Mental and Phsical Dowsing


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
I have been getting a lot of E-mails wanting to know the difference between Physical Dowsing and Mental Dowsing. My type of Dowsing was given a name by Dell. I look for natural signals emitted by all objects. The natural signals are strongest at the four cardinal directions from the objects. I have taught my mind to only respond to these signals. This is the basic way for all my post.
I can mental dowse but am not very good at it. That may be just because I don’t practice. In my opinion when you first try to dowse you need to pick only one type of dowsing and stick to it. After you have perfected one type of dowsing you can play with the other types. I will leave it to others to explain Mental Dowsing as my knowledge I very limited…
I will keep posting my methods as for me they are simple and easy to learn to dowse…Art



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Any way you package it, map dowsing is mental. If you are detecting on flake of gold from a long distance, that's mental dowsing, too. Some people call physical dowsing "body dowsing" because you sense it with your energy system at close range
I agree that Map Dowsing is a mental exercise. I also agree it would have to be mental dowsing to detect a flake of gold at a long distance. I can only detect a flake of gold for about 46 paces and old silver dime for about 75 paces. Larger deposits of gold I can detect a lot further than I want to walk or dig.
I believe that my body picks the signal up with my feet and then the body does its thing to make the rods close. I also think it is much easier to dowse this way. I can follow the signals directly to the target. I can mark the target as to where it actually is. No guess work or fancy thinking to do. I don’t need fancy rods or anything……I have been using these methods for about 12 years now with very little changes….Art



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey Mike…Pretty simple to me. I get a set of Dowsing rods and step on a coin. I then trim the rods to cross when my heel is on the coin. I then go out and walk a North-South or East-West path until the rods Close. I then turn 90 degrees and walk a S pattern until the rods cross again. That’s where the object is.
I don’t have to think about what my mind is doing. You see I don’t have to explain how dowsing works. I could care less as long as I can make money doing it. ..Art



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey Mike …I have read a lot of books about Dowsing. I went to 4 lectures by top ADS officials. I have been in the field with a lot of mental dowsers. It all works. The fact is that you have to pick a method that works for you. If you keep changing you methods you will not be any good. If you start to use Electronic devices using mental dowsing methods you will fail. I learned to use the rods using Electronic Devices and When I learned to Dowse it was simple to go from a signal line to a target to one that comes from the target. …Art

Montana Jim

Gold Member
Sep 18, 2006
Art... you mentioned that you have detected targets are distances to great to want to walk to or dig for...

Can you give an example of those distances or depths?

I guess I ask because I'm wondering when pursuing gold at any distance and depth be prohibitive...



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Good question..I think that it all depends on your own body energy. There is a few million in gold setting in the Nugget Casino in Carson City. I took a map and drew a North-South and a East-West line on it. I drove the streets checking for the signal. The streets where I lost the signal was a hair over 6 miles from the Casino. So I know I can pick up that much gold at six miles. I also did a lot of experiment at a forest service airport in the Mountains. I could pick up a ¼ oz nugget at just under ¼ mile and a ½ oz nugget at just over ½ mile.
As far as the depth goes I can not tell that until I get to the target. I seem to have a maximum depth of 20 feet.
My map dowsing gives me a starting point. I try to find roads that go in the right direction on the maps before I leave home. I know what the terrain looks like so I go from there. The Idea is to get as close as possible before I walk. I don’t walk to well or have a good balance anymore so I am very picky about where I go. I have limits as to how deep I will dig and if it is out of my limits some one else can have it.
After all these years I have learned that it is not the money that I enjoy ( It really helps) it the Hunt that is the fun part….Art

Montana Jim

Gold Member
Sep 18, 2006
Thanks Art...

In the spirit of full disclosure, you already now I'm mostly a sceptic.

Now... controlled experimentations aside, and with gold at the price it is, you must understand that it sounds only a little nutty to "pass on the gold" if you know (suspect) it's there.

Have you ever considered the following: After determining the probable location of a target, whatever it is, and after deciding to "pass" on it's recovery - that you mark it and send another person to dig or recover it? What a great verificaiton of your abilities that would be! (10 percent finder's fee of course... LOL!).

Just wondering...

Montana Jim

Gold Member
Sep 18, 2006
Mike(Mont) said:
It's a nasty one. My kid got it, then my wife, then me. I'm still about half nauseated, and that's only one side of it. Feels like I got run over by a truck. My friend's grandson had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. His head hurt so bad they thought he had spinal meningitis.

Mike... wrong post... :)



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Het Montana Jim….I have three location at this time that I have given to my kids. If they want to dig that is up to them. I have dowsed perhaps 500 maps for people. I have no way to check on my rate of success unless they tell me. Every once in a while I get a gift from some of them. I have receive 10 Twenty Dollar gold pieces, a Delome Mapping program and the loan of a two box detector.
I know that a lot of these people don’t have a chance finding anything. Most of what I dowse is in the range of 3 to 4 feet deep. If the only equipment you have is a metal detector I say lots of luck.
I recently dowse a natural cave with 400 gold bars 500 yards from the entrance. The cave is only 4 feet in diameter. That is a lot of crawling. I was told it was found and they brought 3 bars out. That was a month and a half ago. I get some requests from people that I know are bogus but I do the maps anyway. Sooner or later they confirm my suspicions.
I put a map in General Discussion-Nevada yesterday. I think there is 300 pounds of gold ore there. Anyone in the area can check it out. The wife and I are going to take a ride down there on Thursday. We are going to make a day out of it. There is a road near there where I have dowsed 5 ½ ounces of nuggets. I want to check both sites out.
The map dowsing keeps me from getting bored. I have a map to do from Arizona tomorrow. ..I am very selective about what I dig. 300 pounds of gold ore would be nice BUT..If you don’t own a rock crusher and the right equipment to extract the gold it can becomes a pain to recover the gold…If one person gets rich it will be worth my efforts….Art

Montana Jim

Gold Member
Sep 18, 2006
Thanks for the response Art...

An interesting and exciting prospect I bet - to offer riches to others. Nice to have them send a little something back too...

I'm not too sure I could handle such abilities responsibly! LMAO

I know you believe, and I wish I could - but either way I appreciate your candor and time.



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
If I thought that I should charge for my services I would. I still am not convinced that my locations are that accurate. I have dowsed two locations near my house. There were 3 jars of silver dollars and a ½ oz gold nugget. I have found two jars of silver dollars but the third has me completely confused. The gold nugget has eluded me also. All I can come up with is hot rocks. This is the only area where this happens. I know I will figure this out but don’t know how long it will take ….I know you are skeptical but I am sure that you do what you do and could care less what anyone thinks.
At the end of the year if my finds equal or exceed my expenses I will always think it was a good year…Art

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