Still Wild Trust

WOW TJE that's a LOT of snow! I can't imagine what that's like to live "snow bound", if that's the right way to put it? Sounds like it may be a while before you can really find any Stay warm up there and I'll be checking in to hear any news & pic's....thanks for being the "reporter". :)

No problem CK...if you got snowshoes! ;) ...(not the Hare kind!) :laughing7:

Hey TJE....just checking in to see if anything new with the "kids"? Hope you didn't lose your "snowshoes" (ones without ears :bunny:) & got snowbound?

Hey TJE....just checking in to see if anything new with the "kids"? Hope you didn't lose your "snowshoes" (ones without ears :bunny:) & got snowbound?

Hi CK, yeah.. into a damn -30+ C (about -25 F) windy/snowy cold snap here for the last week and a half (typical Feb). Did find fox tracks, and also coyote and fishers. If it's Square Tails tracks (which I think it is)...hopefully she can out-smart/stay clear of them and make it through till spring. Will be doing another trek soon.

Wow TJE, that's pretty cold, sorry. It's like spring here today, frogs & lizards are even coming out, hate me? lol Yes, hope those tracks were from Square Tail, and let us know anything when you know, thanks for the update & keep warm there. :)

Wow TJE, that's pretty cold, sorry. It's like spring here today, frogs & lizards are even coming out, hate me? lol Yes, hope those tracks were from Square Tail, and let us know anything when you know, thanks for the update & keep warm there. :)

Frogs & turtles are still buried in the mud hibernating like the bears etc. till probably March/April here CK (lizards don't like it here) ha!

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Actually...we do get "freezes" up till mid May. Our weather is a little bipolar, warm one day, snowing the next...then gone the day after. But, seriously, no "lizards"?

Actually...we do get "freezes" up till mid May. Our weather is a little bipolar, warm one day, snowing the next...then gone the day after. But, seriously, no "lizards"?

So...bipolar weather... is that kinda like the sun 'playing peekaboo' all the time? :)
Yep, no lizards, lots of snakes make up for that Haa!

She was going hunting with you, like with mom. That's to cute! You are truly part of her family/life, she's showing you that. And, as for my snow-sciff....uh.....sorry, tired got nothing. lol

Forgot to share this CK..months ago. First thing in the morning at work...think they thought I was hungry? heh heh!


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LOL...TJE, yes kind of like "hide & peek" it was, get ready for this...78 degrees & clear as a bell! I just saw your pic on the other post about the cat & mouse...boy, yours is Large, was it tasty? :laughing7:

I took this picture for you....found him found him today....:(

LOL...TJE, yes kind of like "hide & peek" it was, get ready for this...78 degrees & clear as a bell! I just saw your pic on the other post about the cat & mouse...boy, yours is Large, was it tasty? :laughing7
I took this picture for you....found him found him today....:(

Bet it tastes like chicken too!...but with tails a little chewy LOL! ;)
Guess the little reptilians camo didn't work huh!
78 degrees...must be nice CK!...still gotta wait here, and shovel snow :)

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Funny on the "tasty treat" comment TJE. Yeah, his "camo" failed him, think he was to groggy to "get up & go". That's to bad about all the shoveling, but gee...when the spring finally comes for you, it's sure going to be Beautiful up there. We do pay for having such great winters here.....but not right now, am sitting here in "summer wear"...aren't I awful.:laughing7:

Funny on the "tasty treat" comment TJE. Yeah, his "camo" failed him, think he was to groggy to "get up & go". That's to bad about all the shoveling, but gee...when the spring finally comes for you, it's sure going to be Beautiful up there. We do pay for having such great winters here.....but not right now, am sitting here in "summer wear"...aren't I awful.:laughing7:

Damn, CK..I'm Jello-us! :)
Here's some (I think unposted) reminiscing pics of Square Tail, who I hope she's one of/if not the only survivor of the family.. (her brother White sign/sight since Nov.)


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Those are Great pictures of Square tail TJE...thanks for posting them.:icon_thumright: That first one is very "artsy" looking with the slabs of rock, nice! she's so pretty, and yes hope she & brother show up soon. But...if they don't, it doesn't mean "bad" necessarily, they may be just "living their lives", the way animals do. Oh, and still "spring" like today here...even saw a frog!

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