Here we go again!... (poem)

Just wanted to throw something new out there that I've noticed recently. If you look at the Open fairies Dark spell in the BOS the inner writing is in black ink while on the left page the tear out is written in red ink. Perhaps a clue to RED LEFT or READ LEFT or read to the left or read on the left. Just thought I'd share that. What do you all think? Let me know,Thanks-BAD-

with all the talk early on about times and what not i thought this was kinda cool, found it while searching for a code for infinity.


  • howto-dcf77-time-code.jpg
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ok, 155 replys to this post of 203 have been by CMSCHUT and myself.There have been 5107 views....whats wrong with this picture?
NO FREE RIDES! Please speak up. CM and I know how to look inside ourselves,where to be and who to see. We would be much more willing to share if we thought we weren't alone on this island. Granted there are a few exceptions to this statement but the more the merrier,chime in, we dont bite. Last time we had posts galore where did you all go? Hoping to hear from you all soon,-Bad- P.S. I bet if you look at the views# it will have jumped way up from 5107 before there is a new post...prove me wrong


Sorry, if I knew or had a clue about anything, I would post. But since my brains fried, taking a little time off from puzzles, and hope when I look at it again something might click. Note the word "might". The way things are going I doubt it. I still check in to see what's going on.

Hooked on Hunts


Glad to see you. I was wondering where you had gone to. We are all stuck , but it is good , gets us more determined to look harder or should I say like a child would. This is how we are looking at it and it has helped a lot . I hope you are still on the Hunt and when you get a spark that you come back. Carol


Still around, just not working on any hunts right now. But I think the bug might bite soon after Easter. I still check all my sites to see what's been going on. It's really been quite here and on a couple of other sites too.


I think everyone is hitting the Brick wall . I agree it is dead everywhere. It seems as if they keep re-hasing the same thing in hopes of sparking something. Glad you are still around, Carol

CM, Try to be on tomorrow night. I think I have come across a way to solve the border that i have been working on. It's funny but we worked very hard on what it takes to solve it early in the game...who knew. Now.......if I can only find my notes :-\. P.S. I might not be on till late but ill try to work on it during breaks at work to see if it works, wish me luck...-BAD-

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