Gold Miner on my CA License

Bodfish Mike

Hero Member
Dec 12, 2014
Bodfish and Marin county CA
Detector(s) used
Garrett , Whites
keene puffer drywasher , Keene A51 Sluice
Primary Interest:
Just got my CA Drivers License in the mail.
Was surprised to see a gold miner use in the background graphics.
This state was built on mining what the hell went wrong.

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Like what? I only pan and detect, so I'm not familiar with the laws. I've only heard that there's a dredging moratorium which, as a fisherman, I agree with if they can back it up scientifically.

I would like the feds off the beaches in the GGNRA though so we can detect it.

Notice how you agreed with it before you had all the info...They bank on that.

As long as you have a place you are " allowed " to go on weekends you don't have much to complain about right.....

they just do what jerrie brown tells them , he KNOWS what's best for them......

There's no sanctuary in the Sierra my friend!

Id love to live in Cali if it wasn't for the politics and regulations on everything. Half the stuff I have probably doesn't have the proper buttons or safety tabs and I'm pretty sure my guns and cars are highly illegal haha. But I live in Saguache county Colorado, my dogs run free to catch rabbits, I can shoot guns off my front porch and we use an outhouse. Totally different worlds!

I'm always trying to pump you guys up but I mean no harm in my joking. You have a beautiful state and everything in one package.
It's really becoming a loss for the nation because it affects anyone traveling there or anyone who may want property there as well. Sucks for everyone the way it's going and I worry about Colorado. Many Californians have moved here and they brought their big ideas with them.
It's already happening here to a lesser degree.

Pumping us up by implying we bend over and take it?.... You know that's how you've spoken to some of us. I guess its only a joke though.

I have four kids my two oldest are from a previous marriage. They live with me and I would have to go to court to take them out of state. Not to mention ask my wife to quit her job that she loves, sell my house, close my biz etc...

I grew up here in Riverside County surrounded by concrete and morons. We drove over it and them to get out to the desert to explore, rock hound and look for gold. I left for Alaska when I was nineteen. Worked there the next five seasons May to October.

I'm a snowboarder and skier. I worked in Montana , Oregon, New York, Arizona and Texas in my "off" seasons. Until I had those first two kids. My ex was from Eastern Ca.
So, I planted my feet there for a five years on a twenty six acre ranch. COMPLETELY off grid. Water from a well electricity initially from a genny and then from a solar system we put in ourselves.

When your wife decides she wants a boyfriend in a one stoplight town it tends to be time to start over. Family here so, logical place to start over. Back to the concrete( CHINO can you say barf) until feet are under you...and out of there in nine months. I helped open the first Bass Pro in Ca. was supposed to go to the second but, they scrapped the restaurant so that was a no go. They wanted me to be on the national training team but , I couldn't cause my kids and I was a single dad.

So, I did what I wanted to do since I was fifteen. I moved to the Motherlode of Ca. to look for gold as much as I possibly could.

Ten ( oops twelve years time flies) years later I live in the forrest gold right under my feet, 43 acres claimed three quarters of a mile a way. Remarried to a real women two more kids. A cool little biz.
Not much to complain about.

Other than the legislature making up bs to stop me from doing what I want to do.

I was dredging for a living on a 160 acre lease when the ban was signed...we dredged until it snowed...I got involved in the fight.
I'll admit I didn't know of the issues that modern small scale miners were facing until that year. Notice my Join date for tnet.
I joined because it was one of the few places sharing info on the situation. 49er mikes was the other but, it is gone now.

GPAA PLP etc. were not really doing all that much I've seen more grit out of individuals I've met in person during this than anyone on the outside telling us what we are doing or getting wrong.

I've spent hours and money going to the State Capitol. Standing next to and in front of several people who post here. Fighting or at least trying to fight for those rights.

Any of them and myself will tell you that it isn't about fighting and standing up for your self here.

They use our own tax money to pay for the groups that put legislation in place to take our rights away. While pretending they are doing it because of some sort of public outcry or perceived issue. Which is pretty funny cause every time we are in chambers our side out numbers their side in representation like 8 to 1.

So, many show up against the bills that they give us overflow rooms...and still vote down party lines.

So, please when your pumping us up....trying to criticize us into being as strong and brave as you.....please remember that you just may not know that much about those of us who do fight....and it is not about just giving up and moving to a place that isn't as populated with so many weak minded subjects.

I have quite a bit of family in Colorado I used to want to move there. But, because it will be Californicated in short isn't on my list anymore.

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Get through? I drink pickle juice man.

I'm not salty I'm full of flavor

I prefer to hydraulic myself

Notice how you agreed with it before you had all the info...They bank on that.

I agree with not killing fish and poisoning our water sources, if the science supports the claims. I didn't agree with or vote for the sierra club and others ripping off taxpayers.

I still can't find any info on california burning down mining cabins and stealing people's property.

Eh, if only they could kick the feds off the beach so we can detect.

don't kid yourself that beautiful hum remains in many a canyon

Get the new Tesla electric dredge!

I prefer to hydraulic myself

So do the birds and the bees.

The birds and bees don't hydraulic, they eliminate fluids through excrement.

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The question is, FingerChili, does the science support the claim? What do YOU think? Have you read the "science"? How exactly is it poisoning the water and killing the fish? Also, I'm not sure what the article you posted has to do with feds stopping you from detecting on the beach??

I don't know man, I didn't think I was hinting at anything. You said you would support the ban if the science supported the claim. I just asked if you had read the science, what you thought about it and how you think dredging poisons the water or kills the fish. I guess I was trying to discover your opinion on the dredge ban. I thought I was pretty clear, my bad.

I never said I support a ban, I said I support a moratorium.

It seemed like you were setting up some sorta "gotcha" and I figured it would be easier if you just posted whatever you had in mind instead of playing the game.

Ban, moratorium, not issuing permits, they are all effectively doing the same thing. Saying ban was just an easy way to say it, I assumed you knew what I meant. I'm a grown man, I try not to make a habit of "playing games" with people I don't know on the internet. Sometimes a question is just that, a question. So again, have you read the "science"?

There is now that the dredge motors aren't running.

Get lost...Your not a gold miner and obviously are Anti...So what are you doing here? Just trying to ruffle feathers

Ace detector will be Fed property soon

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