Jewelry Hunting Tips

good post digger27.

So the recipe for the finding-more- gold (especially for newbies wondering how to find more) is simply: "Dig all the low tones, foil, tabs, etc.... " Period. End of story.

To speak of "location" as the better factor in the recipe is: Ignorant, short-sighted, spreading garbage, lacking patience , lacking correct mindset, ridiculous, and laughable. Ok, got it :)

There is something really wrong with you.
It is not about finding gold 100% of the time, it is about having fun 100% of the time.
Locations might factor into the recipe for finding gold, there are some better than others like near water certainly, but should you avoid all sites when you want to go hunting because there is no beach or water nearby?
I would never go hunting if that were true.
Should you go out to any site expecting to find gold and be totally disappointed if you don't?
Should you wait to go hunting only in sites YOU think are worthy and not even try any others even though you might have a great time doing it?
No, no and laughable.
I would like to find gold every time but I know that is not feasible so I go out hunting and find what I find and whatever I find is just fine gold or not.
I dig the signals I want to dig, avoid 80% of the trash I come across and still manage to find gold from time to time.
Should I believe my ego and complete sense of self worth should be wrapped up in percentages and positive numbers and volume of finds like you....hardly.
It is all about fun for me and I have that on every hunt at any site every time even if they are loaded with trash, iron, aluminum, tabs, can slaw, water or anything else.

Should anyone believe these totally ignorant words and believe this is the absolute only way one should hunt any site if they want to find gold..

"So the recipe for the finding-more- gold (especially for newbies wondering how to find more) is simply: "Dig all the low tones, foil, tabs, etc.... " Period. End of story."

They can if they want to but I don't do it that way and I still find plenty of gold.

You are so wrapped up in yourself and so sure you are the resident md God on all of these forums that you feel forced to keep shoving this garbage down everyone's throat deciding your kind of sites you choose to hunt are the only ones worth anyone else's time to hunt, your ideas for finding anything including gold are the only way anyone should even attempt to think about doing it and your ways of approaching this hobby are the correct and only way to enjoy doing this.
You can't even come close to seeing the forest for the trees.
Success in this hobby is not always about setting a goal to hunt for gold and find it, that will rarely happen hunting great sites or not, it is about the challenge of doing it and having fun in the experience while doing exactly that...whether you find any or not.
I see now you are totally incapable of understanding this oh so simple premise, you have a blind spot that just forces you to fight anyone and everyone to death that disagrees with you and mentions they would love to find some gold but decides to and enjoys thinking in other ways than you when they go out and do it.
A shame.
For all your positive, logical and good knowledge you possess about so many other areas of this hobby that you can pass on you just can't see how ignorant you come off every time you have told so many people on all these forums in all these posts for years exactly what kinds of sites they should hunt and should not even attempt to hunt any kind of others because you don't believe they are worth it....Period...End if story.
Oh, and your ideas and advice for how to hunt for gold by digging everything well good luck with that, too.
If I don't find every piece of gold doing it my way so what, I still find plenty, more than you ever will because you would never have considered going into most if my sites and never would have tried your way, my way or any way.
Your way your success rate would be 0%, mine might not be 100% but it is way more than that because I made the attempt, had great fun doing it and I am supremely satisfied and happy with that.
But then again my self worth is not tied to those percentages and numbers.

heepiepow and digger27: You know that ... by definition, when people go to eat and drink (ie.: picnic), is the instant recipe for the introduction of aluminum. Right ? Ie.: foils that wrapped the food products, and tabs and cans for the drinks (subsequently turned to can slaw by mowers).cnics (especially BBQ pit areas which introduce molten nuggets), it still seems like a person's time is better spent elsewhere, if gold jewelry is the agenda.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Unless it's that you no longer detect fire pits, considering the slaw. I don't either. But properly managed fairgrounds and picnics don't allow jerks to have campfires on site and toss cans into them etc. I don't think jerks on the beach are the sites in question here. And I'm curious as to which properly managed fairgrounds you've seen go up in smoke due to rapscallions, just burning up the place, tossing cans everywhere.

If the concern is foil, well just dig it.

And just to add--the thread was about jewelry hunting tips. Not "easy jewelry hunting tips that would be in a magic area without foil and such". Some work is hard. Some jewelry is more likely lost even in some areas foil is likely to be lost. Egad!?

I love sand Volleyball courts :P


I'll occasionally hunt where there's lots of foil etc. but if I do its to listen for silver only. I'd never consider finding gold in a spot like that it's just too much bother.

I found this today near an old swimming hole, I say "near" because it wasn't where folks were swimming and laying by the river. That was totally searched out but I used a bit of intuition and started doing the banks that overlooked
the river. Someone was laying on that bank and lost this.

I'll search spots "near" picnic spots, maybe where someone would wander into the bush for a nature break or other nefarious reasons. Those spots are recogniseable in some fashion perhaps not on a conscious level but more of a "where would I go" sort of thing. Along paths is good but where two paths meet is better although you'll find bottle caps and can tabs galore at path'll also find goodies.

Anywhere where people would get up high to look around, and if there's a park bench on a hilltop I'll search the spot until I've dug everything....unless it's hopelessly littered. Then I won't bother because it takes too much time for the reward.

If a person likes a spot where it's littered, well ....more power to them I guess. It's always fun to detect and I'll take littered over nothing but I'd take a non littered spot with potential for good "drops" than I would a trashy area any day.

Is it possible for two people to hold contrary views and there both right? Absolutely!

Well said "Digger27", thank you from the post! :icon_thumleft:

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