think he said the whole family saw it. And what about the knock on the door.

Coming from Omni ..I also agree that its not a joke...and if there is a punch line..he is going to feel real bad after all these votes about his "level head" department!
But being the little Hungarian gypsy that I am...take it as a sign...Even though there are bad omens associated with the seeing of a ghost cat...there are just as many throughout history of good luck upon seeing one.

If you chase the cat you will overcome your adversaries or turn your bad luck into good....Both good and bad luck surrounds cats. In ancient Egypt if a cat died the owner or keeper of the cat would shave off their eyebrows in mourning. ( Well you shaved you head once Omni...the eyebrows cant be too hard ) . In almost every country in the world there are beliefs that cats have mystical powers for both good and evil.

There are alot of things that we as level headed rational people cannot explain. One thing I find interesting is that alot of these ghost cats are seen right around Christmas...another very odd thing is that many times when a ghost cat is seen, a hidden grave is also associated with the property that it was seen at.....many many stories come from southern folklore ,where a cat was seen and then money found soon afterwards.....

:) Hmmm? Well if it did happen, then I guess somebody's trying to tell another somebody something.You just have to figure out what it is. :-\ :-\ :-\ good luck, I think your gonna need it for this one! Very very creepy.

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