metal detectors & Bigfoot



Bronze Member
Aug 2, 2004
Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

Sure. It was a story about some guys metal detecting in Va and supposedly a bigfoot type animal crossed their paths.

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Mar 20, 2003
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

Is this it?

Manassas man's quest: Finding Bigfoot
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Photo by Davis Turner / The Free Lance-Star
William Dranginis of Manassas holds a copy of a urethane mold taken of a footprint found where a creature some believe to be Bigfoot was captured on film in 1967 in Bluff Creek, Calif.
Click for larger photo.

Encounter in Culpeper prompts Virginia man's high-tech search for mysterious creature.


Date published: 9/21/2003

There are moments in a man's life that can change him forever, transform his perspective on the world, send him down paths he never dreamed existed.

Often these life-altering experiences come and go in the twinkling of an eye, leaving one to wonder whether they were real or imaginary, resulting in questions without answers.

Bizarre and unexpected incidents can, in rare instances, cause men to reorganize their priorities and send them on lifetime quests where the odds of success are almost nonexistent.

William Dranginis experienced just such a moment in the early spring of 1995. While walking through a remote section of Culpeper County with two friends, the Manassas security technologist had a chance encounter that turned his life in a new direction.

There, on a leaf-littered trail in the chill of a March afternoon, he says he came face to face with the creature that has both fascinated and eluded man for untold centuries--Bigfoot.

Driven by the events of that March afternoon eight years ago, the 44-year-old Connecticut native has now become Virginia's foremost Bigfoot researcher. He founded Virginia Bigfoot Research (wdranginis@VirginiaBig and spends an average of one weekend a month using a high-tech mobile laboratory to track his elusive quarry.

Between expeditions, he works to design and perfect surveillance cameras and listening devices that will aid him in his search. Most weeks, Dranginis says he devotes about 20 hours to his new quest in life: to conclusively document a Bigfoot sighting and prove to the world that the mythical creature really exists.

'Something different'
Dranginis' first brush with Bigfoot came as he and two friends were visiting old gold mines in Culpeper County. They were returning to their vehicle when one of the men said he spotted something about 75 feet behind a tree.

At first, Dranginis didn't see anything, but then a large black head emerged from behind the tree and the creature took off in a "full-blown run."

"At that point I knew this was something different from a man," Dranginis says. "It was about 7 feet tall, covered with hair and had broad, muscular shoulders, arms and legs.

"It ran about 75 feet left to right in full view, then took a hard left and ran down a hill. I could see its muscular shoulders moving back and forth, and its hair, maybe 4 to 6 inches long, flowing as it moved. It disappeared over a hill."

One of his companions, the owner of the land, insisted what they had just seen was a bear and urged them to flee.

"My other friend and I just looked at each other. We knew what it was," Dranginis says.

Shaken by what had just transpired, the three men hurried back to the safety of civilization. But the next day, Dranginis and his friend went back to the scene to look for footprints and do what he now calls "basic research."

They found a small pine tree with its bark stripped on one side to a height of about 18 inches. Farther down a hill, they found disturbed moss in the creek bed.

"Then we saw a footprint--about 131/2 inches long," Dranginis says.

He was preparing to make a plaster cast of the print when his friend, a law-enforcement official, tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the brush.

"There are two of them out there," Dranginis remembers him saying.

"Then I heard it," Dranginis recalls. "Low whistles, two of them signaling to each other. Then I heard something moving."

While Dranginis says he wanted to finish the cast, his friend was too frightened to remain.

"I survived Vietnam by listening to my gut instinct and my gut instinct tells me to get out of here--right now!" the man told Dranginis.

The two left. Dranginis says his friend never came back.

But intrigued by a creature he had virtually no knowledge of before that fateful encounter in the woods near the small hamlet of Richardsville, Dranginis did return--again and again.

For weeks, he searched for tracks and prayed for another sighting, but all he found were broken saplings set up in frame-like arrangements. He would later learn, he says, that similar structures were found near other Bigfoot sightings.

Using his job knowledge, he set up a sophisticated surveillance system with cameras camouflaged on trees and motion sensors buried in the ground. He recorded video of deer, raccoons and other animals, but no Bigfoot.

Finally, he says, the owner of the land--the man who had insisted what they had seen was a bear--asked him to stop searching. "Whatever you spooked keeps coming up to my house at one in the morning and keeps my dog howling," Dranginis says the landowner told him.

When Dranginis returned to remove his camera, he found that something had placed a dead leaf over the lens. Even more fascinating was what he discovered later, when he inspected the video.

