Mineral Bar hands and pans now?


Oct 25, 2014
Santa Barbara
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Goldbug pro
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A week from Thursday my son and I are going to head out for what will probably
be his last trip of the year. We were thinking of going to Mineral Bar again, but
not if its hands and pans. I'm not driving 7.5 hours to dig with my hands! We could head
over to Forest Hill to a GPAA claim but it's a pretty hard hike up and down to the river
and I would hate to have to carry my youngin up the trail! :laughing7: Anyone know the story
on Mineral Bar? I thought they reversed the decision on H&P in 2010. Hopefully the
front section of MB is still open.

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Mineral Bar is under an Active mining claim and has been since 1960. It is off limits to any kind of prospecting.

Upstream from Mineral Bar at the first small rapids just before the bend is open to prospecting and is not a part of the Auburn SRA. Downstream is State land and private land.

Heavy Pans

Thanks Clay,
That's where we go, I was just afraid it was part of the ASRA.
It would still take a little convincing for my son since the last time
there we had visit from a bear.

Bears are cuddly. It's the two legged snakes you have to watch out for.

Don't carry beef jerky in your back pocket and you will be fine. :thumbsup:

Heavy Pans

Originally Posted by Clay Diggins said:
Mineral Bar is under an Active mining claim and has been since 1960. It is off limits to any kind of prospecting.

Upstream from Mineral Bar at the first small rapids just before the bend is open to prospecting and is not a part of the Auburn SRA. Downstream is State land and private land.

The area I described to rhinsb is outside of the ASRA Reed. I've mapped the land status in that area extensively in my business. The brochure you linked to also shows the boundary ending just downstream from there.

Heavy Pans

The area I described to rhinsb is outside of the ASRA Reed. I've mapped the land status in that area extensively in my business. The brochure you linked to also shows the boundary ending just downstream from there.

Heavy Pans

Thanks Clay but Mineral Bar below the bridge is hit extensively every weekend and has been by thousands of prospectors for many years. The ARSA lays claim from the top end of the campground 1000' above the bridge down stream. There is private property all over the area but it doesn't change the facts that the ASRA Rangers are there every day and will give you a ticket for not paying to park in the area that they have laid claim to. And whether they know their own boundaries or not, they consider it all theirs below the bridge. If you are mining anywhere below the bridges then they themselves call it part of the ASRA and unfortunately this is their local policy... Nobody has stopped anyone from mining mineral bar in decades and all of the groups plan outings down there. I have been to many myself...
The first few minutes of this film are below the bridge with one of the many groups I have mined with at Mineral Bar in the supposed ASRA... There are absolutely no claim signs or anti mining signs in the area - just the posted ASRA rules and payment boxes.


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I was referring to the area 1,300 feet upstream of the bridge as being outside the ASRA Reed. Downstream is State and then private land for several miles. From the bridge upstream for 1320 feet (including the camp ground) is the Eileen Placer Claim. The ASRA is a management contract with the United States, the ASRA owns NO land and is still subject to federal mineral laws. All of that is in the management contract.

The fact that individuals and clubs have been stealing minerals from the Eileen placer claim (CAMC9683 Located August 9, 1960) at Mineral Bar really isn't an excuse for others to continue stealing there. I'm surprised you would consider other peoples criminal acts to be justification for abusing a claim owners right to their minerals. I've just never seen you in that role but here you are pretending it's OK because you didn't see any signs? :BangHead:

I'm sure if you think about it you will realize the Eileen's owners have gone through a lot to keep their placer claim through all the closures, withdrawals, camping areas and now ASRA goons telling everyone it's OK to prospect there. Maybe you could garner a little respect for the people who have maintained their mining rights for 56 years in one of the most difficult areas to do so in the entire United States.

California PENAL CODE
SECTION 484-502.9
487d. Every person who feloniously steals, takes, and carries away,
or attempts to take, steal, and carry from any mining claim, tunnel,
sluice, undercurrent, riffle box, or sulfurate machine, another's
gold dust, amalgam, or quicksilver is guilty of grand theft and is
punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section

