Silver price


Hero Member
Oct 25, 2011
Rubber room
Primary Interest:
They may end up moving this thread to another forum. However, I HOPE they keep it here. I want to know my CRH Friends opinion. Not everyone else. I have learned to value some of your opinions and insight.

What do you all think the silver trend is telling us? Is it about to peak again and shoot back down? Is it on the way to the 40s?
IF one doesn't need the money, should we continue to hold onto our CRH finds? Where do you think silver prices will be in 20 years? 50 years?

Feel free to answer these questions or rant about something ELSE related to silver prices and trends-

Please MOD do not move(maybe shameless begging will work?)


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n8dagr8345 said:
Great thoughts everyone! I appreciate it! Anyone want to speculate a number-
Lets say- 20 years from today. What will the price of silver be?

YOU tell me what the debt-ceiling is in 20 years, and I will tell you the price of silver in 20 years.

A 40% buys a sandwich now, and may only buy a sandwich in 20 years. But will all the people who DIDN'T collect silver be buying sandwiches in 20 years?

Keep on Rollin' !

Piledriver said:
n8dagr8345 said:
Great thoughts everyone! I appreciate it! Anyone want to speculate a number-
Lets say- 20 years from today. What will the price of silver be?

A 40% buys a sandwich now, and may only buy a sandwich in 20 years. But will all the people who DIDN'T collect silver be buying sandwiches in 20 years?

That is exactly my point. 20 years from now the 40% will still buy a sandwich. How many $ in FRN's it takes to buy that sandwich is anybody's guess. Silver will retain value. FRN's will change in value.

StevoCBR said:
kvilleification said:
Well, I personally believe that it can either go way up, or sink like a rock. I know most people out there think that silver is going to reach new highs, maybe even $100 an ounce or more. But I do want to point out a couple of things which could impact silver in the long run.

1) Kodak went bankrupt. According to their 3/13/2000 10-K filing with the SEC [], they were "THE" largest consumer of silver in the world. So there is going to be much less demand for silver now that they are done.

2) Silver seems to be becoming a bubble. []. Another interesting article that I have read. Similar to the one with the Nickels which I posted a few weeks ago. It looks like a bubble and is set to burst. Who knows :dontknow:

3) Everything is getting smaller to the point that most stuff will be done wireless. This will obviously affect silver somewhat but will definitely affect copper much more.

I do realize that there is increasing demand for silver coins now that people are freaked out about the financial situation in the world. It seems to be increasing exponentially while the world reserves of silver are critically low. But again I'm not saying it WILL go up or down. But if the price breaks around $27, then there is a good chance that the bottom will fall out and we will see prices in the teens. If it breaks like $40-45, then it will probably go past $50 and the sky is the limit.

This is my opinion, so it's neither right or wrong. I'm just annoyed that all I see are people, especially on youtube, calling for silver to be over $100 while ignoring some of the things which could negatively affect the price.

well were to begin...i guess Ill start were you ended. Maybe there is a reson everybody is calling for $100 silver... because it should be...I guess i will fisrt start with history. The "coin act" of 1792 established a 15 to 1 ratio which was later lowered to 16 to 1 ratio which was our first example in this country of devaluation of our dollar. i have included a link below so you can read up on our great countries history. So the only negative thing affecting the price is short selling of silver etf's and i would bet money naked short selling big time. Im not going to explain all that but would encourage you not to take my word for it and do your own homework.

funny you should mention kodak and wireless, because the effects of each are reverse. yes kodak and film development will in the short term decrease commercial use but because of wireless and the gadget world we live in industrial demand will be right back up. because you see the tablet i'm typing on, the notebook your reading this on, and the smart phone that all of us use to check the markets on...All have minute amounts of silver that is not cost effective to reclaim. So unlike gold, silvers true supply deminishes each year. Fact, silver is the most conductive metal for electricity. Fact, silver is the only pm that has a anti-bacterial property.

On the whole bubble thing, all i can tell you is read more. I think ted butler said that it was only in low single digit percentage of americans that own pm's....thats not bubble. And if your not familiar with ted butler..please do so. The truth is though silver is a very small market, and the takedown in May 2011 of silver price was clear manipulation. But the only people that got out was big investor money, and market players. i live in a town of half a million and visit several shops on a regular basis and from march last year to now...a lot more people are visiting the shops now. I read somwhere that silver coin sales had its best jan ever i think... i may be wrong on that one, but it was something significant like that.

Anywho i'm not picking on you personally:) but felt it neccessary to set the record straight. Now with the chicom wanna be's in power all bets are off in my opinion. But in my personal opinion this will be like a buddy of mine, that is grandad was fortunate and smart enough to have money to buy land in the great depression for cheap. That wise move has paid dividends for generations of his family. i might be wrong but i see silver beeing that similar type of opportunity now. But dont take mine or anybody else's word. do your own homework. there are so many talking heads out there that a lot are full of it :thumbsup:

uumm, I guess you are right. I was simply presenting some facts. I never said that it was going to go up or down, because I'm not sure. I guess I wasn't expecting to get thrown under the bus like that. I'll think before posting next time.

Good luck to everyone who thinks they know what will happen to the world economy in any context based on undeniable logic. The world economy is not driven by logic.

I have my suspicions about the future of PM prices, but I would never purport to "know" what will happen.

One thing that I personally am pretty sure about is that the gold to silver spot ratio will not approach 16:1 (or even 32:1) in my lifetime. If market forces were capable of bringing it to its rightful place, why hasn't that happened in the 70+ years that it has been allowed to work toward this rightful ratio? (Maybe it has?) Why is today's ratio the wrong one and the 1792 ratio the right one? Where they smarter about today's technology and world economy in 1792 when they dictated the ratio than the world market is today? Plus, who's to say that gold is at its rightful place today and silver is lagging - rather than silver is at its rightful place today and gold is grossly inflated?

Reality is that silver is its own animal and is not so destine to follow gold, platinum, tantilum, or any other indicator. Gold and silver both have industrial uses and will be influenced by world production and consumption.

Just buy silver at face value and don't sell it unless/until you have to. In the long run, you won't regret it. Try to time the market and you might get lucky or you might get pummeled. (slow and steady wins the race)

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