"Things had been thrown from behind and above the camera," he says. "Two sticks and a rock could be seen flying through the air."

There was more.

"At night, you could hear footsteps, like those made by a biped. Something with a heavy foot would come up, tap on the camera and then walk back out."

Dranginis couldn't understand how anything could know the camera was there until he watched a deer, for no apparent reason, look up at the carefully hidden equipment.

"I figured that while the camera was silent to my ears, it was emitting ultrasonic sounds that animals could hear," he says.

He bought testing equipment, and, sure enough, the camera was producing sounds that were inaudible to humans. Dranginis believes this is what tipped off the mysterious creature.

From Highland to Centreville
Each January, Dranginis places an ad in a magazine with state circulation encouraging those who have had encounters with Bigfoot to contact him and report their experiences.

He says he gets about 20 responses annually, mostly from hunters. He takes down their story--making an audio recording whenever possible--and files the data into his computer.

In addition to similar descriptions of the creature, Dranginis says there is one constant in virtually every story: Almost without fail, only hunters who encounter the beast are stationary in a stand. Bigfoot always seems to hear and evade those who are moving about.

So why hasn't some hunter bagged a Bigfoot? One almost did, Dranginis says, after he spotted a 6- to 7-foot-tall creature standing at the edge of a clearing.

"The hunter said he brought his rifle up and looked at the creature through his scope. He said it was not human and not a bear," Dranginis recalls.

"The hunter said that when he drew a bead on it the creature turned and looked directly into his scope. He said he couldn't shoot it because it looked too much like a human. It finally turned and ran up a hill."

Dranginis says there is another common thread to the outdoorsmen's reports: "Most of those hunters don't hunt anymore."

From his research, he believes there may be as many as 900 Bigfoot creatures statewide.

Among Dranginis' reports is one from a Highland County dentist who claimed to have encountered Bigfoot while hunting in 1975.

He had shot a deer and went back to his vehicle to get a knife and other equipment. He said when he returned, he found a 7-foot hairy creature with a "cesspoollike smell" with the deer under his arm.

The dentist also said he saw two of the creatures while on a turkey hunt in 1979 and that his son once watched a young Bigfoot--about 31/2 feet tall--skipping rocks off the water of a stream.

A Culpeper woman told Dranginis she has seen a Bigfoot twice, about a year apart. One encounter was on State Route 615 in the Mitchells area, the other time she almost hit one of the creatures with her car near the Phelps Wildlife Management Area at Kelly's Ford.

Another hunter told the Bigfoot researcher that he found one of the creature's tracks on the Orange County side of the Rapidan River near Germanna.

Other sightings, Dranginis says, have come from Greene and Albemarle counties adjacent to the Shenandoah National Park. A number have come from remote Highland County in western Virginia.

One sighting was reported on the outskirts of the highly populated town of Centreville.

Dranginis says he occasionally gets crank calls, but always follows up to make sure those who file reports believe they have really seen a Bigfoot.

He would not identify those who have contacted him, saying almost all who do ask that he keep their names confidential.

Geared up for an encounter
There are more than 100 Bigfoot researchers nationwide. They even have their own newsletter.

These days, Dranginis and some of his fellow researchers from Maryland and Pennsylvania are devoting most of their time and energies to an area around Petersburg, near Pocahontas State Park, where several sightings have been reported.

He spends many sleepless hours watching the woods and fields from his research vehicle, a 1989 Ford camper originally used as a mobile veterinary hospital but now resembling one of the trucks used to telecast a professional sports event. It is filled with thousands of dollars worth of equipment, including monitors, video and sound recorders, cameras and a computer.

Atop is a periscopelike camera that Dranginis can hand-crank from inside to a height of 25 feet. Each of four video cameras atop the periscope has a 92-degree field of vision so nothing can sneak into a research area without being detected. All are equipped with third-generation night-vision capability.

There is a monitor on the console so Dranginis can detect any Bigfoot that might come within view as he drives through the countryside. And he has even developed a flashlightlike gadget that emits an eerie Bigfoot call and can record any answer.

Despite his advanced equipment and his constant expeditions, Dranginis still has not been able to capture Bigfoot on film. The closest he has come was at Petersburg, when a large shadowy figure darted into his video field and was gone again two frames later. The pictures are inconclusive at best.

Just what does Dranginis think Bigfoot really is? Is this creature some sort of missing link between humans and apes?