Heavy Pans

You sure like talking big and acting like a dick sometimes Clay... You really should just rethink the way you keep coming off on people here who are also trying to really help... As stated, "Thanks Clay but Mineral Bar below the bridge is hit extensively every weekend and has been by thousands of prospectors for many years." I was talking down stream and stating the true facts from someone who lives here and doesn't sit in a chair in some other state, preaching at us about a place you may have visited once back in the day... You can preach all you want, say you can't mine basically anywhere at Mineral Bar, being that you didn't clarify anything to the op, like you stated above - but the facts are quite different then what originally came slithering off of your tongue. The Eileen is a placer claim and as all of us locals know, it is basically barren of any gold and not worth owning these days. The Mineral Bar area below the bridge is part of the ASRA and has been mined by thousands not breaking any laws. So yes rhinsb, everything below the bridge is ASRA and the rangers patrol down there every day while policing the campgrounds and helping people find their way around the area. It's a good safe place to take your son and find some gold. The trail on the North side takes you down around the corner into an area that has produced well every time for the Motherlode Goldhound trips.

You sure like talking big and acting like a dick sometimes Clay... The Eileen is a placer claim and as all of us locals know, it is basically barren of any gold and not worth owning these days.

I guess that says it all Reed. The claim is worthless but you have mined it for years.

You are aware the Eileen has been perfected and passed a mineral exam? Of course you do. After all you have all the "true facts from someone who lives here".

Heavy Pans

I guess that says it all Reed. The claim is worthless but you have mined it for years.

You are aware the Eileen has been perfected and passed a mineral exam? Of course you do. After all you have all the "true facts from someone who lives here".

Heavy Pans

Get a life Clay, quit trolling for trouble. The only person continually talking about the Eileen is you. Get over it and move on. Downstream of the Bridges is NOT the Eileen.

Now now gents...let's play nice. Nobody ever "wins" that kind of discussion.

Okay, Did not want to start a fight with this thread! Saw that trail on the Colfax side of the bridge
and a few people carrying their equipment. When we there last time the Ranger saw our bazooka
and shovels so we weren't hiding anything. We may just see if we can find the GPAA claim at Italian Bar instead.
Most GPAA claims we've been to have been pretty picked over though. These times we get to go together
are getting fewer as his career progresses so it would be nice to find a productive spot without getting
hassled. Funny, after checking the ASRA map, it looks like the spot off Mosquito Ridge Road we went to
may be part of it too! Were going to try and head up Wednesday night or early Thursday morning if
i can get finished with my job in time. With a 7 + hour drive, I'm sure we'll figure something out.
I do appreciate all the input guys and look forward to meeting some of you on the river someday.


Okay, Did not want to start a fight with this thread! Saw that trail on the Colfax side of the bridge
and a few people carrying their equipment. When we there last time the Ranger saw our bazooka
and shovels so we weren't hiding anything. We may just see if we can find the GPAA claim at Italian Bar instead.
Most GPAA claims we've been to have been pretty picked over though. These times we get to go together
are getting fewer as his career progresses so it would be nice to find a productive spot without getting
hassled. Funny, after checking the ASRA map, it looks like the spot off Mosquito Ridge Road we went to
may be part of it too! Were going to try and head up Wednesday night or early Thursday morning if
i can get finished with my job in time. With a 7 + hour drive, I'm sure we'll figure something out.
I do appreciate all the input guys and look forward to meeting some of you on the river someday.


Does GPAA still have a claim near Italian Bar? They still have the Italian Bar LDMA site (patented ground) of course and the river right below the LDMA is open public land but I did not think they had any more in the immediate area.

I believe that "Nancy's Gold" is just outside of ASRA.

Thanks Jere, I think your right. Have to
Check the gpaa book. At least we can still camp at Mineral bar.

It's been years but the Gpaa at one time had 1/2 dozen claims in that immediate area. they were good claims. It's shame if they lost them.

I'll have to do some research tonight in the GPAA book. Its just nice
to go to an area you already know and not waste too much time
getting the lay of the land, but what ever it takes right?:thumbsup:

Italian Bar is LDMA and there's more consistent gold on the American. Always gold on the Bear and it's not ASRA either and still right there close to Mineral Bar. But... You should call ASRA and make sure that the campground is still open this time of year. They close the gates in October but I think that you still can camp outside of the campground in a couple of spots. But calling is a must this time of year since the rains started.

Rich. You can take the trail on the left side of the river at Mineral Bar. It is called the Pennyweight Trail and will take you above the Eileen claim and out of ASRA. You might try the Bear River. No fees. Good Luck.

as to the Eileen Claim whether it does or does not have gold I do not know. All I know is a newby on this forum that did not want to claim jump contacted someone in the family that owns it and they gave him permission to prospect there. He is the only one I know that has done that.

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