How safe do you feel when detecting?

I always carry.

Our society needs victims. Without them, our entire judicial system would be in shambles and a lot of people would be out of work.

It just won't be my wife, my kids or me.

It is my responsibility to keep them safe.

I've lived closely with guns for the past 30 years and have never had to use one outside my job. I hope I don't, and I'm not normally aggressive. I prefer to disengage and leave. Lot less hassle that way.

But if my family or I are ever faced with imminent violence- it shall be met with prejudice.

If a situation develops where I feel uncomfortable or threatened while detecting, I'll pack up, leave and go detect somewhere else, and as long as I'm left to leave in peace- all they will see are my taillights.

Thread is not about the civil war....

I think most people are afraid of what they aren't familiar with. Ignorance tends to make people think out loud. Not a good thing. Take metal detecting for instance. Tell anyone you do it and automatically you're old, poor, crazy, etc. This past weekend I was detecting a local beach, came a little close to some children playing in the sand and got a very concerned, upset couple looking at me when I get a nice hit. Father got up and walked over to "watch". Understandable. Well two scoops deep I remove a Hopkins spoon with a #10 siwash hook attached to it. He looked at the hook, his children 2 feet away, then at me. We never spoke a word, but the look he gave me was all I needed.
A person might have been taught all their lives that guns are "bad". How do you think their going to feel? Others on the other hand might have pictures of when they where 4 holding a rabbit in one hand and a 16 gauge Purdey in the other, with beautiful hand scrolling and walnut stock. Man I wish my dad had kept that thing!

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A few of my beliefs.

I support concealed carry,

Most criminals do not have a conscience and place no value on life. They will shoot you just for your shoes.

When concealed carry was being passed in Ohio I heard the following and I will paraphrase. Many people who bought guns for concealed carry do have a conscience and put value on life. With this in mind many will have their gun used on them since they may hesitate to take a life due to the value they place on life. Not everyone is cut out to conceal and carry.

If you pull it, you better use it! other wise the person you pull it on may now have a vendetta and then you are a target if ever seen by that individual or his cohorts.

The really scary part is the ones that will shoot you just for the thrill of shooting you! I'm grateful they are few and far between!
Be safe out there!

I always carry.

Our society needs victims. Without them, our entire judicial system would be in shambles and a lot of people would be out of work.

It just won't be my wife, my kids or me.

It is my responsibility to keep them safe.

I've lived closely with guns for the past 30 years and have never had to use one outside my job. I hope I don't, and I'm not normally aggressive. I prefer to disengage and leave. Lot less hassle that way.

But if my family or I are ever faced with imminent violence- it shall be met with prejudice.

If a situation develops where I feel uncomfortable or threatened while detecting, I'll pack up, leave and go detect somewhere else, and as long as I'm left to leave in peace- all they will see are my taillights.

I couldn't of said it better G.I.B.

"Situation Awareness" and "Expect The Unexpected", maybe a type of social phobia?
I believe a person who is ex-military that has been in combat, or a person who has been in law enforcement for several years, will have both traits. I don't believe it's a fear of not being safe, as it is a fear of not keeping it safe.
I don't like crowds of people, I'm always finding myself checking everyone out to make sure they're not a threat... I don't go to Walmart!:laughing7:

If you don't have at least some of both traits.. you maybe an easy target for trouble, or find yourself in an unsafe condition?
I guess a person needs to have a plan in his mind just in case trouble does come knocking? I try to be prepared for the highest threat...
which is physical harm or death to me or my family! So, do I trust this to carrying a knife or maybe a digging tool.. no, I go armed.

If you believe some of the places you go are safe and no harm will come to you.. I hope you are not dead wrong!

- Wayne

Now that we know some carry while detecting, what's the best firearm for detecting? :laughing7:
My personal favorite is the Ruger LCR 38 SPL +P! What's yours?

Now that we know some carry while detecting, what's the best firearm for detecting? :laughing7:
My personal favorite is the Ruger LCR 38 SPL +P! What's yours?
I carry 2 different pistols that I choose from, Springfield XDs .45 and Ruger LC9 with trigger activated laser site. I have the Springfield XD .45, but it is double stack and little heavy for conceal carry..

I carry 2 different pistols that I choose from, Springfield XDs .45 and Ruger LC9 with trigger activated laser site. I have the Springfield XD .45, but it is double stack and little heavy for conceal carry..

I love my lc9

I haven't begun to detect.........yet. Already picked out the detector to use and will be ordering and, hopefully, be waving the wand before the warm weather ends.......when my budget permits.
I live in an area where young men and women are routinely exposed to and taught the safe use of firearms. A 10 minute drive in any direction will put a person in a secluded, wooded area.............15 minutes will put you in deep forest. Lots of historical or recreational areas to search within the city limits, many old homesteads/farms surrounding the city and many abandoned settlements/camps beyond...........
I've read, with great interest, the many opinions on this thread. As a strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment, for me, there is only one choice...............

Ruger LCP .380

I'm in Florida, so usually in shorts.

Small, concealable, comfortable, and made in By-God-America...

Number 9 "I believe the southern part of our country still has the most people with concealed carry permits" no I believe if you look it up you will find Western Pa as having the most CWP's and guns per household. We go way back too

There is no right or wrong answer when to carry or not carry. It may help or hurt you one way or another, facts will bear this out. The biggest factor is awareness and being alert to your surroundings, many armed people are killed when attacked too, so with out being alert every minute you need real training in appropriate situation response. I think TV, Movies and Video games have given many a false sense of security. One also needs to be aware of the Financial as well as legal responsibilities that will be associated with having guns. Guns have always been around everybody around here for generations and it is no big deal, as most don't even think about it. It has only been since the NRA has made it a fad and fashion statement to constantly make noise about guns , guns. guns I think it is a boring subject

one thing when the shooting starts in public somewhere and everybody pulls out their weapons, I hope people can tell the good guy with a gun from the bad guy with a gun

Number 9 "I believe the southern part of our country still has the most people with concealed carry permits" no I believe if you look it up you will find Western Pa as having the most CWP's and guns per household. We go way back too

Actually the top 8 states in relation to gun ownership would have been considered Northern states, or territories.

States with the most guns - The Daily Beast

I've got no argument about our right to carry, I have a CCW and carry a Ruger LC9. Am not going to listen to some silly statement about one part of the country be able to shoot better than the other though. I'll leave it at that.

Number 9 "I believe the southern part of our country still has the most people with concealed carry permits" no I believe if you look it up you will find Western Pa as having the most CWP's and guns per household. We go way back too
Florida has the most conceal carry permit holders in America, Pennsylvania is #2 and Texas is #3...

Florida had nearly 1.4 million permit holders as of March 2015, while Texas has 825,957 as of December 2014, according to each state's official count. Florida’s number is about 1.7 times higher than Texas, which is close to Bush’s words of "nearly double."

To determine if Texas is No. 2, we tried to find a more current number for gun permits in Pennsylvania and Georgia. Those two states don’t make such data as readily and publicly available as Florida and Texas.

Pennsylvania has 1,064,360 active carry permits, State Trooper Adam Reed, a spokesman for the state police, told PolitiFact.

Fla permit is honored in 30 states.

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming....

We don't need no "stinkin" CCW permits out here in Cowboy and Indin country!!:laughing7:....well, maybe over in the "left" side of the state!!

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