"I think Bigfoot is original man," he says. "It is the only creature that walks upright like present-day man and can utilize nature for its every need."

The researcher says the creature has enough manual dexterity to open a jar of peanut butter, which he thinks is Bigfoot's favorite food. Dranginis says he's left a number of jars in the woods and returned to find them opened with chunks clawed out.

And he believes Bigfoot has the ability to think. He uses his Culpeper County sighting as an example.

"By running directly in front of us, the creature, I think, knowingly diverted our attention from where we first saw it," he says. "It may have done this on purpose to divert our attention from a family unit or mate."

But he is determined to prove--sooner or later, no matter what the expense--that the creature he believes he saw in the Richardsville woods really does exist.

"If I could look into his eyes for four or five seconds I would sell all the equipment I have and move on," Dranginis says. "The eyes, they say, are the windows to the soul."

He makes one point very clear.

"I want no harm to come to him," he says.

So, until he comes face to face with the creature again, Dranginis' Bigfoot quest will continue.

"That 10-second sighting captured my imagination," he says.

To reach DONNIE JOHNSTON: [email protected]

Date published: 9/21/2003

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Mar 20, 2003
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

I was walking around in these very places in June! It was so remote where we were that I had this very weird feeling of being watched through the moving windy bushes. Kind of spooky, but I made it back. 8)

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

I was raised in southern Maryland around Calvert county.When I was a kid,there were stories of a creature/s living in the surrounding woodlands.The only differance is, the creature we were told about was supposed to be half goat and half human.The mythological name of this creature escapes me right now.I was about 12 at the time,my uncle, some friends,and myself had been building a log cabin way out in the woods.That particular night( the cabin was about 4 feet high at the time) we were all sleeping and all of a sudden everyone awoke to the sound of the most GOD AWFUL SOUND i've ever heard in my life.Then there was the smell,it was almost like the smell of rotting flesh.The sound was a high pitched almost birdlike shrill that sounded almost,well not almost,iit did sound EVIL!There was the breaking of branches no more than 20-25 feet away from our half-built "cabin".As we listened in horror,the breaking of branches drifted further away.Well needless to say ,we all prepared to get the hell out of dodge.As we were running or fixing to run "IT" let out one more scream.I'm tellin you this thing made the hairs on your arms stand up."IT" got grown men to runnin like little girls.My uncle let off a shot and we high-tailed it the hell out of there.I've done alot of hunting in my time ,i've shot deer,turkey,coyotes,wild boar and many others but I have yet to ever hear this sound again,and the smell,aagghhhh.WHO KNOWS what "IT" was,by the way this isn't too far from "THE BLAIR WITCH"area of Maryland.SOMETHING JUST AINT RIGHT UP THERE..................

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Full Member
Sep 29, 2004
Stafford Va
Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

thanx guys for the story if i get down to culpeper to hunt ill be sure to take my trusty 30-06 i wont be afraid to bag a big foot :D
as long as he doesnt bag me first :P


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Bronze Member
Mar 20, 2003
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

Hi True_Metal,
What I was referring to was when I was back in this very area of Virginia, near Fredericksville.
I tell you, during the summer, with all of the leaves moving and the trees moving and various noises in the forest, and me with my headphones on in a very remote area, it was spooky. I finally decided that it was creeping me out and had to leave. The first time I was at this place must have been in the fall because there were no leaves on the trees and I was with someone else who was near-by. This time I was there with my brother in law and he wanted to do some fishing, so he headed off in the opposite direction. I was kind of bummed because a huge tree had fallen right over the top of a three split level stone foundation site. I couldn't get past this to get where the real hunting need to be done. I am going to submit an article to WE&T when I get it edited to their standards. 8)

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Hero Member
Aug 27, 2004
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

I know what you mean Coinshooter. I have somes spots that are pretty islolated and it can get creepy sometimes. Recently i was digging up what turned out be a wheatie in wht is basically an eastern ghost town. Its just an old community around a natural lake that was totally abandoned. So i was digging this penny and just suddenly had a sense that i was not alone. I looked up and about a hundred feet from me was this big Black Bear in the trail just looking at me. Well i stood up and yelled at him and he didnt budge. Thinking back now its funny to picture myself waving my detector at this damn thing before him finally splitting, but then, it wasnt too funny. If i had more than a stupid trowel i wouldnt sweat it, but since NY is so anal about carrying shooters, the trowel is about your only legal line of defense. When you get that story done send me a blurb of it, as i would like to check it out. 8)

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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

Bigfoots coming gonna gitya gonna gitya
Bigfoots coming so ya better watch out
Lock up your doors, bolt your windows cause

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Man I'm old

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ranger ricky

newbie order my first wal mart 450$ bounty hunter

can someone give me a recoomended easy reading book or books I need to read.

