Sunday trip

I would be interested if your thinking about going this coming Sunday 11/25. I was planning on going Solo to East Fork- but wouldn't mind going to Cajon Creek if you have a spot with color? I'm always looking for new places. LMK- Troy Palmer 714-227-4253

I should be able to go. Don't think I have anything pending on Sunday. I was up Cajon 2 Sundays ago with a friend from work. It was kind of a test run on a homemade gravity fed "Hydrocon" type unit I have been messing with. Needs a little more gpm than I had, therefore wasn't able to process as much material as I wanted to. I'll keep in touch.

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Very cool, we are going to park at the portapotty. And go up stream from there. Bringing a long tom and a highbanker. Its going to be in the eighties so it should be a great day.

Looking forward to sunday's dig. There is nothing like a 80 degree day in nov., easy digging and yellow metal even if it is small. that's what pays the bills. :)

Looking forward to sunday's dig. There is nothing like a 80 degree day in nov., easy digging and yellow metal even if it is small. that's what pays the bills. :)

Plans confirmed- I'm planning on heading out Sunday morning. I will call you at 6am when I exit the 15 at Kenwood. I've already began to CARB up in preperation for Sunday. I will have my A51, long&short shovel, buckets, 2/4/8 classifiers, and breaker bar (big green). Do you need anthing else?
Thanks again for the invite- looking forward to learning and meeting new people with commen interests.

Very cool, I have pretty much everything now. I'm bring the long tom, highbanker, shovels and buckets. Its going to be a great day.

Sunday will be a good day. I'm jazzed a ready to dig. Just wish I had my own sluice. I'll have my digging tools and 2" hand pump.
Hope everything works including me. LOL

Today was pretty fun. Dug with oakstrail and troy. We found a little bit. I'll be back for some more soon

Jeff and Oak,
Thanks for the invite and I had fun and might have learned a few things today. Ended up with two flakes and seven fly poops for a total of NINE visiable pieces of color. Wanted more but can't complain. Easy acess with no one around.

Jeff & Troy
Thanks for having me along again Jeff.
I had a real good time today. Ya, not much but got a little fresh air & excersise. Thanks Guys, for being so easy to work around. It was good to meet Troy and gald I had a the chance to hang out a bit longer with him. It was a pleasure Troy. Hell, I felt a kid again. Even got mud on my shirt. After I played around in the river I had a bit of daylight left so I went up on the road a bit & classified some dry material from an area I have my sites set on. Can't wait to run some test pans from the cons I brought back. Could be interesting and looked promising. I'll get back with you all on that later. Here's a pic of Troy's Fly Poop & pics of the area up the road a bit. Good Luck To All

2012-11-25 One of Troy's Fly Poop.jpgSandwiched.jpgHomers Full.jpg

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Wish I would've caught this thread earlier. I was in the Pickle Creek area today at noon. Came home with a bucket of black mud I need to go through. Sounds like a good time was had.

Had a total blast hanging out with you guys. I should have waited though. I got sicker than a dog. We will plan another dig soon.

Nice longboard. :)

fyi, blue cut is the place, not swartmouth. best of luck


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