Silver is sinking like the TITANTIC

There are persistent rumors that the silver market is being "manipulated" by some billionaire...this has, of course, happened in the past with the Hunt brothers in the 80s and Warren Buffett in the late 90s. Never mind that it did not work out too well for them then, if it actually is occurring now it is occurring in a much different world situation. The underlying huge debts of the world's nations and the terrible monetary policy of the US (Quantatative Easing to infinity and beyond) will not allow them to spring their trap...if there is one.

Buy on the dips...Silver is going up...Gold is going up. Expect a few 10% to 20% corrections as profits are taken along the way. But just buy on the dips and keep averaging your purchases. In the long term, you will be a huge winner. Just compare how much a dollar can buy today vs what it could buy 10 years ago...20 years ago...30 years ago...

When you get back to 1968, your dollar today is worth about .02 compared to that same dollar... sad story that will not end until the dollar is so debased as to be worth nothing but kindling.

Get real...get silver and gold. :icon_sunny: :read2: :icon_sunny:

As far as the silver being used for industry, I can tell you at work we go through large amounts of it.

We get in large rolls 80% silver wire used for brazing and it does not get recycled.

mts said:
brendan1414 said:
I honestly hope silver does rise, and rise, and rise. I dont appreciate you judging me on my age... i find myself more open to free thinking, unlike some brainwashed older folks. i just want an HONEST reason as to why silver prices are falling. and instead of just telling me "O, they are gonna rise, just because they will" is kind of inadequate for me to believe. I like the thoughts about how the silver manipulators out there are being caught, that would be an excellent thing for us collectors, and also it gives us this opportunity to BUY

Amen. Playing the age card is a low blow. I've seen way to many foolish old coots in my day to pay them any attention. Some of them are so afraid of their own shadow that they would believe anything they read on the Internet. And most do. Just ignore them. They think they have gotten wise in their old age but in reality most of them have just gotten hard headed.

As for the price of silver, I do believe that we are seeing profit taking. But I also believe that it rose too high, too fast. So it's not just profit taking, it's sanity. There were no other real factors that should cause it to jump $4 an ounce in two days. Yeah, yeah... the economy and the fed is printing money like crazy. Newsflash: the fed has been printing money like crazy since its inception. Yet silver hasn't skyrocketed all of these years. So although the idea that the dollar is losing value has some merit and is a contributing factor, it is not the whole story or even a majority of the story.

Don't get me wrong. I'm bullish on silver long term. But I don't think what has been going on recently is realistic. It's nice for guys like me who bought in the teens. But it is not realistic.

mts said:
Roadquest said:
brendan1414 said:
lol sometimes you guys remind me of religion with your "the masses havent woken up yet". I see your point with the JP Morgan, and i see why you would WANT to analyze it, but have you ever thought that possibly, just MAYBE it will go down and stay down? and forget the gold ratios, those seemed quite jumpy...

Could you say why you think silver could go down and stay down. I believe it could go as low as $37.00. This is just a gut thought. Nothing more.
By the end of this year. I think it could be @ $60.00 oz If you are 17, as someone here said. And you started buying an oz of silver here and there. By the time you are 30 years old. You will have made a great deal of money from your silver.

Good point. Instead of people putting him down because he is only 17, they should consider that by being interested in silver at such a young age he is indeed wise beyond his years. How many other people that are 17 are thinking about silver as an investment. I'm sure that the majority of old cogers here looking down on this guy didn't become "educated" until much later in life...

I was not putting him down because of his age, merely stating a fact, he has at the most a couple years of life experience to draw from..... The fact that Brendan is interested in silver and investing is great and shows maturity beyond his young age.....

As far as silver in the long term I think it will continue on up trend and there will be corrections..... If your investing for the long term you invest regularily and the corrections just increase your ability to buy more......

Well really the way brendan1414 started was an open invitation to dispute his theories. He walked into a grown up room and shouted that he had an opinion. Then he even decided that he should equate the grown ups to cultists and expect that he could get a civil discourse from there? Good luck with that! That makes people want to set him down, and I find myself in treasure hunters camp.
I appreciate your zeal Brendan, but try to start with a little respect first.
I was the smartest guy in EVERY room I walked into when I was 17. Have faith, we all learn something somewhere.

On the other hand, a friendly discussion is always welcome and I will admit I am always learning something since i turned 40.

Age has nothing to do with anything. Im 18 years old and i have been working in a large coin shop since I was 15, and EVERY day older people than myself come up to me and ask how to invest in silver and gold. Knowledge does not necessarily correlate with age..

