R.I.P. Heath Ledger

TreasureTales said:
Odd, I haven't read anything here that "he deserved to die." Some of you are being run by emotions and not by your common sense. Let's not read more into things than is there.

WindHarvester, were you equally as outraged by the Westboro Baptist Church when they protested at the funerals of American service people who were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq? Or do you only object when they threaten to protest at Ledger's funeral? That is my whole point, that some people here get all upset about this man's death while ignoring all the other sad stories of death that happen everyday - but that don't get as much attention. I refuse to hold entertainers in a higher regard than I do anybody else. They are just doing a job like most other people, only they get a lot more attention and a lot more money to do it.

Do not ask for whom the bell tolls.....

Absolutely Mary, these protesters have disgusted me from the get go.

I get sad when any human being dies, everybody has someone that loves them and wants them to be here as long as they possibly can.

By the way, you can call me Lonnie

TreasureTales said:
Odd, I haven't read anything here that "he deserved to die." Some of you are being run by emotions and not by your common sense. Let's not read more into things than is there.
How do you interpret lines like these, TT? Are you speaking a different version of the English language than the rest of us?

Most famous people don't wind up dead at 28, naked, on their beds.
All pathetic people who were not what we thought they were when the truth came out about them.
He's just another screwed up actor who gets more credit than he deserves.
I have more respect for gas station attendants, at least they provide a real service.

I'll ask you again, Didn't your parents raise you any better than that? It's a simple question, TT. If you are insulted by it, perhaps there's a reason.

WindHarvester said:
It just keeps getting worse, story below from MSNBC(link included below coppied story).

The radical Baptist church known for picketing the funerals of American soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq has announced that they intend to protest Heath Ledger’s stateside memorial service because he played a gay character in “Brokeback Mountain.”

“You cannot live in defiance of God. He (Ledger) got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's OK to be gay,” said Shirley Phelps in a statement sent out by the Topeka, Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church.

The only compelling reason to ignore Westboro Baptist’s reprehensible intentions is that highlighting the vast inappropriateness of their thoughts and actions only brings the church more publicity. However, if the members of Westboro Baptist get to speak their minds, every individual who feels that this is an affront to most basic standards of human ethics should be able to as well.

“Wow, that should make his family feel great,” one person close to Ledger said angrily in response to the announcement. “I seriously don’t understand what is wrong with people. This is the last thing his family needs.”

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) told me, “We sincerely hope that Heath Ledger is laid to rest and his family is allowed to grieve in a private and peaceful ceremony.”

On Jan. 22, GLAAD said that “Heath Ledger will forever be remembered for his groundbreaking role as Ennis del Mar in ‘Brokeback Mountain.’ His powerful portrayal changed hearts and minds in immeasurable ways.” Those close to Ledger agree. But moreover, those close to him want Ledger to be remembered as a man who loved his family and appreciated the career he’d had.

To be fair, the people of the Westboro Baptist Church aren’t the only ones displaying poor taste. Fox News’ John Gibson on Jan. 22 opened his radio show with funeral music and mocked a signature line from “Brokeback,” saying, “Well, he found out how to quit you.” (When Gibson was contacted to explain his comments, he declined.)



I'm appalled at some peoples behavior, and they think they are speaking gods word by protesting a funeral.

All well I guess hell ain't half full yet.


It's getting there ;)


TreasureTales said:
So where in there did I say he deserved to die? That's what you were accusing some of us of saying. WHERE? Don't bring my parents into this, I'm a grown woman and have made my own decisions and opinions about life and people and everything else. To bring MY PARENTS into this issue is a cheap shot. Is that the way YOUR PARENTS raised you? Did YOUR PARENTS raise you to level cheap shots at people? You want to talk about my parents, let's talk about yours while we're at it. Did they raise you do be a mind-dead non-critical thinking dolt? Cause that's how you seem to me. You did not even know this man, so why all the tears and drama? Get a life and get out of my face. Some of you people are just plain ridiculous. IF he had been your friend, I could understand your concern, but you only knew him from the media - he would not even know YOU were alive or dead, nor would he have cared. But go ahead and live in your little fantasy, I'm done trying to reason with morons.
Do you have anything besides assumptions in your head, TT? Let's see.....

