Season 5

Also everyone keeps showing that picture with Dan and Robert down in the hole. Does anyone have a picture from above to see just how big the area they were digging was. I know they claim to have dug a 150' diameter hole down whatever depth ( can't remember right now ) but if it looks like that pick above they missed a lot of area.. Of the 150' diameter was just the middle 25' down to that depth? If so how were they keep their location zeroed in to the actual money pit spot.
Here is a different pic


Cross??? What cross?? All I see is the Goddess Tanit, protecter and blesser of the seafarer! Why wasnt she mentioned any more??

Cross??? What cross?? All I see is the Goddess Tanit, protecter and blesser of the seafarer! Why wasnt she mentioned any more??
She was so offended with the piece that was meant to represent her she "spat the dummy" and went home....

That picture shows me what I was trying to get across in that while Dunfield did dig down very deep it was concentrated into a much smaller area then most think. Sure at the top it might be 60-75 feet across but even at what looks like 30-40 feet down it is well under half that and will get narrower the further they go down. By the time he hit water his hole was just big enough for his digger to fit in I'd think... Doesn't mean anything is down there just that if there was it could have easily missed it but the time he got off alignment going down...

Pretty sure the expert lady is really there in case the find any dragons or fairies on the island!

Pretty sure the expert lady is really there in case the find any dragons or fairies on the island!

If the show paid all my expenses for a free trip, I'd put on an act too.

That picture shows me what I was trying to get across in that while Dunfield did dig down very deep it was concentrated into a much smaller area then most think. Sure at the top it might be 60-75 feet across but even at what looks like 30-40 feet down it is well under half that and will get narrower the further they go down. By the time he hit water his hole was just big enough for his digger to fit in I'd think... Doesn't mean anything is down there just that if there was it could have easily missed it but the time he got off alignment going down...

That was just one of a jillion holes he and others dug......

My glass is always half full , most of yous guys here it's half empty.....can't find nothin if yer runnin on empty..

That was just one of a jillion holes he and others dug......
You also have to keep in mind that the money pit area where the Laginas have done all the test holes, is probably less than 50 x 50 ft in dimension. It's not like they're exploring a 200 ft wide by 200 ft long area.

My glass is always half full , most of yous guys here it's half empty.....can't find nothin if yer runnin on empty..

Unfortunately, right now for me the glass is fully empty. I drank the last drop about 6 weeks ago.

So here is something to think about. If Dunfield was the last person to fully dig the Money Pit area down to 100' or 150' whatever it was. ( Dan Blankenship moved on to his 10x Hole in early 70's ) I'm guessing here as I have no way of knowing this for a fact but would think the first place he would dig is the Money Pit area right... If so he would have been cleaning out anything that was already down there if anything. We don't read about him finding anything much other then wood. So when he filled it back in to go to his next spot he wouldn't have tossed in his furnace, digging equipment, steel sheets etc as he would need all that in his next spot right... That being said the money pit hole should be pretty clean other then wood parts and pieces and scraps... Kinda goes against what some on here are saying about big pieces of steel plate, pumps and carts etc being down there... Not saying they couldn't be but Dunfield would have found them right and would be noted somewhere most likely... Not sure if he is the one who found that rail cart but even if he did he didn't put it back in the hole when he left...

So here is something to think about. If Dunfield was the last person to fully dig the Money Pit area down to 100' or 150' whatever it was. ( Dan Blankenship moved on to his 10x Hole in early 70's ) I'm guessing here as I have no way of knowing this for a fact but would think the first place he would dig is the Money Pit area right... If so he would have been cleaning out anything that was already down there if anything. We don't read about him finding anything much other then wood. So when he filled it back in to go to his next spot he wouldn't have tossed in his furnace, digging equipment, steel sheets etc as he would need all that in his next spot right... That being said the money pit hole should be pretty clean other then wood parts and pieces and scraps... Kinda goes against what some on here are saying about big pieces of steel plate, pumps and carts etc being down there... Not saying they couldn't be but Dunfield would have found them right and would be noted somewhere most likely... Not sure if he is the one who found that rail cart but even if he did he didn't put it back in the hole when he left...

Most of the excavation / reconstruction projects our company has worked on involves driving metal sheeting into the ground to brace against soil movement, as you excavate down. In most cases, only the top portion of the metal sheeting is removed, with the rest remaining underground after construction. I'm not saying that this is the case at Oak Island, but we've ran into these existing metal sheet piles on several occasions when trying to place various utilities.

You also have to keep in mind that the money pit area where the Laginas have done all the test holes, is probably less than 50 x 50 ft in dimension. It's not like they're exploring a 200 ft wide by 200 ft long area.

But realize other treasure hunters dug up a much larger area many times...Its a wonder the island hasn't caved in and fallen into all of the underground waterways that exist on the island and washed away....

So here is something to think about. If Dunfield was the last person to fully dig the Money Pit area down to 100' or 150' whatever it was. ( Dan Blankenship moved on to his 10x Hole in early 70's ) I'm guessing here as I have no way of knowing this for a fact but would think the first place he would dig is the Money Pit area right... If so he would have been cleaning out anything that was already down there if anything. We don't read about him finding anything much other then wood. So when he filled it back in to go to his next spot he wouldn't have tossed in his furnace, digging equipment, steel sheets etc as he would need all that in his next spot right... That being said the money pit hole should be pretty clean other then wood parts and pieces and scraps... Kinda goes against what some on here are saying about big pieces of steel plate, pumps and carts etc being down there... Not saying they couldn't be but Dunfield would have found them right and would be noted somewhere most likely... Not sure if he is the one who found that rail cart but even if he did he didn't put it back in the hole when he left...

After dunfield realized nothing was ever there, he pushed everything including all construction debris (current and before him) back into the hole(s).....

How long has that technique been used and do you think they were using it on Oak Island back in the mid to late 60's....

After dunfield realized nothing was ever there, he pushed everything including all construction debris (current and before him) back into the hole(s).....

You don't get what I'm saying. He would have drilled the money pit area first. He needed to keep everything he was using to dig the next hole and if it was within 100' or so of the massive hole he just dug he would have to fill that hole back in in order to have room to work the next hole. The Money Pit area isn't as big as Smiths Cove area is. That picture that keeps pooping up on here with all kinds of smaller holes and excavation going on is Smiths Cove not the Money Pit area...

Lagina's dig is not a hoax...

Anyone remember;

Feb 21, 2017 - “The truth is, on a personal level, we didn't seek this show out,” Rick said. “We had already been engaged in the search process for three years or more before the show approached us. It kind of intrudes on your personal life. But the upside, again, is that we welcome the fact that people come to the island.

The hunt was real, It wasn't make believe or fiction for them then, or a money maker.

On another note, I hate the show "The Kardashians", but I don't watch it every week just so I can pick it apart and let people know what i think over and over and over. I just don't watch it and I'm at peace.

Your Bud Aurum

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