Missing Boaters- An Ongoing Saga of Bickering and Unsubstantiated Accusations

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Hi Granny, I don't wish death upon them, I'm not praying they are never found.
I hope that they are found, all I am saying is if they are not, I don't have sympathy.
They ought to have known the risks involved, there are no excuses.
Men make decisions and live with the results - If those results are fatal, then that can serve as a lesson to others.

BTW, in my opinion, 30 years old is a bit late in the game to be straightening up.
If they are still living like confused, wayward teens at that age, I don't see much hope for them.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

So if they were going to grandmas and pirates got them ... its the same thing? I have seen men alot older find Christ and completly change, age has nothing to do with it.

Re: Missing in the Bermuda Triangle- An Ongoing Saga

Mental Granny said:
So if they were going to grandmas and pirates got them ... its the same thing? I have seen men alot older find Christ and completly change, age has nothing to do with it.

If they were going to grannys in that little craft on the high seas, that could be classified as a very foolhardy venture, if they pay the price then whos fault is it ?
Not yours, not mine - Its theirs.
I'm a big believer in personal accountability & responsibility.
They made a very bad choice, no one [as far as we know] held a gun to their heads to get them to go, if they have perished it is exclusively their faults.

Change at an age like that doesn't happen often, certainly not unprecedented - And age most certainly is a factor.
People become more set in their ways as they age, haven't you noticed ?
If you are locked in a negative lifestyle at age 30, the great odds are that you will never turn it around to any significant degree.
Often time having children is the event that forces people into a responsible lifestyle, if these guys were still smoking/selling weed and packing guns with 7 year old kids, you can draw your own conclusions, I'll draw mine.
A look at their employment history would say a whole lot, I'm guessing neither of them have held a steady job in their lives.

Re: Missing Boaters-An Ongoing Saga of Bickering and Unsubstantiated Accusations

Xraywolf said:
Often time having children is the event that forces people into a responsible lifestyle, if these guys were still smoking/selling weed and packing guns with 7 year old kids, you can draw your own conclusions, I'll draw mine.
A look at their employment history would say a whole lot, I'm guessing neither of them have held a steady job in their lives.
Its amazing how your mind works. We dont know any of this at this point. One man, with the same name and similar age, had felony charges resulting from one incident, but he was not convicted. The other man has one simple possession. I dont smoke pot myself, but when I encounter pot smokers, deadbeats, felons and cocaine smuggling are not the first thing to enter my mind. I also dont try to judge people I dont even know.

Re: Missing Boaters-An Ongoing Saga of Bickering and Unsubstantiated Accusations

bigcypresshunter said:
Xraywolf said:
Often time having children is the event that forces people into a responsible lifestyle, if these guys were still smoking/selling weed and packing guns with 7 year old kids, you can draw your own conclusions, I'll draw mine.
A look at their employment history would say a whole lot, I'm guessing neither of them have held a steady job in their lives.
Its amazing how your mind works. We dont know any of this at this point. One man, with the same name and similar age, had felony charges resulting from one incident, but he was not convicted. The other man has one simple possession. I dont smoke pot myself, but when I encounter pot smokers, deadbeats, felons and cocaine smuggling are not the first thing to enter my mind. I also dont try to judge people I dont even know.

Well then, I guess you'll have to accept that not everyone thinks like you.
You're not judgmental, good for you.
I have been in the habit of being judgmental since I was a child, I don't see it as some handicap, I see it as a sure sign that I have not let my mind become diluted with politically correct considerations that run directly contrary to the normal human thought process - And believe me, your kind amazes me every bit as much as I amaze you.
Scuze me, but most potheads are not fit parents, and in fact drug use in proximity of children is grounds to have the state taking them away.
Maybe you need video evidence of these guys smoking pot before you believe it.
Same name, same age is good enough for me for any reasonable person to conclude that these guys aren't wholesome, productive citizens.

