Just Blocked Fisher Labs on Facebook... I dont need "downblouse" photos showing up!

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So let me get this straight, you dont like First Texas because you dont like women? You have a problem with a woman with a metal detector? I have a idea for you, look at their eyes instead???? Also women like to feel like women and they should be like that. If a boob offends you or your friends or family, I thought the Amish didnt use anything modern and electric like a detector lol. Dude I was actually more offended you hate women with detectors.

"rapped"?? How does she get to be "rapped"?? Oh well, never mind:dontknow:

I wasn't sure, but I didn't want to ask, for fear of being considered politically incorrect... But since you were kind enough to bring it up...


So let me get this straight, you dont like First Texas because you dont like women? You have a problem with a woman with a metal detector? I have a idea for you, look at their eyes instead???? Also women like to feel like women and they should be like that. If a boob offends you or your friends or family, I thought the Amish didnt use anything modern and electric like a detector lol. Dude I was actually more offended you hate women with detectors.

Was this directed at me? Because if so, you've completely missed the entire point... But hey... if your rant is ok, then mine should be just fine.



I found nothing offensive with the picture at all. She was trying to be cute and in my humble opinion she was.:dontknow: Of course some people can pose better than others but I see nothing obscene at all.
Happy Hunting

I found nothing offensive with the picture at all. She was trying to be cute and in my humble opinion she was.:dontknow: Of course some people can pose better than others but I see nothing obscene at all.
Happy Hunting


I looked all over that Fakebook page and saw that picture but thought nothing of it and continued on looking for this questionable picture and found none.

I thought I just missed what everyone was talking about. and left Fakebook shrugging my shoulders...
That is the picture ?
The one I stopped to check out and show my girl... thinking nah that is not it... AND SHE AGREED !

SHEESH ! don't ever go on my "Random Picture Thread" if that offends you.

AND don't come stay at the beach in Florida... you will keel over face first in the sand.

She Appears to be a Little bit Old For Me, But Fisher Labs can send me pics like that anytime

Fisher Labs.jpg

I don't want to get Political, But it sure is Sad it has come to
fears in the workplace over things like this :(

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Hi Skippy; This crap would NEVER be taking place in the 60's - 70's for sure. So much for Progressive Thinking. It's just plain stupid. I shield my kid from it as best I can. PEACE:RONB

This thread is awesome! :laughing7::laughing7:

I'm embarrassed!! Everyone in the house is asking what's so funny!:laughing7:

You can almost see the generation differences from posts. Nothing wrong with that either.

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Where can I get a refund on this 10 minutes of my life??

Hi Skippy; This crap would NEVER be taking place in the 60's - 70's for sure. So much for Progressive Thinking. It's just plain stupid. I shield my kid from it as best I can. PEACE:RONB
You're so right.


Hi Skippy; This crap would NEVER be taking place in the 60's - 70's for sure. So much for Progressive Thinking. It's just plain stupid. I shield my kid from it as best I can. PEACE:RONB

? ? ?

EVERYONE was naked in the 60 and 70's...
In fact...
Some of them still are...

I should know... I live in the place they have ALL retired...
And half of them frequent the TONS of massive nudist places here.

I am not trying to offend...

But seriously... that chick is wearing more than most here do.
IN a restaurant... let alone outside.

I won't post the link to the ad, But look up" Loves Baby Soft Commercials 1975" or cig, and alcohol ads. Some are questionable even today!

You older guys aren't foolin us! We saw video and heard about woodstock. :laughing7:

And if anyone even gives a crap about the topic, I actually find this stuff interesting...Here's a link to some older ads...


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Skippy... we all have a right to our opinions.
You do not like pretty girls that show any skin?? Crazy

Fisher... really... you went to the 1/2 of 1 % of the population that does not like pretty women, and deleted the thread? Bad move.
Most of the population did not have their head in the gutter and truly appreciate beautiful metal detectorists.
Its a truly lucky person that gets to dig with her.
Fisher... lets see if your smart enough to put the pictures back up? You will sell so many more detectors than worrying about the 1/2 of 1% of the people that have their heads in the gutters.
Gary from Oregon

I blurred out the detector and made her my homepage wallpaper.

You guys should see what my girl digs in some times.

Heh ! :)

Unbelievable Fisher Labs... You blew this one.

Today, I was simply scrolling through my facebook posts, and about choked when a downblouse shot of a gal with a metal detector showed up on my timeline. It was revealing enough I probably would have gotten in trouble at work if a co-worker had walked by. I KNOW I would have been embarrassed if my wife had walked by.

I contacted FisherLabs and asked them to remove it. Their response? It was a user post, and they're going to allow it because it's not "Explicit." REALLY?

So... people have to be having SEX on your photo threads to remove them? That was it for me.

I posted my opinion on the matter, and promptly unfollowed, then blocked the site completely.

That F44 I was toying with as a replacement for my son's ACE350... nope.

Fine... If people want to post those photos, by all means, I FULLY support their right to do so. But that does NOT mean I have to support them. Nor does it mean I am obligated to continue supporting the company who thinks "family friendly" includes a look down a gals shirt.

AND...when we start suggesting, as a society, that people who have "negative" opinions shouldn't be allowed to speak... that's... well... that's BAD.

Rant over.


Skippy ... from this you are saying you are at work and on the internet and on facebook which has nothing to do with your work? Hope your boss doesn't see this.

I just set an 'ignore', and it certainly wasn't Fisher Research Labs. I love that feature on TreasureNet!

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