I live south centeral ky off the cumberland river with lots of old home places to acess.

The recommended reading is to take me from turning the unit on to using it thanks in advance

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Hero Member
Aug 27, 2004
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot


Welcome aboard. 8)
You should post your questions in the Metal Detecting forum as you will get more views and advice. Just start a new topic there.

My advice would be to read the owners manual that comes with your detector front to back and then read it over and over till you understand everything the detector can do. This way you will be able to utilize the machine to its full extent and thus hopefully make more good finds.

Welcome again and good luck in your hunts. Post pics of your finds, as we here like to see them. 8)

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Jr. Member
Oct 25, 2004
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

No physical [hard] evidence to support this popular myth. No skeletal remains, cadavers, hair, etc.....not even a reliable photo. No primitive shelters, [like chimps construct] , which we should expect any bipedal primate to require in such harsh climates. Nothing ever found in caves which have been explored.

Apart from illogical speculation all we have are a tiny group of individuals with literary and other pecuniary interests,, [and the gullible], to keep the myth alive. Oh, yes...perhaps one, or [two?] heretic anthropologists...which are to be found in every other scientific discipline.

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Jr. Member
Dec 19, 2004
Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

Well I know for a fact Bigfoot is real because my son and I saw 1 about 2 years ago here in NE Okla. Heres the pics we took of it. You be the judge.


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Hero Member
Aug 27, 2004
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Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

Was this encounter reported and the area checked by qualified researchers, Jimmy?

If not, contact the GCBRO and tell them your story. Texas & Oklahoma are a hotspot right now.

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Jr. Member
Dec 19, 2004
Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

Yea I contacted them ,sent them pics of footprints and other things and they cant get no one up here to investigate. Where these pics and sighting took place is near Noxie ,Okla. which is where the "Noxie" monster sighting from back in the '70s. Here was my report to them.

REPORT RECEIVED From:? The GCBRO Online Reports Submission page.

DATE:? 12/21/02
? ?

TIME:? ?Around 0734 hrs
? ?

LOCATION:? Nowata County,Oklahoma USA

TERRAIN:? Wooded with wheat fields

OBSERVED:? ?Hello,I drive a delivery truck to Kansas 3 times a week.On the day of this sighting I had taken my 12 year old son with me on my route.As we turned onto Highway XX from Highway XX I told him to watch for deer on his side of the truck and I'd watch on mine. This road has had several deer killed from vehicles and I didn't want to hit one.As I drove we watched and seen no deer along the X miles stretch to XXXX.As we rounded the curve on the east side of XXXX it turns back into wheat fields, so we resumed watching for deer.As I started to watch on my side of the road I looked out across a winter wheat field (which is green this time of year)and noticed about 100 yards away a HUGE black figure bent over. I slowed the truck down to get a better look when my son turned to look at what I was looking at and he said,"Dad,is that a Bigfoot?"and about that time it stood upright and looked at the truck.I replied "I think so."I would have to say it was about 7-8 feet tall and about 300-500 pounds with jet black hair and a cone shaped head and very well proportioned. As we watched it for about 2 minutes it just stood there and watched us while it ate something it was picking off of a small branch it held in its right hand. (berries perhaps)The wierd thing about it it never ran or walked away.As we drove on it turned its whole body to watch us drive off not just its head. Now when I drive that road I carry a digital camera with me to get a picture if I happen to see it again.? ?

Activities of Witness:? Riding in a truck watching for deer.

Description of Creature:? ?A HUGE black figure bent over.? It stood upright, "I would have to say it was about 7-8 feet tall and about 300-500 pounds with jet black hair and a cone shaped head and very well proportioned.

Other Notes:I? Yes i have taken pics of a bedding area along a creek and tree breaks and tree formations and a dead coyote with its hind legs broke but no blood or open wounds

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Sr. Member
Dec 15, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Re: metal detectors & Bigfoot

What a bunch of Crap!

There is NO way there are Bigfoots.

These things must not die and live forever right no body or bones or live bigfoot has ever been seen!

The guy in the 70's on hoarse back that took the famous pic and video of the so-called bigfoot came out a couple years ago and said it was staged!

Just a bunch of board guys out there playing games just like the crop circles!


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