X-ray, I'm with you all the way on this one. I know what you were trying to say from the beginning, because as soon as I read the first story, my thoughts were instinctively that there was probably something a little fishy to say the least. It is a terrible shame that others here see fit to throw the "racism" thing at you. Being white myself and growing up in Atlanta, I have kinda learned to be unresponsive to the "racist" name calling. Down here, being a racist simply means that you don't agree with a minority, so the word has lost all relevance in most people's minds. Hell, most people can't even give you the definition of "racist". Obviously it was used in improper context here.
I get a little tired of people screaming this "innocent until proven guilty" stuff as well. Innocent until proven guilty only applies to the government, as they are the only ones who can deprive you of your constitutional rights.
I cannot explain why these folks were so willing to jump on you for your opinion on this matter, but they have come across as petty and amateurish to say the least. Good luck, Gpurs...

GPURS said:
I cannot explain why these folks were so willing to jump on you for your opinion on this matter, but they have come across as petty and amateurish to say the least. Good luck, Gpurs...
Making guesses as to what happened is OK but making assumptions and judging only by someones looks is just plain wrong. Xray admitted he was making these accusations based on looks before he ran the record check. He didnt even read past the first post. "I know hoodlums when I see them" QUOTE xray. "I'm guessing neither of them have held a steady job in their lives". QUOTE xray

When you first viewed the pictures, what particular "looks" made you feel these guys are hoodlums and unemployed?

Xray you crack me up, the only thing that has changed is your username and avatar, you still think your always right, you always come across rude and condescending to those you "debate" (if you want to call it that) with. By the things you say on this thread and others, I would lean towards you being a racist and if your not and you don't want people to think you are, you should watch what you say.

"IF" these guys were a couple of stoners with a small rap sheet, it makes no difference, they are still loved by their family's.

I've been praying they will be found, but it's not looking very good

Re: Missing Boaters- Haters Post Here If You Think They Look Like Hoodlums.

Ive decided to change the title... Haters Post Here If You Think They Look Like Hoodlums. Lets make this a forum for all of those who do not like the way these guys look. Cmon its a good time to push your agenda. Maybe we should have a poll.


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I know allot of people with similar haircuts, mustaches and some even have earrings and tattoos.

Look like a couple of guys to me.

GPURS said:
X-ray, I'm with you all the way on this one. I know what you were trying to say from the beginning, because as soon as I read the first story, my thoughts were instinctively that there was probably something a little fishy to say the least. It is a terrible shame that others here see fit to throw the "racism" thing at you. Being white myself and growing up in Atlanta, I have kinda learned to be unresponsive to the "racist" name calling. Down here, being a racist simply means that you don't agree with a minority, so the word has lost all relevance in most people's minds. Hell, most people can't even give you the definition of "racist". Obviously it was used in improper context here.
I get a little tired of people screaming this "innocent until proven guilty" stuff as well. Innocent until proven guilty only applies to the government, as they are the only ones who can deprive you of your constitutional rights.
I cannot explain why these folks were so willing to jump on you for your opinion on this matter, but they have come across as petty and amateurish to say the least. Good luck, Gpurs...

I know the law of averages would catch up, and someone with some common sense would chime in.
Kudos to you, most people are intimidated to speak their minds, in fear of getting jumped and labeled racist.
I'll take their labels as a badge of pride, and as a sure sign I am on the right track.

This is not, as you say, a court case where they have to be presumed innocent.
All angles should be considered, and to those who just want to close their eyes and think only warm, fuzzy thoughts, have at it.
As for me, I'll call a spade a spade every time, and if I turn out to be wrong, I'm man enough to admit it.

Re: Missing Boaters- Haters Post Here If You Think They Look Like Hoodlums.

bigcypresshunter said:
Maybe we should have a poll.

Maybe Not.

I Feel sorry for these Young Men
& Their Families.

Maybe this Thread should be Nuked :wink:

you can always start it over with Facts
on the Search Not on attacks on the Missing

WindHarvester said:
Xray you crack me up, the only thing that has changed is your username and avatar,

You are clearly mistaking me for someone who gives a flying hoot what you think about me.
Fact is, I don't.
About this username change, what are you talking about ?