So where in there did I say he deserved to die? I already pointed this out.
Did YOUR PARENTS raise you to level cheap shots at people? Much like you did towards Mr. Ledger? At least you have a chance to defend yourself.
You did not even know this man, so why all the tears and drama? Who said anything about this? I told you to have a little respect for the dead, and look what kind of response you gave. If anybody is bringing drama to the table, it's you.
Did they raise you do be a mind-dead non-critical thinking dolt? Do you honestly believe this is an appropriate statement? Where have I been calling you names?

All I asked you to do is have a little respect for the dead, TT. That is apparently too much for you to accept. You run off making assumptions about a man you never met, and then jump all over me for asking you to cut it out? How can you justify this?

Let's put it another way. I've never met your grandmother, but I'm going to assume she's passed away. How would you like it if I make the above statements about her? Or your old Sunday school teacher? I've never met that person either, so does that mean I can say whatever I'd like to about him/her? The fact that neither you or I have met Mr. Ledger is immaterial. You should have enough respect for yourself and the deceased to keep your opinions of them to youself.

Never saw Brokeback Mountain, here in Virginia Theater owners don't like it when you throw up on the floor or others around you. Did see A Knight's Tale and thought Ledger was a terrific actor in that role. So far the details have not been released to the public. Yes, there were prescription bottles around him, big deal .I have 12-15 around me at all times. I would like to reserve judgement about his character or lack thereof until we get a more clear picture of what happened. Personally, I will miss a pretty good actor.

grizzly bare

New York medical examiner Ellen Borakove announced accidental overdose of presciption pills.....shame

bomber said:
accidental overdose of presciption pills.....................shame

I wonder if the coroner was asked to call it accidental. Life insurance policies are null and void for suicide aren't they? Just throwing it out there. ;)


valium,oxycontin,vicodin,restoril,xanax and usison................deadly combo

blurr said:
bomber said:
accidental overdose of presciption pills.....................shame

I wonder if the coroner was asked to call it accidental. Life insurance policies are null and void for suicide aren't they? Just throwing it out there. ;)


You never cease to amaze me with the level you'll sink too.. ::)

WindHarvester said:
blurr said:
bomber said:
accidental overdose of presciption pills.....................shame

I wonder if the coroner was asked to call it accidental. Life insurance policies are null and void for suicide aren't they? Just throwing it out there. ;)


You never cease to amaze me with the level you'll sink too.. ::)

It wasn't meant that way, but how else have I amazed you? There have been things louder than whispers stating that his friend's weren't surprised at what happened. Sorry if I connected the dots too fast for you ::)

blurr said:
WindHarvester said:
blurr said:
bomber said:
accidental overdose of presciption pills.....................shame

I wonder if the coroner was asked to call it accidental. Life insurance policies are null and void for suicide aren't they? Just throwing it out there. ;)


You never cease to amaze me with the level you'll sink too.. ::)

It wasn't meant that way, but how else have I amazed you? There have been things louder than whispers stating that his friend's weren't surprised at what happened. Sorry if I connected the dots too fast for you ::)
Falsifying coroner's statements is a felony. Remember the case of pathologist Ralph Erdmann in Texas about 15 years ago? He was found out when he reported the weight of the spleen of a man on an autopsy report who's family knew had his spleen removed several years before. He was convicted of 7 felony charges and sentenced to 10 years probation and fined $17,000.

He did work for my father, a funeral director, and pulling all the paperwork from the cases Erdmann worked was a nightmare.

