The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Really PWP? Are you that blind? Old Roo started this post as an insult to the right - read it.

There are very sad similarities between this and what people are writing and saying about our President today. The same tired accusations - he's a communist, he's the wrong religion, he aids our enemies, and the rest of the lies.

You find OB's post to be an insult to the right? How so?

Is the right not saying these same things about our current president?

Personally, i've lost track of how many times the very same thing has been said of President Obama.

if you believe OB's post to be an insult maybe some self reflection is in order?

Sadly, one of the reasons JFK traveled to Texas was to try to patch things up with the right who hated him. His advisers, including Bobby, warned him not to make the trip.

He was surprised by the warm reception he got from the people of Texas. While the political right despised him, he was still popular with the general public.

And while the political right still hates him, one of their most loved leaders, Reagan, liked Kennedy very much. So much so, that while Reagan quoted Roosevelt 76 times while in office, he quoted JFK 133 times.

No one can ever take away the fact that Kennedy saved our butts in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

TH.....why do you say the Tonkin incident didn't occur? A reported SECOND attack by N Viet gunboats has always been questioned, even by us, but the first attack took place according to all records.

Yes OB, the first combat "boots on the ground" occurred in 65 but the Tonkin incident was 64. My first Vietnam service medal is for service in 1964.

How time passes so quickly. The median average age in the US is about 37 years old; so the average aged person wasn't even born till 13 years after JFK's death. Here's another stat that is startling to me. Half the US population had not yet been born when Elvis died.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a fervent believer in containing communism. In his first speech on becoming president, Kennedy made it clear that he would continue the policy of the former President, Dwight Eisenhower, and support the government of Diem in South Vietnam. Kennedy also made it plain that he supported the ‘Domino Theory’ and he was convinced that if South Vietnam fell to communism, then other states in the region would as a consequence. This Kennedy was not prepared to contemplate.

In 1961, Kennedy agreed that America should finance an increase in the size of the South Vietnamese Army*from 150,000 to 170,000. He also agreed that an extra 1000 US military advisors should be sent to South Vietnam to help train the South Vietnamese Army. Both of these decisions were not made public as they broke the agreements made at the 1954 Geneva Agreement.


We will NOT go quitely into the night!

I remember this day, 50 years ago, quite clearly. I was sitting in my car within the perimeter of March Air Force Base, Riverside, Ca.
With me was a buddy who was in the process of enlisting. I already had six months of service and was telling him 'the ropes' of what he was about to encounter in Basic Training at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX. Then one of those "We interrupt this broadcast to give you a special message." was announced on the radio. Based on other recent events, like the Cuban Missile Crisis in the previous year, I thought this was the beginning of WW III; and I waited the rest of the day to hear about the next 'shoe that would drop', confirming my fear. Thankfully, it didn't come; but certainly, the world changed that day.

I was a safety in sixth grade. Safety's were kinda like crossing guards at dangerous intersections. One of my friends came by and said Kennedy had been shot.

The French screwed us in Vietnam.

Vietnam taught me not to trust my government. Which, i know some of you will think is the opposite of what i post. But not trusting my government is what gives me faith in it.

Was not Kennedy a boy before a man?

Kennedy's approval rating was 72%.

You sure hate a lot for someone who complains about hate.


Your "Obammy" is offensive. Racist, in my personal opinion.

I did not compare President Obama to President Kennedy. I compared the treatment each received from their enemies. Sadly, in fifty years remarkably little has changed in that regard for the better.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


Were you offended when Bush was called all those nasty names the left called him? Oh and to be perfectly clear here and in the future my friend, I am not a racist and if I am going to say anything negative about a person of another race, belive me, I'll come right out and say it and there won't be any question in yours or anyone else's mind that I'm talking about a person of another race. I'm rather blunt if you haven't already noticed. I do not need to incinuate anything at anytime and I'm not concerned about stating my feelings.

Obammy is what I call him. Hey, it's better than me calling him "the liar" and/or the Socialist that I believe he is.


Feel free to quote from any of my posts were I called President Bush an insulting name. I refuse to accept responsibility for what others did or still do. Can I blame you for the garbage spouted by the Rev. Fred Phelps?

I wouldn't try, because it is a remarkably weak defense to simply claim "Hey - other people do it."

As for your nickname for our President, I find it offensive and racist.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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I highly recommend President Kennedy's speech to the Baptist Convention (I believe it was in Houston) on religion in American politics.

First-rate! Particularly in light of all the nonsense written and said about Mr. Obama's religion.

Today is also a good day to check out Thank You, Mr. President - a documentary on President Kennedy's press conferences.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


Feel free to quote from any of my posts were I called President Bush an insulting name. I refuse to accept responsibility for what others did or still do. Can I blame you for the garbage spouted by the Rev. Fred Phelps?

I wouldn't try, because it is a remarkably weak defense to simply claim "Hey - other people do it."

As for your nickname for our President, I find it offensive and racist.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Not a defense for me my friend as I don't feel I need to defend anything I say. If I did, I wouldn't write it. However, I've been calling him that now in every post in this forum when I mention him. This is the first time that you mention that you were offended by it. The only conclusion I can reach from that is that you do not read or pay any attention to my other political thread posts where he was mentioned by me. Geez!! What an ego buster for me!!! LOL!

Seriously, have a GREAT weekend my friend.

my, my, my. Thankfully we have progressed a long way from that day in Dallas. The John Birch Society no longer spouts its' hatred for the president of the United States based on lies.

I don't think JFK would have sent troops to Viet Nam.
What a different world this would be today had he lived.
My flag is at half mast.

He had troops there before he was shot! He might not have expanded, but he sure had us in a hot spot. There was the Berlin air lift, which caused a few national guard call up's and started a big increase in draftee's! Sure got me! Then there was Cuba, which is still communist today! One thing he did that NO other dem has ever done. He lowered the taxes, which increased the income of the U.S.

Just a guess about Nam. We will never know, will we?????

The gulf of tonkin was in 64! I was there within the month from it, and got to spend the Christmas of 64 in a tropical paradise!!!!!!!!!!!

TH.....why do you say the Tonkin incident didn't occur? A reported SECOND attack by N Viet gunboats has always been questioned, even by us, but the first attack took place according to all records.

The august 2nd attack took place Packer but,the august 4th attack was a fabrication in order to escalate the war.

The Truth About Tonkin | U.S. Naval Institute

I am amazed myself. A thread started as a chance to belittle conservatives wrapped in a tribute to apparently the first Tea Party member, Kennedy. Then continually bashing Conservatives by the Progressives while trying to take the high moral ground by pronouncing that the Conservatives are bashing Obama. This is the epitomy of crazy, disjointed beliefs. No wonder the progressives have no real beliefs, excepting the money is evil thing.

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