Sharing my grief this past evening. Stuck on ridge and then....

I'm so so sorry for your loss. I can not say I know how it feels, I have never had something like that happen to me (and hopefully never will), but I am pretty sure that my guess on how you feel is spot on though. I know a man who had his daughter killed in an intersection a couple years back, she was very young. Her friend was with her and the friend survived it but the man's daughter did not.. Anyways, It is great that your daughter has a such loving dad, and I am deeply sorry, one day you will be reunited in heaven. Your daughter seems like an extremely thoughtful person. Happiness will find you soon.

Written sincerely, Coinman123,

My sincerest condolences to your family. I pray God comfort you in your minutes, hours, days, weeks and years of grief.

" Grief never ends... But it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith... it is the price of LOVE. "

Author unknown.

Good morning all.... I got through it yesterday and the funeral was HUGE. Hundreds of people. Kristi was an organ donor but her body had no useable organs for use. I so wished something could have been used. I'll never be able to explain why this thread helped me. I guess it gave me some relief to express myself.

FYI: I made two custom toy boxes to donate to "Wounded Soldiers" / "Snowball Express". A representative was to pick them up this past weekend. But due to the accident I put it off till this coming weekend. The shipping box company who designed the shipping box wrote yesterday and said they have a prototype done for trial. They want to come out tomorrow morning. The only box I have done for the trial are the donated ones put off by the funeral. This company is located where Kristi had her accident!

EVERYBODY... For the last time I'll never be able to thank you all enough for the kind words and support... EVER. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!!!.... Brad

Have in the last few minutes, just read your posts.
Beautiful people, the pics you shared are a reflection
of love. I would be beyond devastated, and admire
your courage and strength. LORD be with you, and
sincere thoughts from my neck of the woods... :fish:

Just saw this thread and will keep you in my prayers…..truly none of us know the day, nor hour when we shall be called from this earth into eternity…..
Thank you also for posting this reminded for us to keep in contact……I have been putting off calling friends and family without good reason…..I will be calling all by days end…..
May God bless you and grant unto you strength……..vaya con Dios

Just saw this thread and will keep you in my prayers…..truly none of us know the day, nor hour when we shall be called from this earth into eternity…..
Thank you also for posting this reminded for us to keep in contact……I have been putting off calling friends and family without good reason…..I will be calling all by days end…..
May God bless you and grant unto you strength……..vaya con Dios


i tend to stay away from posts as such,to think of something so sad could happen is just awuful.i know there is nothing i could ever say to make it better,but hope i could hold myself together such as you have.i tell everyone every day that i love them except my dad,its sort of taboo for him or something as i have never herd him say it to anyone,i have told him before that i love em but its been many fathers day ago,Brad im going to tell him again.

i tend to stay away from posts as such,to think of something so sad could happen is just awuful.i know there is nothing i could ever say to make it better,but hope i could hold myself together such as you have.i tell everyone every day that i love them except my dad,its sort of taboo for him or something as i have never herd him say it to anyone,i have told him before that i love em but its been many fathers day ago,Brad im going to tell him again.

I too Jamey tend to stay away from post such as this... and it is sad to think it could happened. This time it was different because it was ME... not someone else. But I really wanted to not focus on them or myself because your RIGHT... nothing can be said or done. But you are wrong about me "holding myself together". I found even more tears while in the woodshop yesterday putting finishing touches on 2 toy boxes I'm donating.

Do call your Dad... you have NOTHING to lose. That's the intent of the thread. I can't wait for warmer weather to dig up some more rusty horseshoes. Would anyone like to waste some time????


I'm new here, but would like to send my condolences... I have a 6 year old little girl who means the world to me and can't even imagine what you're going through. I'll give her an extra hug for you...


I got in touch with my daughter before even finishing reading your thread, I have lost some loved ones way too young. Prayers are with you.

I too Jamey tend to stay away from post such as this... and it is sad to think it could happened. This time it was different because it was ME... not someone else. But I really wanted to not focus on them or myself because your RIGHT... nothing can be said or done. But you are wrong about me "holding myself together". I found even more tears while in the woodshop yesterday putting finishing touches on 2 toy boxes I'm donating.

Do call your Dad... you have NOTHING to lose. That's the intent of the thread. I can't wait for warmer weather to dig up some more rusty horseshoes. Would anyone like to waste some time????


You know I am up to it, LOL!!! However, let's get er done before Summer when them damn pesky ticks and chiggers come out to play. Sleepless nights of scratching myself bloody from the chiggers and picking off ticks that I missed when showering after the MD'ing, is no fun! Maybe you could fill your' pool with Chlorox instead of water which you then treat with Chlorine, so we could take a quick swim to kill off all the buggers before going into the shower. However, all of those ticks that you seem to get on you while we are out MD'ing, might just clog the Pool's filter, LOL..!!

Stay strong my friend but if the tears come, don't hold them back as that is all a part of healing! Also, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with Bonnie as well and it is my hopes that her pain and grief lessens with each day!


I got in touch with my daughter before even finishing reading your thread, I have lost some loved ones way too young. Prayers are with you.

creekhunter... Good for you calling and please continue on short schedule. Sorry to hear about you losing the loved ones to early also.

huntsman53 (Frank).... Don't bull**** me... those chiggers ARE tougher than you (me too). The pool idea is OUT. So lets just spend a 2-3 days out back again exploring, eating good and BS'ing. In fact it would be fun if we could get 3-4 others here to thoroughly MD this area in the spring. I have lots of floor space, couple of couches, 1 spare bedroom and a very large tent.

Just honor my request and call your love ones folks.... Brad

Last weekend i got my daughter a bow and arrow set. Gonna suprise her with a quiver and some more arrows tonight. We have been shooting before dinner. I hope she hits the bullseye tonight. The treasure hunt can wait for now. God bless limetool

Last weekend i got my daughter a bow and arrow set. Gonna suprise her with a quiver and some more arrows tonight. We have been shooting before dinner. I hope she hits the bullseye tonight. The treasure hunt can wait for now. God bless limetool

Good for you sponge.... My son went through a lot of bows yesterday that I have. I have many for adults down to children. I used to shoot professionally and MANY bows were sent to me to try and report on then and keep (over 20 years ago). But, Baily just isn't ready yet at 6 years of age. I'll have to try and find the photo of Carter and me "trying" to shoot in the backyard of my home. Hitting the bull is just a bonus for them. Me / you finding the arrows IS OUR BONUS! Closer is better!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the kind words sponge.... Brad

Brad, I am so sorry and just don't know what to say. My heart, much love, and peace be with ya'll.

Good morning all... I wrote the Franklin Chief of Police yesterday looking for some answers about the last few minutes of Kristi's and Carter's lives. I'd really like to know. Aside from my request I was asked something by them! Last week I wrote the Chief thanking her for her kind words on TV and the newspapers. I told her more about Kristi and mentioned to her that I always told all my children while growing up that if your going to do it... "Do it with PRIDE".

Miss Faulkner (police chief) asked me if it would be ok if her new graduating class of officers in May be dedicated to Kristi and Carter? And... the class motto be "Do it with Pride" and would I attend please. Super nice gesture by her and the department. I humbly approved all and will be proud to attend in May.

Words can't express my sorrow for your loss. Makes me realize how glad I am that I told my teenage daughters I love them when I took them to the school bus this morning and give them hugs every day. I'll give them an extra squeeze when they get home this afternoon. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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