I highly doubt the ME was influenced in this case, it's just wouldn't be worth it.

af1733 said:
blurr said:
WindHarvester said:
blurr said:
bomber said:
accidental overdose of presciption pills.....................shame

I wonder if the coroner was asked to call it accidental. Life insurance policies are null and void for suicide aren't they? Just throwing it out there. ;)


You never cease to amaze me with the level you'll sink too.. ::)

It wasn't meant that way, but how else have I amazed you? There have been things louder than whispers stating that his friend's weren't surprised at what happened. Sorry if I connected the dots too fast for you ::)
Falsifying coroner's statements is a felony. Remember the case of pathologist Ralph Erdmann in Texas about 15 years ago? He was found out when he reported the weight of the spleen of a man on an autopsy report who's family knew had his spleen removed several years before. He was convicted of 7 felony charges and sentenced to 10 years probation and fined $17,000.

He did work for my father, a funeral director, and pulling all the paperwork from the cases Erdmann worked was a nightmare.

I highly doubt the ME was influenced in this case, it's just wouldn't be worth it.

I seriously wasn't saying that is the case, but stranger things have happened. I'm sure he was properly insured. Most people of wealth are. Also, the paper said they found five different types of prescription drugs in his system. Hmm, seems funny that they would call it accidental. I guess I thought it was kind of fishy from the start. Hope I'm not offending any BB mountain fans, just my opinions.


I can tell you from an ICU nurse's prospective that if a patient came into our unit with that mixture of drugs in their system it would not be viewed as an accident!

Mixing one or two drugs is common but mixing that many potent drugs just isn't something you see all the time. I do not know the man and I cannot say anything about accident or not, all I can say is that it is very suspicous.

mastereagle22 said:
I can tell you from an ICU nurse's prospective that if a patient came into our unit with that mixture of drugs in their system it would not be viewed as an accident!

Mixing one or two drugs is common but mixing that many potent drugs just isn't something you see all the time. I do not know the man and I cannot say anything about accident or not, all I can say is that it is very suspicous.

I guess that's my only point. It just seems like something is wrong with this picture. When my little mind wandered, life insurance money is something that popped up. ???


I would think it would all come back to his state of mind at the time. I read where he reported being on the edge of exhaustion, and took two Ambien but only slept one hour as a result. If he was really and truly sleep-deprived, he could have taken different medications and not even realized he might be taking too much. There are instances where I've been asleep, but woke up enough to get up in the middle of the night and let the dogs out, run to the bathroom, get something to eat, etc. and have no recollection of it the next morning.

I don't know about the insurance angle but if you think about it it sounds a lot better if you say someone accidentally OD'd rather than committed suicide.

af1733 said:
blurr said:
WindHarvester said:
blurr said:
bomber said:
accidental overdose of presciption pills.....................shame

I wonder if the coroner was asked to call it accidental. Life insurance policies are null and void for suicide aren't they? Just throwing it out there. ;)


You never cease to amaze me with the level you'll sink too.. ::)

It wasn't meant that way, but how else have I amazed you? There have been things louder than whispers stating that his friend's weren't surprised at what happened. Sorry if I connected the dots too fast for you ::)
Falsifying coroner's statements is a felony. Remember the case of pathologist Ralph Erdmann in Texas about 15 years ago? He was found out when he reported the weight of the spleen of a man on an autopsy report who's family knew had his spleen removed several years before. He was convicted of 7 felony charges and sentenced to 10 years probation and fined $17,000.

He did work for my father, a funeral director, and pulling all the paperwork from the cases Erdmann worked was a nightmare.

I highly doubt the ME was influenced in this case, it's just wouldn't be worth it.

How would anyone know whether or not it was being falsified? Unless the coroner or someone else was there, the answer is left up to opinion. Who knows if he said "hmmm, i wonder what would happen if took all these, i bet id feel good" or if he said "wow, these are a lot of pills, I'm sure if i took them all it would kill me, well here goes."

So i don't think that the coroner stating that it was accidental would be falsifying anything, unless of course, he knew the truth. The case with the spleen the coroner knew he was lying about it, and that's a completely different story all together. Speculation vs. Fact

*Note* Please do not misconceive my prior reply as giving a hock either way. yes, he was a decent actor, but anyone dumb enough to even play around with pills like he did i have no pity for. he was a grown man and was supposed to know right from wrong, and if he chose the latter, hey that's his problem. Accidental or purposely, whatever. Oh well, i have said my little piece.

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