Tamu15whoop said:
Age has nothing to do with anything. Im 18 years old and i have been working in a large coin shop since I was 15, and EVERY day older people than myself come up to me and ask how to invest in silver and gold. Knowledge does not necessarily correlate with age..

So, you Are kidding right? You get that little bit of wisdom because of????
I myself might walk into your shop and ask you something. I do not care how old you are! I guess I figure if you work there you might know something about it.

But getting your butt to shoulder height is not gonna convince me that you are right. as I said, try to be a little bit respectful, if not humble in your knowledge, Because you might also learn something!
Now I remember when I was your age and this sort of thing didn't mean that much to me either. But you guys are the hope for the future of this country! I expect that you guys will lead us into the bright future of a rebirth in the constitution.

Just sayin! :read2:

Dave44 said:
Well really the way brendan1414 started was an open invitation to dispute his theories. He walked into a grown up room and shouted that he had an opinion. Then he even decided that he should equate the grown ups to cultists and expect that he could get a civil discourse from there? Good luck with that! That makes people want to set him down, and I find myself in treasure hunters camp.
I appreciate your zeal Brendan, but try to start with a little respect first.
I was the smartest guy in EVERY room I walked into when I was 17. Have faith, we all learn something somewhere.

On the other hand, a friendly discussion is always welcome and I will admit I am always learning something since i turned 40.

When we are 15 to about 23 or so we think we know it all and everyone over the are of 30 knows nothing, as we age most of us gain wisdom if we are lucky and come to realize we didn't know near as much as we thought we did when we were that age.......We gain wisdom through our life experiences and hopefully we learn from our mistakes and gain a wisdom that is impossible to have at an early age....

yep silver took a dip due to both --"big money"market factors and profiet taking -- once the " silver sky is falling" nervious money was shaken out of the silver market --- then it started caming right back up agian in price --silver once it starts flirting around the $50 dollar mark will get "beat down" by major big time "naked" futures contract sellers --who do not want to actually have to deliver the silver they got promised out "on contract"

Tamu15whoop said:
Age has nothing to do with anything. Im 18 years old and i have been working in a large coin shop since I was 15, and EVERY day older people than myself come up to me and ask how to invest in silver and gold. Knowledge does not necessarily correlate with age..

So...I would like to would you recommend I invest in gold and silver right now. :help:

TheRandyMan said:
Tamu15whoop said:
Age has nothing to do with anything. Im 18 years old and i have been working in a large coin shop since I was 15, and EVERY day older people than myself come up to me and ask how to invest in silver and gold. Knowledge does not necessarily correlate with age..

So...I would like to would you recommend I invest in gold and silver right now. :help:

Careful Tamu! Randy may be asking advice on investing everything he ever made since he was 21. And the wrong answer could ruin him. Temper your sage wisdom with a firm grasp in historical trends.

On the other hand he may only have 1508$ and he cannot figure out if he should visit Vegas or not!

I'm new here (hello everyone), 35, and a relatively new passenger on the silver train. I did start buying up a bunch of it before it hit $30.00/toz so I wasn't too awful late. I wish I had purchased much more when it was around $20.00...

O god, what have i started ::) but yea, i understand where you guys are coming from atleast, i did kind of make a contriversial topic, and i DO believe that TONS of you adults on here are MUCH smarter then me, thats obviously why i asked. im just seeking to gain knowledge.. and to get people strong opinions, you have to ask strong opinionated questions :icon_pirat:

brendan1414 said:
now do you guys see what i meant?

No....what your seeing today has to do with Bin laden's death, all metals are down....

and please tell me WHY one mans death would cause silver to drop $6? lmao

Ladies & gentlemen: Perhaps you are now beginning to realize why I am in Mexico sitting on three
Silver / Gold properties / mines? and Tayopa. snicker

Incidentally randy, I understand that the goily market in China is no longer active, you now have to
court them instead of just plunking down $ 500. sorry Brendan, you were born too late, sides ----.

As for Silver, it cannot do anything but utimately go up, since the demand far exceeds the production, and
many of the present producers are starting to fail in quantity. The same applies to new Ag fields, practically
none reported.

If the price rises enough, then many of the failed mines can again be placed into limited production.

Where is mi OIRISH Cadilac, mi wheelbarrow, I have to go to the Union Bank of Switzerland with another deposit..( I wish )

Don Jose de La Mancha

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