History Channel - Oak Island mini series January 5, 2014

You say there are posts here that are posted in a "playful, joking manner" as you put it. I guess you think that if you keep telling yourself that, others will believe you. I certainly won't.

"This is how things go" - for you and certain others here perhaps, but not for most who post here.

I don't give the hind quarters of a rat whether you or me or anyone else believes in Robot's theories. We have every right to question them, but let's have some manners shall we, and do so in a manner that reflects our role as adults.

To ridicule and be condescending is just plain rude and frankly I thought this forum was a little more grown up than that.

No one is asking anyone to believe anything here. If you don't believe theories, well then ask questions. If folks here can be bothered to post ridicule, surely then can also take the time to do that as well can't they?

As for "rugged treasure hunters" not having "thick skin", I firmly believe that most have manners.
Because one can't have manners and a sense of humor, right? Robot wasn't complaining about anything because he knew that what was said was in jest. Hence the reason he jabbed back with pointing out that others are closed minded and will never find treasure. Of course, you won't speak to how "rude" or "immature" that was. The reason nobody complained? Because we all understand humor and playful trash talking. Apparently, not all of us.

I really don't care what you think about mine or anybody else's posts. The fact that you take yourself so seriously and have no sense of playfulness at all really shows what a joy you must be to be around. Lighten up, Nancy. Maybe open your eyes and mind a little to try to see the difference between being rude and ridiculing to jokingly disagreeing. Robot seems to use it to motivate him to continue in his quest. Maybe you should try too and stop preaching your holier than thou condescending remarks. Geez, talk about rude. Take a look in a mirror, hypocrite.

I think I have a sense of humor! But people don't always get it...A standup comedian, when no one gets it, he says: "tough crowd!" Then tries again...

But on here I modify that to resemble a laugh track on a sitcom and add the laughing face so dummies know to laugh now! :laughing7:

Are we not all having fun here? Why haven't more people had a crack at my map to McDonalds? Are they really that easy to find way up in Canananada?

Yes, some theories are too complicated for some to understand!

I believe I am in good company with others whose ideas have been perceived to be “borderline crazy” and take no offense to these accusations.

My goal on this forum is to reveal as much of my theory as possible, answer to the best of my ability any questions and contribute to the day this mystery will be solved.

Knowing that the “proof is in the pudding” and will be good to taste, while others may be eating “crow”!

Seriously all this talk about eating Crow, got me worried. I really not that tasty?


Caw caw Crow! I believe there are some stories in the show that you're freaking out some of the locals.

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Receipt for Crow Pie!

Crow Pie.jpg
Seriously all this talk about eating Crow, got me worried. I really not that tasty?


For those who might find humiliation and have to "eat crow"

Here's some receipts!

Crow Busters - Recipes

Try this the next time you are gardening and see a crow; take your hoe and treating it like a rifle, bring it to your shoulder aiming at it! It will instantly fly away! Crows know all about hunters and are very hard to bag!

Hi tave, you need the Orish coffee blend this morning. Are you forgetting the wooden platforms every 12 ft" or so? I have no idea what is down there or if after hitting bed rock 'it' curves upwards to just below the surface at a different location. so that it may be easily accessed in the future, a sort of giganitic "U'. or 'J' Tis fascinating to think about, but someone went to a lot of trouble for what ?

Don Jose de La Mancah

Jeez, thanks for sharing, you sure know how to kill a thread for me! Somethings I just can't Unsee!

Happy I had eaten some time before seeing the picture above…….as for raising a stick up to scare the crows, a shotgun seems to work very well in keeping them away…..kill 1 (or a few is even better) and they avoid your place for a year or so……...

"Sorry" Maybe this generation does not know what to eat crow is!

It is an American colloquial idiom,[1] meaning humiliation by admitting wrongness or having been proved wrong after taking a strong position.[2] Crow is presumably foul-tasting in the same way that being proved wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.[2] The exact origin of the idiom is unknown, but it probably began with an American story published around 1850 about a slow-witted New York farmer.[3] Eating crow is of a family of idioms having to do with eating and being proved incorrect, such as to "eat dirt" and to "eat your hat" (or shoe), all probably originating from "to eat one's words", which first appears in print in 1571 in one of John Calvin's tracts, on Psalm 62: “God eateth not his words when he hath once spoken”.[2]

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