Heartquest Rocks - ??


Full Member
Dec 22, 2010
These are two photos of the same rock from different angles. Weird huh??! We've been at this awhile. We've decided you don't just go out and find an old treasure site - it finds you.
We see a double heart and an owl...but would love to hear if anyone has seen anything like it.


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Here's another weird looking rock, it sits above the big death trap heart in the wash. Anyone have an insight on this? The main problem with this area is that there is a million rocks, and many of them have weird shapes.000OddRock.jpg

Not sure on this one. Map it out and search sum mor. Look those rocks over real good, map out the n s e w directions. Maybe check'm diff times of day.

On that second rock, look's like sum symbols on da bottom. Look at them, don mov the rock to much.

I was relaxing in the pool a while back,daydreaming about treasure,when I found this Heart, it appeared out of nowhere. Lol...20120715_141030-1.jpg

Looks like trai directions to me possibly a very dangerious / deadly trail, if they are on the same boulder = 2 trails, if they are on seperate boulders both may end up at the same place one will be faster one will be longer and that's really a guess on my part, its still two directions though, you may be in a cache site yard, see if there is any distance between the symbols that fit the royal measurements

I was relaxing in the pool a while back,daydreaming about treasure,when I found this Heart, it appeared out of nowhere. Lol...View attachment 680971

Love it! I often chuckle at how many shapes I see in all sorts of things since we found the heart in the wash that started it all. I have a heart cloud too! Here it is...HeartCloud1.jpg

Not sure on this one. Map it out and search sum mor. Look those rocks over real good, map out the n s e w directions. Maybe check'm diff times of day.

On that second rock, look's like sum symbols on da bottom. Look at them, don mov the rock to much.
Thanks Charliejr, Yeah, thats what I was wondering about. I've seen something like those drippy shapes on the haunches of a hare in Calvin's book. The three photos I started with above are things we're not sure of.

On your big heart, over to the right is a bird, it's beak points to a small heart with an E or backwards 3, which is beside the sword strike. From the strike, you follow it up to the cross-hole cut in the rocks. Also, there is a face on the bottom of your heart, it points to a marker below it, that seems to go in another direction. I see two symbols, one for a cave/mine, and a box. There is a bore, a bird looking towards something, and on that rock on top of the heart, it has some symbols on the side. I might take a look further up as that seems to be the direction some of the symbols are going. But, that heart with the backwards E beside the cross, going up to the cross hole is definitely something to check out. On the discolored rock below the heart is an cursive "F" with some symbols going to the right, and it is a map with more directions. Keeps following right, on the rock due right of that rock, it follows down to a rock shaped like a heart or planchette with a "J" on it (could be another pointer). Bought middle center, towards the right hump of the big heart is a five point star with a "J" also, looks like you are on something cause the symbols keep gettin smaller n smaller.

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Oh, um, just be careful of gettin pm's from folks not talkin to ya on the forum as there are some nut's floatin round here. Good luck though.

On your big heart, over to the right is a bird, it's beak points to a small heart with an E or backwards 3, which is beside the sword strike. From the strike, you follow it up to the cross-hole cut in the rocks. Also, there is a face on the bottom of your heart, it points to a marker below it, that seems to go in another direction. I see two symbols, one for a cave/mine, and a box. There is a bore, a bird looking towards something, and on that rock on top of the heart, it has some symbols on the side. I might take a look further up as that seems to be the direction some of the symbols are going. But, that heart with the backwards E beside the cross, going up to the cross hole is definitely something to check out. On the discolored rock below the heart is an cursive "F" with some symbols going to the right, and it is a map with more directions. Keeps following right, on the rock due right of that rock, it follows down to a rock shaped like a heart or planchette with a "J" on it (could be another pointer). Bought middle center, towards the right hump of the big heart is a five point star with a "J" also, looks like you are on something cause the symbols keep gettin smaller n smaller.

Hey, thank you, this is helpful...off we go to take a closer look. Couldn't find what you were referring to as cross hole... found everything else.

what is this evil face looking at?

Well, we figured it was part of the semi-circle cut off the heart tip signifying that the heart itself is a death-trap. There isn't much there in the direction it is facing, just a dirt bank and a few rocks, which at present don't seem significant...unless perhaps it is indicating the rocks behind it and to the left. It definitely is a creepy face.

Well, I did a mark-up, but I still can't upload to Tnet. Ever since they changed the uploader, it has been hell on me, that, and it doesn't work. Oh well.

Like I said in the earlier post, the face is looking right below at the rock 'shaped like a pointer or mush-room'. The cross hole is directly to the right between the pine limbs. There are all the symbols there tellin ya where everything is at.

Geez, it'd be easier ta show ya. Tnet, mm mm mm


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I was checking out this photo and realized some shadows were definitely "hard" made. They are in the 4 yellow circles. That highest one started out as a "maybe" until I lightned up the shadows big time and out popped what might be a bull's head, facing to the right. There's a speck of something giving it an eye. THEN, that lower circle on the left stayed a black cat facing to the right, and there's a small, full-bodied black cat just to the right that's ALSO facing to the right. LOL That lowest circle on the lower right could be almost anything, but it's being shielde by too many weeds.

Now for the two BIGGIES. There's a large profile of a lion's head, facing to the right, just above the heart. I've outlined it's face with a yellow line, slightly offset so as not to cover any detail on the rock itself. The SECOND biggie is that square-cut recess to the right of the heart. I've outlined it with a yellow rectangle. When I lightened up the shadows, that square cut just jumped out. I'm thinking that is the "bait chamber" for that death rock. The way I'm seeing that heart, when it's tripped, the large rock on the righ would hang up the heart's right lobe and cause it to swing it's point to the right, thus crushing the guest of honor who's trying to get into the square hole. That smallish stone on the lower left of the heart looks like it's job would be to stop the heart's slide and lock it into place covering that square opening and either pinning the guest to the big rock OR sealing him inside the bait chamber. You did say that the heart is about 8 feet tall. Pretty good fly trap. LOL

Oh, and that heart-stopping stone has a right angle chizeled on it's left side.......outlined in yellow.


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Ha, hi ss, looks like we both got one up lolololol!!!!

Ha, hi ss, looks like we both got one up lolololol!!!!

Hey, Charlie, according to my page layout , YOUR marked up photo was posted after mine was uploaded BUT, it loaded up BEFORE mine. :icon_scratch::icon_scratch: Boy, sometimes this site gets weird. LMAO

EDIT: LOL let me rephrase that. YOUR post was done BEFORE mine, but was not uploaded to the page until AFTER mine. Your mark up was not on the page when I loaded mine or I would have referenced it. This site is still weird. :laughing7:

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