If you are trying to imply I am a sockpuppet, you had better be prepared to back that up.
You made a specific allegation, I request you specifically back it up, just don't run your mouth and never expect to be called out.
What username do you think I have used before ?

Re: Missing Boaters- Haters Post Here If You Think They Look Like Hoodlums.

jeff of pa said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Maybe we should have a poll.

Maybe Not.

I Feel sorry for these Young Men
& Their Families.

Maybe this Thread should be Nuked :wink:

you can always start it over with Facts

C'mon Jeff.
This is a contentious issue with debatable variables.
I feel we have by and large carried ourselves as adults here.
Flushing this thread down the cyber drain just because everyone doesn't agree I think would be a dis service
to the missing & their family.
If you viewed the other large thread posted here, where much of the info and pics came from, they are dealing with the same variation of opinions.

Young guys disappear in an area notorious for drug smuggling, of course some of the more realistic [cynical, if you prefer] among us are going to draw certain conclusions, and of course some people are going to be upset about that.
We can't go through life sugar coating, we shouldn't have to do it on forums either.

I'm Curious These Pics
of them on the Island, Who took the
pics & Why didn't they rescue them when
they saw them ?

What am I Missing ?

This Thread is too hard to read
Scrolling Left to Right to Left

Re: Missing Boaters- An Ongoing Saga of Bickering and Unsubstantiated Accusation

jeff of pa said:
I'm Curious These Pics
of them on the Island, Who took the
pics & Why didn't they rescue them when
they saw them ?

What am I Missing ?

This Thread is too hard to read
Scrolling Left to Right to Left

Same here :(

jeff of pa said:
I'm Curious These Pics
of them on the Island, Who took the
pics & Why didn't they rescue them when
they saw them ?

What am I Missing ?

This Thread is too hard to read
Scrolling Left to Right to Left
Why does it post so large? I dont have a large screen.

I think the entire thread should be nuked because its gotten out of hand but there are some that want it to stay. If there is nothing more to report than it should fade away on its own.

A passenger in a private chartered plane took the pics and gave them to WSVN Channel 7 News in Miami. The pilot circled several times but could not land. He said the 2 men were waving frantically. I believe he reported to the Bahama authorities when he arrived there. The US Coast Guard didnt search the island until later, possibly 3 or 4 days later and they found nobody on the island. Its all very mysterious.

The pilot that spotted them has been trying to help by talking to the family directly and I think also has flown the family to Bimini. If I hear anything Ill post it but I am going out of town for work and maybe then this post will fade away.

The family eventually searched the little island themselves. They brought back a bag of partially burnt clothes, a cutting board and other items. They say the cutting board is from the boat. They found a place where the men tried to crawl under a bush for shade. They appeared to try to build a fire with the clothes. The SOS was still visible in the sand.

If anybody wants to read the story it is here. The mother Alicea has been posting there as ROXY214 and lives in Miami. The parents of Pritchard live in Bimini. http://www.thehulltruth.com/boating...lover-bimini-12-dec-09-urgent-callout-25.html There are 25 pages of bickering on that forum.

I dont have a map but the island where the 2 men were spotted is 100 miles off course. Its possible that the 2 men were not the same missing boaters, were rescued by fishermen and are now safe at home. The sighting may have caused the Coast Guard to concentrate search efforts in the wrong area. The boat was never found even though I am told it will float upside down.

I Know Some won't like this But,

in that case I Blame The US Coast Guard
for criminal negligence for not doing their job.

bigcypresshunter said:
A passenger in a private chartered plane took the pics and gave them to WSVN Channel 7 News in Miami. The pilot circled several times but could not land. He said the 2 men were waving frantically. I believe he reported to the Bahama authorities when he arrived there. The US Coast Guard didnt search the island until later, possibly 3 or 4 days later and they found nobody on the island. Its all very mysterious.

I would have to search back through the 25 pages to try and find the facts. There were so many accusations and bickering that its hard to tell what really happened. Its possible that the Coast Guard was there the next day but other reports say 2-4 days.

Either way, the Bahaman authorities were first to set foot on the island.

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